Source code for DataSet

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys, os

import h5py as hdf
import numpy as np
import pickle as pickle
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection,PolyCollection
import matplotlib.ticker as ticker
from matplotlib.patches import Polygon
from MJOLNIR.Data import Viewer3D,RLUAxes, Mask, BackgroundModel
from MJOLNIR import _interactiveSettings
import MJOLNIR.Data.DataFile
import MJOLNIR.Data.Sample
from MJOLNIR import _tools
from mpl_toolkits.axisartist.grid_helper_curvelinear import \
from mpl_toolkits.axisartist import SubplotHost
from matplotlib.ticker import FuncFormatter
import pandas as pd
import pytest
from scipy.ndimage import filters
import scipy.optimize
from scipy.spatial import Voronoi,ConvexHull,KDTree
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter
from MJOLNIR._interactiveSettings import States, cut1DHolder

import time

import warnings
from ufit import Dataset

pythonVersion = sys.version_info[0]

pdNaming = {

pdComments = {
            'qx':'X component of scattering vector in instrument frame of reference',
            'qy':'Y component of scattering vector in instrument frame of reference',
            'h': 'H component of scattering vector in sample frame of reference',
            'k': 'H component of scattering vector in sample frame of reference',
            'l': 'H component of scattering vector in sample frame of reference',
            'int':'Normalized intensity proportional to S(Q,Omega)',
            'intError': 'Error of normalized intensity',
            'intensity': 'Accumulated neutron number - either background subtracted or true neutron count',
            'mon':'Accumulated monitor in bin',
            'norm':'Accumulated normalization in bin',
            'binCount':'Number of insertions into bin',
            'plotPosition':'If present, describes plotting position in axis',
            '*Foreground':'Normalized foreground intensity',
            '*Background':'Normalized background intensity',
            '*ForegroundError':'Normalized foreground error',
            '*BackgroundError':'Normalized background error',
            '*ForegroundIntensity':'Accumulated foreground neutron number',
            '*BackgroundIntensity':'Accumulated background neutron number'

pdDoc = '        A Pandas data frame returns is returned with the following columns:\n\n'+'\n\n'.join(['            - '+pdNaming[key]+': ' +value for key,value in pdComments.items() if not key[0]=='*'])\
    +'\n\n        If a background subtraction is performed, the following columns are also present:\n\n'+'\n\n'.join(['            - '+pdNaming[key[1:]]+': ' +value for key,value in pdComments.items() if key[0]=='*'])\

_cache = []

[docs]class DataSet(object): @_tools.KwargChecker(include=['Author']) def __init__(self, dataFiles=None, normalizationfiles=None, calibrationfiles=None, convertedFiles=None, **kwargs): """DataSet object to hold all informations about data. Kwargs: - dataFiles (string, DataFile or list of strings or DataFiles): List of datafiles or DataFile objects to be used in conversion (default None). - normalizationfiles (string or list of strings): Location of Vanadium normalization file(s) (default None). - calibrationfiles (string or list of strings): Location of calibration normalization file(s) (default None). - convertedFiles (string, DataFile or list of strings): Location of converted data files (default None). Raises: - ValueError - NotImplementedError """ self._dataFiles = [] self._normalizationfiles = [] self._convertedFiles = [] self._calibrationfiles = [] self._mask = False self.index = 0 self.absoluteNormalized = 0 # Float to keep track of normalization has taken place (0 means false) if dataFiles is not None: self.dataFiles = dataFiles self._getData() if normalizationfiles is not None: self.normalizationfiles = normalizationfiles if convertedFiles is not None: self.convertedFiles = convertedFiles self._getData() if calibrationfiles is not None: self.calibrationfiles = calibrationfiles self._settings = {} if len(self.convertedFiles)!=0: self.sample = [d.sample for d in self] elif len(self.dataFiles)!=0: self.sample = [d.sample for d in self] # Add all other kwargs to settings for key in kwargs: if hasattr(kwargs,'shape'): # They are an array if kwargs[key].shape in [(),(1,)]: self.settings[key] = float(kwargs[key]) else: self.settings[key]=kwargs[key] @property def dataFiles(self): return self._dataFiles @dataFiles.getter def dataFiles(self): return self._dataFiles @dataFiles.setter def dataFiles(self,dataFiles): try: correctDataFiles = isListOfDataFiles(dataFiles) [self._dataFiles.append(file) for file in correctDataFiles if file.type in MJOLNIR.Data.DataFile.supportedRawFormats+MJOLNIR.Data.DataFile.supportedInstruments] [self._convertedFiles.append(file) for file in correctDataFiles if file.type in MJOLNIR.Data.DataFile.supportedConvertedFormats] except Exception as e: raise @property def normalizationfiles(self): return self._normalizationfiles @normalizationfiles.getter def normalizationfiles(self): return self._normalizationfiles @normalizationfiles.setter def normalizationfiles(self,normalizationfiles): try: self._normalizationfiles = isListOfStrings(normalizationfiles) except Exception as e: raise(e) @property def convertedFiles(self): return self._convertedFiles @convertedFiles.getter def convertedFiles(self): return self._convertedFiles @convertedFiles.setter def convertedFiles(self,convertedFiles): try: correctDataFiles = isListOfDataFiles(convertedFiles) [self._dataFiles.append(file) for file in correctDataFiles if file.type=='hdf'] [self._convertedFiles.append(file) for file in correctDataFiles if file.type=='nxs'] except Exception as e: raise(e) self._getData() @property def calibrationfiles(self): return self._calibrationfiles @calibrationfiles.getter def calibrationfiles(self): return self._calibrationfiles @calibrationfiles.setter def calibrationfiles(self,calibrationfiles): try: self._calibrationfiles = isListOfStrings(calibrationfiles) except Exception as e: raise(e) @property def backgroundModel(self): if not hasattr(self,'_backgroundModel'): raise AttributeError('DataSet has no background model') else: return self._backgroundModel @backgroundModel.getter def backgroundModel(self): if not hasattr(self,'_backgroundModel'): raise AttributeError('DataSet has no background model') else: return self._backgroundModel @backgroundModel.setter def backgroundModel(self,model): self._backgroundModel = model @property def backgroundIntensities(self): return self._backgroundIntensities @backgroundIntensities.getter def backgroundIntensities(self): if not hasattr(self,'_backgroundIntensities'): self.backgroundModel.generateFullBackground() elif self.backgroundModel.isChanged: self.backgroundModel.generateFullBackground() return self._backgroundIntensities @backgroundIntensities.setter def backgroundIntensities(self,intensities): self._backgroundIntensities = intensities
