Convert Data FileΒΆ

If a single file or a list of files needs to be converted, creating a complete python script might be a little too much and thus this script is provided. It converts the file(s) to the nxs format that can be loaded directly by MJOLNIR.

The script MJOLNIRConvert and it has the following help text:

$ MJOLNIRConvert -h
usage: MJOLNIRConvert [-h] [-s SAVE] [-b BINNING] [DataFile]

Conversion tool for converting output h5 files to nxs files.

positional arguments:
DataFile              Data file to convert. If none provided file dialogue
                        will appear.

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
-s SAVE, --save SAVE  Location to which the generated file will be saved.
-b BINNING, --binning BINNING
                        Binning performed. Default '8'

When no data files are provided a dialogue window will appear and the wanted files can be selected. This can be combined with the -s flag to specify a save location and/or the binning flag -b to specify the number of prismatic analyser pixels to be used per energy segment.