History of data filesΒΆ

Both during an experiment and especially after, one can lose the overview of which data files contain which data. With a command line tool that prints out the most important properties of data files, this can be overcome.

The script MJOLNIRHistory and it has the following help text:

$ MJOLNIRHistory -h
usage: MJOLNIRHistory [-h] [-s SAVE] [-r] [DataFile [DataFile ...]]

History tool for displaying files and command for selected data files.

positional arguments:
DataFile              Data file(s) to be used. If none provided file
                        dialogue will appear. Using string format, directory
                        and year is also possible. See documentation.

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
-s SAVE, --save SAVE  Location to which the generated history will be saved.
-r, --reuse           Set flag to reuse files from previous usage. Default

This script prints out one line for each data file selected containing the most important informations of the scan including the name, scan command, sample name and comment.

As an example, running this on the MnF2 data file camea2018n000500.hdf one gets the following output:

$ MJOLNIRHistory camea2018n000500.hdf
camea2018n000500.hdf: sc a3 50 da3 1 np 141 mn 50000        MnF2 MV=80 Ei=10 2t=-20 10 K