[docs] def generateBackgroundModel(self,backgroundMask=None,dQ=0.025, dE = 0.05, combineForegroundMask = False): """Generate a background model using powder average Kwargs: - dQ (float): Step size along the q direction in the powder average bin in 1/AA (default 0.02) - dE (float): Step size along the energy direction in the powder average bin in meV (default 0.1) - backgroundMask (Mask): Masking object to utilize for background generation. If none use DataSet mask (default None) - combineForegroundMask (bool): If true, combine background mask with foreground (default False) """ if combineForegroundMask: if isinstance(backgroundMask,(Mask.MaskingObject)): # Is mask backgroundMask = backgroundMask(self) backgroundMask = [np.logical_or(newMask,oldMask) for newMask,oldMask in zip(backgroundMask,self.mask)] self.backgroundModel = BackgroundModel.BackgroundObject(self,backgroundMask = backgroundMask, dQ = dQ, dE = dE) self.backgroundModel.generatePowderBackground()
@property def maskIndices(self): return np.cumsum([np.sum(np.logical_not(df.mask)) for df in self])[:-1] @property def mask(self): return self._mask @mask.getter def mask(self): return [df.mask for df in self]#self._mask @mask.setter def mask(self,mask): if isinstance(mask,list): # is a list if not len(mask) == len(self): raise AttributeError('Provided mask length does not match dataset. Received length {} but length of dataset is {}'.format(len(mask),len(self))) for m,df in zip(mask,self): df.mask = m elif isinstance(mask,np.ndarray): # Is a numpy array if len(mask)==len(self): # if first axis is the same as the length of self, iterate through for m,df in zip(mask,self): df.mask = m else: # If not apply mask to all datasets m = [] for df in self: df.mask = mask m.append(mask) mask = m else: raise AttributeError('Mask not understood. Received',mask) masksum = np.sum([np.sum(x) for x in mask]) if masksum==0: pass#warnings.warn('Provided mask has no masked elements!') elif masksum==self.I.size: warnings.warn('Provided mask masks all elements!') self._getData() def appendMask(self,mask): if isinstance(mask,list): self.mask = [np.logical_or(oM,m) for oM,m in zip(self.mask,mask)] else: self.mask = np.logical_or(self.mask,mask) self._getData() @property def settings(self): return self._settings @settings.getter def settings(self): return self._settings @settings.setter def settings(self,*args,**kwargs): raise NotImplementedError('Settings cannot be overwritten.') def save(self, filename): try: # Opening the given file with an error catch fileObject = open(filename, 'wb') except IOError as e: # Catch all IO-errors print("Error in opening file:\n{}".format(e)) else: pickle.dump(self, fileObject) fileObject.close() def __eq__(self, other): return np.logical_and(set(self.__dict__.keys()) == set(other.__dict__.keys()),self.__class__ == other.__class__) def __str__(self): string = '{} with settings:\n'.format(self.__class__) for attrib in self.settings: string+='{}:\t{}\n'.format(attrib,self.settings[attrib]) for attrib in self.__dict__: if attrib=='_settings': continue string+='{}:\t{}\n'.format(attrib,self.__dict__[attrib]) string+='\n' return string def __getitem__(self,index): if len(self.convertedFiles) > 0: data = self.convertedFiles else: data = self.dataFiles try: return data[index] except IndexError: raise IndexError('Provided index {} is out of bounds for DataSet with length {}.'.format(index,len(self))) def __len__(self): if len(self.convertedFiles) > 0: data = self.convertedFiles else: data = self.dataFiles return len(data) def __iter__(self): self._index=0 return self def __next__(self): if self._index >= len(self): raise StopIteration if len(self.convertedFiles) > 0: data = self.convertedFiles else: data = self.dataFiles result = data[self._index] self._index += 1 return result def next(self): return self.__next__() def append(self,item): try: correctDataFiles = isListOfDataFiles(item) [self._dataFiles.append(file) for file in correctDataFiles if file.type in MJOLNIR.Data.DataFile.supportedRawFormats or file.type in MJOLNIR.Data.DataFile.supportedInstruments] [self._convertedFiles.append(file) for file in correctDataFiles if file.type in MJOLNIR.Data.DataFile.supportedConvertedFormats] except Exception as e: raise(e) self._getData def __reversed__(self): return self[::-1] def __delitem__(self,index): if len(self.convertedFiles) > 0: if index < len(self.convertedFiles): del self.convertedFiles[index] else: raise IndexError('Provided index {} is out of bounds for DataSet with length {}.'.format(index,len(self.convertedFiles))) else: if index < len(self.dataFiles): del self.dataFiles[index] else: raise IndexError('Provided index {} is out of bounds for DataSet with length {}.'.format(index,len(self.dataFiles))) self._getData
[docs] @_tools.KwargChecker() def convertDataFile(self,dataFiles=None,binning=None,saveLocation=None,saveFile=False,printFunction=None,deleteOnConvert=True): """Conversion method for converting scan file(s) to hkl file. Converts the given hdf file into NXsqom format and saves in a file with same name, but of type .nxs. Copies all of the old data file into the new to ensure complete redundancy. Determines the binning wanted from the file name of normalization file. Kwargs: - dataFiles (DataFile, string or list of): File path(s), file must be of hdf format (default self.dataFiles). - binning (int): Binning to be used when converting files (default 8). - saveLocation (string): File path to save location of data file(s) (defaults to same as raw file). - saveFile (bool): If true, the file(s) will be saved as nxs-files. Otherwise they will only persis in memory. - printFunction (function): Function called if a message is to be printed (default None, uses warning) - deleteOnConvert (bool): If true, delete raw data files when a conversion has been done (default False) Raises: - IOError - AttributeError """ if dataFiles is None: if len(self) == 0: raise AttributeError('No data files file provided either through input or in the DataSet object')#, or low-memory mode is used.') dataFiles = list(self) else: dataFiles = isListOfDataFiles(dataFiles) convertedFiles = [] for rawFile in _tools.getNext(dataFiles,delete=deleteOnConvert): if rawFile.type in MJOLNIR.Data.DataFile.supportedConvertedFormats: rawFile = MJOLNIR.Data.DataFile.DataFile(rawFile.original_fileLocation) convFile = rawFile.convert(binning,printFunction=printFunction) if saveFile: # TODO: if not saveLocation is None: directory,_ = os.path.split(saveLocation) directory = os.path.abspath(directory) file = os.path.split(rawFile.fileLocation)[-1] fileName = os.path.splitext(file)[0] saveloc = os.path.join(directory,fileName+'.nxs') else: saveloc = rawFile.fileLocation.replace('.hdf','.nxs') print(saveloc) convFile.saveNXsqom(saveloc) convertedFiles.append(convFile) self._convertedFiles = [] self.convertedFiles = convertedFiles self._getData()
# check if any masking is needed due to defect detectors (If from CAMEA) def _getData(self): # Internal method to populate I,qx,qy,energy,Norm and Monitor if len(self.convertedFiles)!=0: self.I,self.qx,self.qy,,self.Norm,self.Monitor,self.a3,self.a3Off,self.a4,self.a4Off,self.instrumentCalibrationEf, \ self.instrumentCalibrationA4,self.instrumentCalibrationEdges,self.Ei,self.scanParameters,\ self.scanParameterValues,self.scanParameterUnits,self.temperature,self.h,self.k,self.l = MJOLNIR.Data.DataFile.extractData(self.convertedFiles) else: self.I,self.Monitor,self.a3,self.a3Off,self.a4,self.a4Off,self.instrumentCalibrationEf, \ self.instrumentCalibrationA4,self.instrumentCalibrationEdges,self.Ei,self.scanParameters,\ self.scanParameterValues,self.scanParameterUnits,self.temperature = MJOLNIR.Data.DataFile.extractData(self.dataFiles) if len(self.convertedFiles)!=0: self.sample = [d.sample for d in self] elif len(self.dataFiles)!=0: self.sample = [d.sample for d in self]
[docs] @_tools.KwargChecker() def binData3D(self,dx,dy,dz,rlu=True,dataFiles=None,backgroundSubtraction=False,noApproximation=False): """Bin a converted data file into voxels with sizes dx*dy*dz. Wrapper for the binData3D functionality. Args: - dx (float): step sizes along the x direction (required). - dy (float): step sizes along the y direction (required). - dz (float): step sizes along the z direction (required). Kwargs: - rlu (bool): If True, the rotate QX,QY is used for binning (default True) - datafile (string or list of strings): Location(s) of data file to be binned (default converted file in DataSet). - backgroundSubtraction (bool): If true, utilize the Background object on the data set to perform background subtraction (default False) Raises: - AttributeError Returns: - Datalist: List of converted data files having 4 sub arrays: Intensity(counts), Monitor, Normalization, Normalization count - bins: 3 arrays containing edge positions in x, y, and z directions. """ if dataFiles is None: if len(self.convertedFiles)==0: raise AttributeError('No data file to be binned provided in either input or DataSet object.') else: I = self.I.extractData() qx = self.qx.extractData() qy = self.qy.extractData() energy = Norm = self.Norm.extractData() Monitor = self.Monitor.extractData() samples = self.sample maskIndices = self.maskIndices else: DS = DataSet(convertedFiles = dataFiles) I,qx,qy,energy,Norm,Monitor,samples,maskIndices = DS.I.extractData(),DS.qx.extractData(),DS.qy.extractData(),,DS.Norm.extractData(),DS.Monitor.extractData(),DS.sample,DS.maskIndices if rlu: # Rotate data Q = [[QX,QY] for QX,QY in zip(np.split(qx,maskIndices),np.split(qy,maskIndices))] qx,qy = np.concatenate([np.einsum('ij,j...->i...',s.RotMat,q) for s,q in zip(samples,Q)],axis=1) pos=[qx,qy,energy] if noApproximation: returnData,bins = binData3D(dx=dx,dy=dy,dz=dz,pos=pos,data=I/(Norm*Monitor)) else: returnData,bins = binData3D(dx=dx,dy=dy,dz=dz,pos=pos,data=I,norm=Norm,mon=Monitor) if backgroundSubtraction:# # Extract full intensities from the background model intensities = self.backgroundIntensities.extractData() # Bin all data once more and subtract accordingly BGReturnData,_ = binData3D(dx=None,dy=None,dz=None,bins=bins,pos=pos,data=intensities) returnData[0]=returnData[0]-BGReturnData[0] return returnData,bins
[docs] @_tools.KwargChecker() def cut1D(self,q1,q2,width,minPixel,Emin,Emax,rlu=True,plotCoverage=False,extend=False, dataFiles=None,constantBins=False,positions=None,I=None,Norm=None,Monitor=None, backgroundSubtraction=False, ufit=False): """Wrapper for 1D cut through constant energy plane from q1 to q2 function returning binned intensity, monitor, normalization and normcount. The full width of the line is width while height is given by Emin and Emax. the minimum step sizes is given by minPixel. .. note:: Can only perform cuts for a constant energy plane of definable width. Args: - q1 (3D or 2D array): Start position of cut in format (h,k,l) or (qx,qy) depending on rlu flag. - q2 (3D or 2D array): End position of cut in format (h,k,l) or (qx,qy) depending on rlu flag. - width (float): Full width of cut in q-plane in 1/AA. - minPixel (float): Minimal size of binning along the cutting direction. Points will be binned if they are closer than minPixel. - Emin (float): Minimal energy to include in cut. - Emax (float): Maximal energy to include in cut Kwargs: - rlu (bool): If True, coordinates given are interpreted as (h,k,l) otherwise as (qx,qy) - plotCoverage (bool): If True, generates plot of all points in the cutting plane and adds bounding box of cut (default False). - extend (bool): Whether or not the cut from q1 to q2 is to be extended throughout the data (default true) - dataFiles (list): List of dataFiles to cut (default None). If none, the ones in the object will be used. - constantBins (bool): If True only bins of size minPixel is used (default False) - backgroundSubtraction (bool): If true, utilize the Background object on the data set to perform background subtraction (default False) - ufit (bool): If True a uFit Dataset object is returned in stead of pandas data frame Returns: - Data list (pandas DataFrame): See below - Bin list (3 arrays): Bin edge positions in plane of size (n+1,3), orthogonal positions of bin edges in plane of size (2,2), and energy edges of size (2). """ if np.all([positions is None,I is None,Norm is None,Monitor is None]): if dataFiles is None: if len(self.convertedFiles)==0: raise AttributeError('No data file to be binned provided in either input or DataSet object.') else: I = self.I.extractData() qx = self.qx.extractData() qy = self.qy.extractData() energy = Norm = self.Norm.extractData() Monitor = self.Monitor.extractData() samples = self.sample maskIndices = self.maskIndices else: DS = DataSet(convertedFiles = dataFiles) I,qx,qy,energy,Norm,Monitor,samples,maskIndices = DS.I.extractData(),DS.qx.extractData(),DS.qy.extractData(),,DS.Norm.extractData(),DS.Monitor.extractData(),DS.sample,DS.maskIndices if rlu==True: # Recalculate H,K,L to qx q1,q2 = self.convertToQxQy([q1,q2]) # Rotate all data files to fit with first data file #thetaDifference = [s.theta-samples[0].theta for s in samples] rotationMatrices = [[0].RotMat.T,s.RotMat) for s in samples]#[_tools.Rot(theta,deg=False) for theta in thetaDifference] Q = [[QX,QY] for QX,QY in zip(np.split(qx,maskIndices),np.split(qy,maskIndices))] qx,qy = np.concatenate([np.einsum('ij,j...->i...',rot,q) for rot,q in zip(rotationMatrices,Q)],axis=1) positions = np.array([qx,qy,energy]) else: positions = np.array([qx,qy,energy]) if np.all(np.isclose(q1,q2)): if rlu: q1,q2 = self.convertToHKL([q1,q2]) raise AttributeError('Provided Q points are equal. Got ({}) and ({}).'.format(', '.join([str(x) for x in q1]),', '.join([str(x) for x in q2]))) Data,[binpositionsTotal,orthopos,EArray] = cut1D(positions=positions,I=I,Norm=Norm,Monitor=Monitor,q1=q1,q2=q2,width=width, minPixel=minPixel,Emin=Emin,Emax=Emax,plotCoverage=plotCoverage, extend=extend,constantBins=constantBins) if len(binpositionsTotal) == 0: return pd.DataFrame([],columns=[pdNaming['qx'],pdNaming['qy'],pdNaming['h'],pdNaming['k'],pdNaming['l'],\ pdNaming['e'],pdNaming['intensity'],pdNaming['mon'],pdNaming['norm'],\ pdNaming['binCount'],pdNaming['int']]),[binpositionsTotal,orthopos,EArray] QxBin,QyBin = binpositionsTotal[:,:2].T if rlu: binpositionsTotal = np.concatenate([self.convertToHKL(binpositionsTotal[:,:2]),binpositionsTotal[:,-1].reshape(-1,1)],axis=1) orthopos = self.convertToHKL(orthopos) HBin,KBin,LBin,EnergyBin = binpositionsTotal.T else: HBin,KBin,LBin,EnergyBin = np.concatenate([self.convertToHKL(binpositionsTotal[:,:2]),binpositionsTotal[:,-1].reshape(-1,1)],axis=1).T def meaning(X): return 0.5*(X[:-1]+X[1:]) Qx = meaning(QxBin) Qy = meaning(QyBin) H = meaning(HBin) K = meaning(KBin) L = meaning(LBin) Energy = meaning(EnergyBin) I,Mon,Normalization,BinC = Data DataValues = [Qx,Qy,H,K,L,Energy,I,Mon,Normalization,BinC] columns = [pdNaming['qx'],pdNaming['qy'],pdNaming['h'],pdNaming['k'],pdNaming['l'],\ pdNaming['e'],pdNaming['intensity'],pdNaming['mon'],pdNaming['norm'],\ pdNaming['binCount']] dtypes = [float]*9+[float]+[int] pdData = pd.DataFrame() if not len(I) == 0: for dat,col,typ in zip(DataValues,columns,dtypes): pdData[col] = dat.astype(typ) if backgroundSubtraction: BGInt = self.backgroundIntensities.extractData() BGData,_ = cut1D(positions=positions,I=BGInt,Norm=Norm,Monitor=Monitor,q1=q1,q2=q2,width=width, minPixel=minPixel,Emin=Emin,Emax=Emax,plotCoverage=plotCoverage, extend=extend,constantBins=constantBins) pdData[pdNaming['BackgroundIntensity']] = BGData[0].flatten() pdData[pdNaming['ForegroundIntensity']] = pdData[pdNaming['intensity']] pdData[pdNaming['Background']] = pdData[pdNaming['BackgroundIntensity']]*pdData[pdNaming['binCount']]/(pdData[pdNaming['norm']]*pdData[pdNaming['mon']])#BGIntensities pdData[pdNaming['Foreground']] = pdData[pdNaming['ForegroundIntensity']]*pdData[pdNaming['binCount']]/(pdData[pdNaming['norm']]*pdData[pdNaming['mon']]) pdData[pdNaming['int']] = pdData[pdNaming['Foreground']]-pdData[pdNaming['Background']] Int_err = pdData[pdNaming['ForegroundIntensity']] Bg_err = pdData[pdNaming['BackgroundIntensity']] pdData[pdNaming['ForegroundError']] = np.sqrt(Int_err)*pdData[pdNaming['binCount']]/(pdData[pdNaming['norm']]*pdData[pdNaming['mon']]) pdData[pdNaming['BackgroundError']] = np.sqrt(Bg_err)*pdData[pdNaming['binCount']]/(pdData[pdNaming['norm']]*pdData[pdNaming['mon']]) pdData[pdNaming['intError']] = np.sqrt(Int_err+Bg_err)*pdData[pdNaming['binCount']]/(pdData[pdNaming['norm']]*pdData[pdNaming['mon']]) else: pdData[pdNaming['int']] = pdData[pdNaming['intensity']]*pdData[pdNaming['binCount']]/(pdData[pdNaming['norm']]*pdData[pdNaming['mon']]) pdData[pdNaming['intError']] = np.sqrt(pdData[pdNaming['intensity']])*pdData[pdNaming['binCount']]/(pdData[pdNaming['norm']]*pdData[pdNaming['mon']]) if not ufit: return pdData,[binpositionsTotal,orthopos,EArray] if rlu: q1,q2 = self.convertToHKL([q1,q2]) ufitData = self.generateUFitDataset(pdData,q1,q2,rlu,width=width,Emin=Emin,Emax=Emax,minPixel=minPixel) return ufitData
[docs] @_tools.KwargChecker(function=plt.errorbar,include=np.concatenate([_tools.MPLKwargs,['ticks','tickRound','mfc','markeredgewidth','markersize']])) #Advanced KWargs checker for figures def plotCut1D(self,q1,q2,width,minPixel,Emin,Emax,rlu=True,ax=None,plotCoverage=False,showEnergy=True, counts=False,extend=False,data=None,dataFiles=None,constantBins=False,backgroundSubtraction=False, ufit=False,plotForeground=False,plotBackground=False,outputFunction=print,**kwargs): """plot new or already performed cut. Args: - q1 (3D or 2D array): Start position of cut in format (h,k,l) or (qx,qy) depending on rlu flag. - q2 (3D or 2D array): End position of cut in format (h,k,l) or (qx,qy) depending on rlu flag. - width (float): Full width of cut in q-plane in 1/AA, only needed for new cut (default None) - minPixel (float): Minimal size of binning along the cutting direction. Points will be binned if they are closer than minPixel. - Emin (float): Minimal energy to include in cut. - Emax (float): Maximal energy to include in cut. Kwargs: - data ([pandas Dataframe,bins]): Data, if previously made cut is to be plotted (default None) - rlu (bool): If True, coordinates given are interpreted as (h,k,l) otherwise as (qx,qy) - extend (bool): Whether or not the cut from q1 to q2 is to be extended throughout the data (default true) - plotCoverage (bool): If True, generates plot of all points in the cutting plane and adds bounding box of cut (default False). - showEnergy (bool): If True plot also the energy of the current cut (default True) - counts (bool): If True, plot raw counts, if False plot intensity, if 'sensitivity' plot mean sensitivity (Default False) - dataFiles (list): List of dataFiles to cut (default None). If none, the ones in the object will be used. - constantBins (bool): If True only bins of size minPixel is used (default False) - backgroundSubtraction (bool): If true, utilize the Background object on the data set to perform background subtraction (default False) - plotForeground (bool): If true, and background subtraction is true, plot the unsubtracted foreground data (default False) - plotBackground (bool): If true, and background subtraction is true, plot the corresponding background data (default False) - outputFunction (function): Function called on output string (default print) Returns: - ax (matplitlib axis): Axis containing 1D plot - data (Pandas data frame): See below - bins (list): List of bins for cut """ if rlu: variables = [pdNaming['h'],pdNaming['k'],pdNaming['l']] else: variables = [pdNaming['qx'],pdNaming['qy']] variables = variables+[pdNaming['e']] if data is None: Data, bins = self.cut1D(q1=q1,q2=q2,width=width,minPixel=minPixel,Emin=Emin,Emax=Emax, extend=extend,rlu=rlu,dataFiles=dataFiles,plotCoverage=plotCoverage, constantBins=constantBins, backgroundSubtraction = backgroundSubtraction) else: Data,bins = data if not 'fmt' in kwargs: kwargs['fmt'] = '.' if ax is None: ax = generate1DAxis(q1, q2,ds=self ,rlu=rlu,showEnergy=showEnergy) ax.Data = Data if showEnergy: = np.mean(Data[pdNaming['e']]) if showEnergy: = np.mean(Data[pdNaming['e']]) # Calculate the bin distance as defined above if hasattr(ax,'calculatePositionInv'): Data[pdNaming['plotPosition']] = ax.calculatePositionInv(Data[variables[:-1]]) else: Data[pdNaming['plotPosition']] = np.linalg.norm(Data[variables[:-1]]-q1,axis=1) ax.set_ylabel('$I$ [arb.u.]') if not 'label' in kwargs: kwargs['label'] = '_Data' # Perform the actual plotting if counts is True: if backgroundSubtraction: Y = Data[pdNaming['ForegroundIntensity']]-Data[pdNaming['BackgroundIntensity']] YErr = np.sqrt(Data[pdNaming['ForegroundIntensity']]+Data[pdNaming['BackgroundIntensity']]) else: Y = Data[pdNaming['intensity']] YErr = np.sqrt(Data[pdNaming['intensity']]) ax.errorbar(Data[pdNaming['plotPosition']],Y,yerr=YErr,**kwargs) if plotForeground: ax.errorbar(Data[pdNaming['plotPosition']],Data[pdNaming['ForegroundIntensity']],yerr=np.sqrt(Data[pdNaming['ForegroundIntensity']]),fmt=kwargs['fmt'],label='Foreground') if plotBackground: ax.errorbar(Data[pdNaming['plotPosition']],Data[pdNaming['BackgroundIntensity']],yerr=np.sqrt(Data[pdNaming['BackgroundIntensity']]),fmt=kwargs['fmt'],label='Background') elif counts is False: ax.errorbar(Data[pdNaming['plotPosition']],Data[pdNaming['int']],yerr=Data[pdNaming['intError']],**kwargs) if plotForeground: ax.errorbar(Data[pdNaming['plotPosition']],Data[pdNaming['Foreground']],yerr=Data[pdNaming['ForegroundError']],fmt=kwargs['fmt'],label='Foreground') if plotBackground: ax.errorbar(Data[pdNaming['plotPosition']],Data[pdNaming['Background']],yerr=Data[pdNaming['BackgroundError']],fmt=kwargs['fmt'],label='Background') elif counts.lower() == 'sensitivity': ax.errorbar(Data[pdNaming['plotPosition']],Data[pdNaming['norm']]/Data[pdNaming['binCount']],**kwargs) else: AttributeError('Provided counts attribute not understood. Received "{}"'.format(counts)) # Extend plot to show all the data ax.set_xlim(*_tools.minMax(Data[pdNaming['plotPosition']])) # Generate ufit object if needed if ufit==True: ufitdata = self.generateUFitDataset(pdData=Data,q1=q1,q2=q2,rlu=rlu,width=width,Emin=Emin,Emax=Emax,minPixel=minPixel) return ax,ufitdata ax.get_figure().tight_layout() return ax,Data,bins
[docs] @_tools.KwargChecker() def cutQE(self,q1,q2,width,minPixel,EMin=None,EMax=None,dE=None,EnergyBins=None,rlu=True,extend=True, dataFiles=None,constantBins=False,smoothing=None, backgroundSubtraction=False,scaledEnergy=False,scaleFunction=_tools.scale,rescaleFunction=_tools.rescale): """Wrapper for cut data into maps of q and intensity between two q points and given energies. This is performed by doing consecutive constant energy planes. Args: - q1 (3D or 2D array): Start position of cut in format (h,k,l) or (qx,qy) depending on rlu flag. - q2 (3D or 2D array): End position of cut in format (h,k,l) or (qx,qy) depending on rlu flag. - width (float): Full width of cut in q-plane. - minPixel (float): Minimal size of binning along the cutting direction. Points will be binned if they are closer than minPixel. - EnergyBins (list): Bin edges between which the 1D constant energy cuts are performed. Kwargs: - rlu (bool): If True, coordinates given are interpreted as (h,k,l) otherwise as (qx,qy) - extend (bool): If True, cut is extended to edge of measured area instead of only between provided points. - dataFiles (list): List of dataFiles to cut (default None). If none, the ones in the object will be used. - constantBins (bool): If True only bins of size minPixel is used (default False) - backgroundSubtraction (bool): If true, utilize the Background object on the data set to perform background subtraction (default False) Returns: - Data list (pandas DataFrame): See below - Bin list (n * 3 arrays): n instances of bin edge positions in plane of size (m+1,3), orthogonal positions of bin edges in plane of size (2,2), and energy edges of size (2). - center position (n * 3D arrays): n instances of center positions for the bins. - binDistance (n arrays): n instances of arrays holding the distance in q to q1. """ Q1,Q2 = q1,q2 if False: if dataFiles is None: if len(self.convertedFiles)==0: raise AttributeError('No data file to be binned provided in either input or DataSet object.') else: I = self.I.extractData() qx = self.qx.extractData() qy = self.qy.extractData() energy = Norm = self.Norm.extractData() Monitor = self.Monitor.extractData() samples = self.sample maskIndices = self.maskIndices else: #dataFiles = isListOfDataFiles(dataFiles) DS = DataSet(convertedFiles = dataFiles) I,qx,qy,energy,Norm,Monitor,samples,maskIndices = DS.I.extractData(),DS.qx.extractData(),DS.qy.extractData(),,DS.Norm.extractData(),DS.Monitor.extractData(),DS.sample,DS.maskIndices if rlu==True: # Recalculate H,K,L to qx q1,q2 = self.convertToQxQy([q1,q2]) # Rotate all data files to fit with first data file #thetaDifference = [s.theta-samples[0].theta for s in samples] rotationMatrices = [[0].RotMat.T,s.RotMat) for s in samples]#[_tools.Rot(theta,deg=False) for theta in thetaDifference] Q = [[QX,QY] for QX,QY in zip(np.split(qx,maskIndices),np.split(qy,maskIndices))] qx,qy = np.concatenate([np.einsum('ij,j...->i...',rot,q) for rot,q in zip(rotationMatrices,Q)],axis=1) positions = np.array([qx,qy,energy]) else: positions = np.array([qx,qy,energy]) intensityArray = [] monitorArray = [] normalizationArray = [] normcountArray = [] centerPos = [] returnpositions = [] binDistance = [] dirvec = (np.array(q2) - np.array(q1)).astype(float) dirvec /= np.linalg.norm(dirvec) dataFrame = [] for i in np.arange(len(EnergyBins)-1): _local,position = self.cut1D(positions=positions,I=I,Norm=Norm,Monitor=Monitor,q1=q1,q2=q2, width=width,minPixel=minPixel,Emin=EnergyBins[i],Emax=EnergyBins[i+1], plotCoverage=False,extend=extend,constantBins=constantBins,dataFiles=dataFiles,rlu=False) _local['energyCut'] = i dataFrame.append(_local) if len(_local)==0: continue returnpositions.append(position) thisCenterPos = 0.5*(position[0][:-1]+position[0][1:]) centerPos.append(thisCenterPos) thisBinDistance =[:,:len(q1)] - q1, dirvec) binDistance.append(thisBinDistance) if len(dataFrame)>1: dataFrame = pd.concat(dataFrame) elif len(dataFrame) == 1: dataFrame = dataFrame[0] return dataFrame,returnpositions,centerPos,binDistance else: if EnergyBins is None: # No bins given, then all Emin,EMax and dE must be given test = [X is None for X in [EMin,EMax,dE]] if np.any(test): raise AttributeError('When no EnergyBins are given EMin, EMax, and dE must be given. Recieved: EMin={},EMax={}, and dE={}'.format(EMin,EMax,dE)) else: EMin,EMax = EnergyBins[[0,-1]] if dataFiles is None: if len(self.convertedFiles)==0: raise AttributeError('No data file to be binned provided in either input or DataSet object.') else: I = self.I.extractData() qx = self.qx.extractData() qy = self.qy.extractData() energy = Norm = self.Norm.extractData() Monitor = self.Monitor.extractData() samples = self.sample maskIndices = self.maskIndices else: #dataFiles = isListOfDataFiles(dataFiles) DS = DataSet(convertedFiles = dataFiles) I,qx,qy,energy,Norm,Monitor,samples,maskIndices = DS.I.extractData(),DS.qx.extractData(),DS.qy.extractData(),,DS.Norm.extractData(),DS.Monitor.extractData(),DS.sample,DS.maskIndices if rlu==True: # Recalculate H,K,L to qx q1,q2 = self.convertToQxQy([Q1,Q2]) # Rotate all data files to fit with first data file #thetaDifference = [s.theta-samples[0].theta for s in samples] rotationMatrices = [[0].RotMat.T,s.RotMat) for s in samples]#[_tools.Rot(theta,deg=False) for theta in thetaDifference] Q = [[QX,QY] for QX,QY in zip(np.split(qx,maskIndices),np.split(qy,maskIndices))] qx,qy = np.concatenate([np.einsum('ij,j...->i...',rot,q) for rot,q in zip(rotationMatrices,Q)],axis=1) positions = np.array([qx,qy,energy]) else: positions = np.array([qx,qy,energy]) positions = positions.reshape(3,-1) # Calcualte cut direction in QxQy space dirvec = (np.array(q2) - np.array(q1)).astype(float) dirLength = np.linalg.norm(dirvec) dirvec /= dirLength orthovec=np.array([dirvec[1],-dirvec[0]]) ProjectMatrix = np.array([dirvec,orthovec]) orthobins = [-width/2.0,width/2.0] positions2D = positions[:2] propos = np.asarray(np.concatenate([,positions2D-q1.reshape(2,1)),[positions[2]]])) orthogonalMinValue = np.min(propos[1]) orthogonalMaxValue = np.max(propos[1]) start =,q1)*orthovec/(,orthovec.T)) minOrthoPosition = orthovec*orthogonalMinValue+start maxOrthoPosition = orthovec*orthogonalMaxValue+start if rlu: minOrthoPosition = samples[0].calculateQxQyToHKL(*minOrthoPosition) maxOrthoPosition = samples[0].calculateQxQyToHKL(*maxOrthoPosition) insideEnergy = np.logical_and(positions[2]<=EMax,positions[2]>=EMin) insideQ = np.logical_and(propos[0]>0.0,propos[0]<dirLength) insideWidth = np.logical_and(propos[1]<orthobins[1],propos[1]>orthobins[0]) inside = np.logical_and(np.logical_and(insideQ,insideWidth),insideEnergy) propos = propos[:,inside] # Create bins from 0 to length of cuts and add a pixel length to ensure # that the full range is binned QBins = np.arange(0,dirLength+minPixel,minPixel) if EnergyBins is None: # If no EnergyBins are given, EMin,EMax, and dE are known to be given EnergyBins = np.arange(EMin,EMax+dE,dE) if scaledEnergy: if scaleFunction == _tools.scale: scale = lambda x:scaleFunction(x,float(scaledEnergy)) rescale = lambda x:rescaleFunction(x,float(scaledEnergy)) else: scale = scaleFunction rescale = rescaleFunction EnergyBins = np.linspace(scale(EnergyBins[0]),scale(EnergyBins[-1]),len(EnergyBins)) propos[2] = scale(propos[2]) # Perform 2D histogram if True: # Empirically quicker in old setup.... interesting I = I.flatten() Monitor = Monitor.flatten() Norm = Norm.flatten() weights = [I[inside].flatten(), Monitor[inside].flatten(), Norm[inside].flatten()] if backgroundSubtraction: weights.append(self.backgroundIntensities.extractData()[inside]) returnValues = _tools.histogramdd(propos[[0,2]].T,bins=[QBins,EnergyBins],weights=weights,returnCounts=True) if backgroundSubtraction: [intensity,MonitorCount,Normalization,bgIntensity,normcounts] = returnValues else: [intensity,MonitorCount,Normalization,normcounts] = returnValues else: normcounts = np.histogram2d(*propos[[0,2]],bins=np.array([QBins,EnergyBins],dtype=object),weights=np.ones((propos.shape[1])).flatten())[0] intensity = np.histogram2d(*propos[[0,2]],bins=np.array([QBins,EnergyBins],dtype=object),weights=I[inside].flatten())[0] MonitorCount= np.histogram2d(*propos[[0,2]],bins=np.array([QBins,EnergyBins],dtype=object),weights=Monitor[inside].flatten())[0] Normalization= np.histogram2d(*propos[[0,2]],bins=np.array([QBins,EnergyBins],dtype=object),weights=Norm[inside].flatten())[0] with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") if backgroundSubtraction: rawIntensity =np.asarray(intensity) intensity=intensity-bgIntensity Int = np.divide(intensity*normcounts,MonitorCount*Normalization) if scaledEnergy: EnergyBins = rescale(EnergyBins) # Prepare plotting positions (corners of bins) Qx,E = np.meshgrid(QBins,EnergyBins,indexing='ij') if not smoothing is None: Int = gaussian_filter(Int,smoothing) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") Int_err = np.divide(np.sqrt(intensity)*normcounts.astype(float),MonitorCount*Normalization) realPositions = np.outer(QBins,dirvec)+q1 # In QxQy realPositions = 0.5*(realPositions[:-1]+realPositions[1:]) H,K,L = self.convertToHKL(realPositions).T columns = [pdNaming['qx'],pdNaming['qy'],pdNaming['h'],pdNaming['k'],pdNaming['l'], pdNaming['e'],pdNaming['int'],pdNaming['intError'],pdNaming['intensity'], pdNaming['mon'],pdNaming['norm'],pdNaming['binCount']] dtypes = [float]*11 + [int] if backgroundSubtraction: columns.append(pdNaming['Background']) columns.append(pdNaming['Foreground']) dtypes.append(float) dtypes.append(float) pdDatas = [] for II,(e,i,i_err,I,norm,mon,c) in enumerate(zip(EnergyBins,Int.T,Int_err.T,intensity.T,Normalization.T,MonitorCount.T,normcounts.T)): DataValues = [realPositions[:,0],realPositions[:,1],H,K,L,np.repeat(e,len(H)),i,i_err,I,mon,norm,c] if backgroundSubtraction: DataValues.append(bgIntensity[:,II]) DataValues.append(rawIntensity[:,II]) pdData = pd.DataFrame() if not len(I) == 0: for dat,col,typ in zip(DataValues,columns,dtypes): pdData[col] = dat.astype(typ) pdDatas.append(pdData) pdDatas = pd.concat(pdDatas) return pdDatas,[Qx,E],[minOrthoPosition,maxOrthoPosition]
[docs] @_tools.KwargChecker(function=plt.errorbar,include=np.concatenate([_tools.MPLKwargs,['vmin','vmax','log','edgecolors'],])) # ,'axisRedraw' def plotCutQE(self,q1,q2,EMin=None,EMax=None,dE=None,EnergyBins=None,minPixel=0.05,width=0.1,rlu=True,counts=False, smoothing=None,ax=None,grid=False,cmap=None,colorbar=False,outputFunction=print,dataFiles=None, backgroundSubtraction = False, scaledEnergy=False,scaleFunction=_tools.scale, rescaleFunction=_tools.rescale, cut1DFunctionRectanglePerpendicular=None, cut1DFunctionRectangleHorizontal=None, cut1DFunctionRectangleVertical=None, **kwargs): # axisRedraw=False, """plot of intensity as function of Q between Q1 and Q2 and Energy. Args: - q1 (list): List of HKL or QxQy position of start of cut - q2 (list): List of HKL or QxQy position of end of cut Kwargs: - EMin (float): Minimal energy of cut (default None, see note below) - EMax (float): Maximal energy of cut (default None, see note below) - dE (float): Energy step of cut (default None, see note below) - EnergyBins (list): List of energy bin edges (default None, see note below) - scaledEnergy (bool/float): If true or float, rescale energy axis by E*f (default False) - scaleFunction (function): Function used to scale energy bins (default _tools.scale) - rescaleFunction (function): Function used to reverse energy bins (default _tools.rescale) - minPixel (float): Step size in 1/A along cut (default 0.05) - width (float): Integration width in 1/A perpendicular to cut (default 0.1) - rlu (bool): If True, plot as function of HKL otherwise QxQy (default True) - counts (bool): If True, plot raw counts, if False plot intensity, if 'sensitivity' plot mean sensitivity (Default False) - smoothing (float): Gaussian smoothing applied to data after cut (default None, see scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter) - ax (plt axes): Axis into which data is plotted (default None, creates new, if False no plotting) - grid (float): If True, plot grid. If number provided plot grid with this z value (default False) - cmap (str): Color map used for plotting (default viridis) - vmin (float): Lower value of color scale (default None, minimum of intensity) - vmax (float): Upper value of color scale (default None, maxmimum of intensity) - log (bool): If true the plotted intensity is the logarithm of the intensity (default False) - colorbar (bool): If True, plot colorbar (default False) - outputFunction (function): Function called when onclick on axis is triggered (default print) - cut1DFunctionRectanglePerpendicular (function): Function called when performing a perpendicular cut - cut1DFunctionRectangleHorizontal (function): Function called when performing horizontal cut in the curren view - cut1DFunctionRectangleVertical (function): Function called when performing horizontal cut in the curren view - dataFiles (list): List of dataFiles to cut (default None). If none, the ones in the object will be used. - backgroundSubtraction (bool): If true, utilize the Background object on the data set to perform background subtraction (default False) Return: - ax (plt axes): Matplotlib axis in which data is plotted - Data (pandas DataFrame): See below - Bins Raises: - AttributeError .. note:: When EnergyBins is provided, this overwrites EMin, EMax, and dE. Otherwise bins are created linearly between EMin and EMax in steps of dE, np.arange(EMin,EMax+dE,dE) with length n. """ if ax is None: ax = generate1DAxis(q1,q2,ds=self,rlu=rlu,showEnergy=False,dimensionality=2,outputFunction=outputFunction) else: ax = generate1DAxis(q1,q2,ds=self,rlu=rlu,showEnergy=False,dimensionality=2,outputFunction=outputFunction, ax=ax) # Add orthogonal positions to axes ax.width = width ax.minPixel = minPixel data,bins,[minOrthoPosition,maxOrthoPosition] = self.cutQE(q1,q2,width,minPixel,EMin=EMin,EMax=EMax,dE=dE, EnergyBins=EnergyBins,rlu=rlu,smoothing=smoothing, backgroundSubtraction=backgroundSubtraction) if rlu==True: # Recalculate H,K,L to qx q1,q2 = self.convertToQxQy([q1,q2]) dirvec = (np.array(q2) - np.array(q1)).astype(float) dirLength = np.linalg.norm(dirvec) dirvec /= dirLength ax.orthovec = np.array([dirvec[1],-dirvec[0]]) if rlu: variables = [pdNaming['h'],pdNaming['k'],pdNaming['l']] else: variables = [pdNaming['qx'],pdNaming['qy']] ax.dE = np.diff(bins[1][0,:]).mean() ax.minOrthoPosition = minOrthoPosition ax.maxOrthoPosition = maxOrthoPosition ax.Data = data shape = (np.array(bins[0].shape)-np.array([1,1]))[::-1] I =[pdNaming['int']]).reshape(shape)) if 'log' in kwargs: log = kwargs['log'] del kwargs['log'] else: log = False if 'vmin' in kwargs: vmin = kwargs['vmin'] del kwargs['vmin'] else: vmin = None if 'vmax' in kwargs: vmax = kwargs['vmax'] del kwargs['vmax'] else: vmax = None if counts is True: I = data[pdNaming['intensity']].values elif counts is False: I = data[pdNaming['int']].values elif counts.lower() == 'sensitivity': I = data[pdNaming['norm']].values/data[pdNaming['binCount']].values else: AttributeError('Provided counts attribute not understood. Received "{}"'.format(counts)) shape = (np.array(bins[0].shape)-np.array([1,1]))[::-1] I =[pdNaming['int']]).reshape(shape)) I.mask = np.isnan(I) if log: I = np.log10(I+1e-20) HKL = np.asarray(data[variables]) E = np.asarray(data[pdNaming['e']]).reshape(shape) if hasattr(ax,'calculatePositionInv'): pos = ax.calculatePositionInv(HKL) else: if rlu: pos = np.linalg.norm(HKL-self.convertToHKL(q1),axis=1) else: pos = np.linalg.norm(HKL-q1,axis=1) data[pdNaming['plotPosition']] = pos pos.shape = shape X,Y = np.meshgrid(pos[0],E[:,0]) ax.X = pos[0] ax.Y = E[:,0] ax.pmeshs = [ax.pcolormesh(X,Y,I,shading='nearest',vmin=vmin,vmax=vmax,cmap=cmap,**kwargs)] ax.set_ylabel('E [mev]') ax.ds = self ax.width = width ax.minPixel = minPixel if not cut1DFunctionRectanglePerpendicular is None: ax.cut1DFunctionRectanglePerpendicular = lambda dr: cut1DFunctionRectanglePerpendicular(ax,dr) else: ax.cut1DFunctionRectanglePerpendicular = None if not cut1DFunctionRectangleHorizontal is None: ax.cut1DFunctionRectangleHorizontal = lambda dr: cut1DFunctionRectangleHorizontal(ax,dr) else: ax.cut1DFunctionRectangleHorizontal = None if not cut1DFunctionRectangleVertical is None: ax.cut1DFunctionRectangleVertical = lambda dr: cut1DFunctionRectangleVertical(ax,dr) else: ax.cut1DFunctionRectangleVertical = None if colorbar: ax.colorbar = ax.get_figure().colorbar(ax.pmeshs[0]) ax.grid(grid) def to_csv(fileName,ax): shape = (len(ax.X),len(ax.Y)) with open(fileName,'w') as f: f.write("# CSV generated from MJOLNIR {}. Shape of data is {}\n".format(MJOLNIR.__version__,shape)) d = ax.Data.fillna(-1) d.to_csv(fileName,mode='a') ax.to_csv = lambda fileName: to_csv(fileName,ax) ax.type = 'QE' ax = _interactiveSettings.setupModes(ax) ax.backgroundSubtraction=backgroundSubtraction return ax,data,bins
[docs] @_tools.KwargChecker() def cutPowder(self,EBins,QBins,dataFiles=None,constantBins=False,backgroundSubtraction=False): """Cut data powder map with intensity as function of the length of q and energy. Args: - EBins (list): Energy bin edges. - QBins (list): Q length bin edges. Kwargs: - dataFiles (list): List of dataFiles to cut (default None). If none, the ones in the object will be used. - constantBins (bool): If True only bins of size minPixel is used (default False) - backgroundSubtraction (bool): If true, utilize the Background object on the data set to perform background subtraction (default False) Returns: - Data list (pandas DataFrame): DataFrame containing qx,qy,H,K,L,Intensity,Normalization,Monitor,BinCount,Int,binDistance for powder cut. - qbins (n arrays): n arrays holding the bin edges along the length of q """ if dataFiles is None: if len(self.convertedFiles)==0: raise AttributeError('No data file to be binned provided in either input or DataSet object.') else: I = self.I.extractData() qx = self.qx.extractData() qy = self.qy.extractData() energy = Norm = self.Norm.extractData() Monitor = self.Monitor.extractData() else: DS = DataSet(convertedFiles = dataFiles) I,qx,qy,energy,Norm,Monitor = DS.I.extractData(),DS.qx.extractData(),DS.qy.extractData(),,DS.Norm.extractData(),DS.Monitor.extractData() positions = np.array([np.linalg.norm([qx,qy],axis=0),energy]) if backgroundSubtraction: background = self.backgroundModel.sample(positions,norm=Norm,monitor=Monitor) else: background = None returnValues = cutPowder(positions=positions,I=I,Norm=Norm,Monitor=Monitor, EBins=EBins,QBins=QBins,background=background) return returnValues
[docs] @_tools.KwargChecker(function=plt.pcolormesh,include=np.concatenate([_tools.MPLKwargs,['vmin','vmax','edgecolors']])) def plotCutPowder(self,EBins,QBins,ax=None,dataFiles=None,log=False,colorbar=True, backgroundSubtraction=False, vmin=None, vmax=None,outputFunction=print,**kwargs): """Plotting wrapper for the cutPowder method. Generates a 2D plot of powder map with intensity as function of the length of q and energy. .. note:: Can only perform cuts for a constant energy plane of definable width. Args: - EBins (list): Energy bin edges. - QBins (list): Q length bin edges. Kwargs: - ax (matplotlib axis): Figure axis into which the plots should be done (default None). If not provided, a new figure will be generated. - dataFiles (list): List of dataFiles to cut (default None). If none, the ones in the object will be used. - log (bool): If true, logarithm to intensity is plotted (default False) - colorbar (bool): If True a colorbar is added to the figure (default True) - backgroundSubtraction (bool): If true, utilize the Background object on the data set to perform background subtraction (default False) - vmin (float): Minimum value for color scale - vmax (float): Maximum value for color scale - outputFunction (function): Function called on output strung (default print) - kwargs: All other keywords will be passed on to the ax.pcolormesh method. Returns: - ax (matplotlib axis): Matplotlib axis into which the plot was put. - Data list (pandas DataFrame): DataFrame containing qx,qy,H,K,L,Intensity,Normalization,Monitor,BinCount,Int,binDistance for poweder cut. """ Data = self.cutPowder(QBins=QBins,EBins=EBins,dataFiles=dataFiles,backgroundSubtraction=backgroundSubtraction) centerPointsE = 0.5*(EBins[1:]+EBins[:-1]) centerPointsQ = 0.5*(QBins[1:]+QBins[:-1]) XX,YY = np.meshgrid(centerPointsQ,centerPointsE,indexing='ij') if ax is None: plt.figure() ax = plt.gca() if log: ints = np.log10(Data[pdNaming['int']]).values+1e-20 else: ints = Data[pdNaming['int']].values shape = XX.shape ints = (ints.reshape(shape)) ax.pmesh = ax.pcolormesh(XX,YY,ints,shading='auto',vmin=vmin,vmax=vmax,**kwargs) def calculateIndex(x,y,QBins,EBins,centerPointsQ,centerPointsE):# pragma: no cover if y>EBins[-1] or y<EBins[0]: return -1,-1 EIndex = np.argmin(np.abs(y-centerPointsE)) if x>QBins[-1] or x<QBins[0]: return -1,EIndex qIndex = np.argmin(np.abs(x-centerPointsQ)) return qIndex,EIndex ax.calculateIndex = lambda x,y: calculateIndex(x,y,QBins,EBins,centerPointsQ,centerPointsE) def format_coord(x,y,ax,dat,centerPointsQ,centerPointsE):# pragma: no cover qIndex,EIndex = ax.calculateIndex(x,y) if EIndex == -1 or qIndex == -1: return "outside range" calcIndex = qIndex*len(centerPointsE)+EIndex #print(qIndex,EIndex,'->',calcIndex) Intensity = dat.iloc[calcIndex][pdNaming['int']] pos = [centerPointsQ[qIndex],centerPointsE[EIndex]] return "|q| = {0:.3f}, E = {1:.3f}, I = {2:0.4e}".format(*pos,Intensity) ax.format_coord = lambda x,y: format_coord(x,y,ax,Data[[pdNaming['int']]],centerPointsQ,centerPointsE) ax.set_xlabel(r'$|q| [\AA^{-1}]$') ax.set_ylabel('E [meV]') def set_clim(ax,VMin,VMax): ax.pmesh.set_clim(VMin,VMax) ax.set_clim = lambda VMin,VMax: set_clim(ax,VMin,VMax) def onclick(event,ax,dat,centerPointsE,outputFunction):# pragma: no cover if ax.in_axes(event): try: c = ax.get_figure().canvas.cursor().shape() except: pass else: if c!=0: return x = event.xdata y = event.ydata printString = ax.format_coord(x,y) qIndex,EIndex = ax.calculateIndex(x,y) if EIndex == -1 or qIndex == -1: return calcIndex = qIndex*len(centerPointsE)+EIndex cts = dat.iloc[calcIndex][pdNaming['intensity']] Mon = dat.iloc[calcIndex][pdNaming['mon']] Norm = dat.iloc[calcIndex][pdNaming['norm']] NC = dat.iloc[calcIndex][pdNaming['binCount']] printString+=', Cts = {:d}, Norm = {:.3f}, Mon = {:d}, NormCount = {:d}'.format(int(cts),Norm,int(Mon),int(NC)) outputFunction(printString) if vmin is None: if log: vmin = np.log10(Data[pdNaming['int']].min()+1e-20) else: vmin = Data[pdNaming['int']].min() if vmax is None: if log: vmax = np.log10(Data[pdNaming['int']].max()+1e-20) else: vmax = Data[pdNaming['int']].max() ax.set_clim(vmin,vmax) ax.onClick = lambda event:onclick(event,ax,Data,outputFunction=outputFunction,centerPointsE=centerPointsE) ax._button_press_event = ax.figure.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event',ax.onClick) if colorbar: ax.colorbar = ax.get_figure().colorbar(ax.pmesh,pad=0.1) return ax,Data,centerPointsQ,centerPointsE
#@_tools.KwargChecker() @_tools.overWritingFunctionDecorator(RLUAxes.createQAxis) def createQAxis(*args,**kwargs): # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError('This code is not meant to be run but rather is to be overwritten by decorator. Something is wrong!! Should run {}'.format(RLUAxes.createQAxis)) #@_tools.KwargChecker() @_tools.overWritingFunctionDecorator(RLUAxes.createQEAxes) def createQEAxes(*args,**kwargs): # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError('This code is not meant to be run but rather is to be overwritten by decorator. Something is wrong!! Should run {}'.format(RLUAxes.createQEAxes)) #@_tools.KwargChecker(function=plt.pcolormesh,include=['vmin','vmax','colorbar','zorder'])
[docs] def plotQPlane(self,EMin=None,EMax=None,EBins=None,binning='xy',xBinTolerance=0.05,yBinTolerance=0.05,enlargen=False,log=False,ax=None,rlu=True, dataFiles=None,xScale=1.0,yScale=1.0, backgroundSubtraction=False, outputFunction=print,cut1DFunctionRectangle=None, cut1DFunctionCircle=None, scaleFunction = None, **kwargs): """Wrapper for plotting tool to show binned intensities in the Q plane between provided energies. Kwargs: - EMin (float): Lower energy limit (Default None). - EMax (float): Upper energy limit (Default None). - EBins (list): List of energy bins (Default None). - binning (str): Binning scheme, either 'xy' or 'polar' (default 'xy'). - xBinTolerance (float): bin sizes along x direction (default 0.05). If enlargen is true, this is the minimum bin size. - yBinTolerance (float): bin sizes along y direction (default 0.05). If enlargen is true, this is the minimum bin size. - enlargen (bool): If the bin sizes should be adaptive (default False). If set true, bin tolerances are used as minimum bin sizes. - log (bool): Plot intensities as the logarithm (default False). - ax (matplotlib axes): Axes in which the data is plotted (default None). If None, the function creates a new axes object. - rlu (bool): If true and axis is None, a new reciprocal lattice axis is created and used for plotting (default True). - dataFiles (DataFile): If set, method uses these converted data files instead of the ones in self (default None) - vmin (float): Lower limit for colorbar (default min(Intensity)). - vmax (float): Upper limit for colorbar (default max(Intensity)). - colorbar (bool): If True, a colorbar is created in figure (default False) - zorder (int): If provided decides the z ordering of plot (default 10) - outputFunction (function): Function called on output string (default print) - cut1DFunctionRectangle (function): Function to be called when a 1D rectangular cut is created (default None) - cut1DFunctionCircle (function): Function to be called when a circuar cut is created (default None) - backgroundSubtraction (bool): If true, utilize the Background object on the data set to perform background subtraction (default False) - scaleFunction (function): Function to rescale the plotted intensity (default None) - other: Other key word arguments are passed to the pcolormesh plotting algorithm. Returns: - data (Pandas datafrane): See below - ax (matplotlib axes): Returns provided matplotlib axis .. note:: The axes object has a new method denoted 'set_clim' taking two parameters (VMin and VMax) used to change axes colouring. .. note:: If a 3D matplotlib axis is provided, the planes are plotted in 3D with the provided energy bins. As the method contourf is used and it needs X,Y, and Z to have same shape, x and y are found as middle of bins. """ if EMax is None or EMin is None: if EBins is None: raise AttributeError('Either minimal/maximal energy or the energy bins is to be given.') else: if len(EBins)<=1: raise AttributeError('Length of provided energy bins is {}, while at least 2 is needed! Received "{}"'.format(len(EBins),EBins)) EBins = np.asarray(EBins) else: if EMin>=EMax: raise AttributeError('Provided limits are either wrong or the same. Received EMin={} and EMax={}, expects EMin<EMax.'.format(EMin,EMax)) EBins = np.array([EMin,EMax]) if dataFiles is None: if len(self.convertedFiles)==0: raise AttributeError('No data file to be binned provided in either input or DataSet object.') else: I = self.I.extractData()# qx = self.qx.extractData()# qy = self.qy.extractData()# energy = Norm = self.Norm.extractData()# Monitor = self.Monitor.extractData()# samples = self.sample maskIndices = self.maskIndices else: DS = DataSet(convertedFiles = dataFiles) I,qx,qy,energy,Norm,Monitor,samples,maskIndices = DS.I,DS.qx,DS.qy,,DS.Norm,DS.Monitor,DS.sample,DS.maskIndices self = DS if ax is None:# or not (hasattr(ax,'name') and'3d'): ax = self.createQAxis(rlu=rlu) # ax=ax _3D = False else: if =='3d': _3D = True else: _3D = False if rlu == True: # Rotate positions with taslib.misalignment to line up with RLU Q = [[QX,QY] for QX,QY in zip(np.split(qx,maskIndices),np.split(qy,maskIndices))] qx,qy = np.concatenate([np.einsum('ij,j...->i...',s.RotMat,q) for s,q in zip(samples,Q)],axis=1) if 'zorder' in kwargs: zorder = kwargs['zorder'] kwargs = _tools.without_keys(dictionary=kwargs,keys='zorder') else: zorder = 10 if 'cmap' in kwargs: cmap = kwargs['cmap'] kwargs = _tools.without_keys(dictionary=kwargs,keys='cmap') else: cmap = None ax.intensity = [] ax.monitorCount = [] ax.Normalization = [] ax.NormCount = [] if backgroundSubtraction: ax.background = [] BGIntensities = self.backgroundIntensities.extractData() ax.Int = [] ax.xBins = [] ax.yBins = [] ax.offset = [] # Only used for binning in polar ax.pmeshs = [] binnings = ['xy','polar'] if not binning in binnings: raise AttributeError('The provided binning is not understood, should be {}'.format(', '.join(binnings))) for i in range(len(EBins)-1): EBinEdges = [EBins[i],EBins[i+1]] e_inside = np.logical_and(energy>EBinEdges[0],energy<=EBinEdges[1]) if np.sum(e_inside)==0: continue if binning == 'polar': x = np.arctan2(qy[e_inside],qx[e_inside]) # Gives values between -pi and pi bins = 20 # Following block checks if measured area corresponds to alpha ~pi as arctan2 only gives # values back in range -pi to pi. if np.max(x.flatten())+xBinTolerance>np.pi and np.min(x.flatten())-xBinTolerance<-np.pi: h = np.histogram(x.flatten(),bins = bins) while np.max(h[0]==0) == False: bins *= 2 h = np.histogram(x.flatten(),bins = bins) if bins > 200: break if bins > 200: # If everything has been covered, do nothing. ax.offset.append(0.0) else: ax.offset.append(2*np.pi-h[1][np.argmax(h[0]==0)]) # Move highest value of lump to fit 2pi x = np.mod(x+ax.offset[-1],2*np.pi)-np.pi # moves part above 2pi to lower than 2pi and make data fit in range -pi,pi ax.offset[-1]-=np.pi # As x is moved by pi, so should the offset else: ax.offset.append(0.0) y = np.linalg.norm([qx[e_inside],qy[e_inside]],axis=0) if not enlargen: ax.xBins.append(np.arange(-np.pi,np.pi+xBinTolerance*0.999,xBinTolerance)) # Add tolerance as to ensure full coverage of parameter ax.yBins.append(np.arange(0,np.max(y)+yBinTolerance*0.999,yBinTolerance)) # Add tolerance as to ensure full coverage of parameter else: ax.xBins.append(_tools.binEdges(x,tolrance=xBinTolerance)) ax.yBins.append(_tools.binEdges(y,tolerance=yBinTolerance)) elif binning == 'xy': x = qx[e_inside] y = qy[e_inside] if not enlargen: ax.xBins.append(np.arange(np.min(x),np.max(x)+0.999*xBinTolerance,xBinTolerance)) # Add tolerance as to ensure full coverage of parameter ax.yBins.append(np.arange(np.min(y),np.max(y)+0.999*yBinTolerance,yBinTolerance)) # Add tolerance as to ensure full coverage of parameter else: ax.xBins.append(_tools.binEdges(x,tolerance=xBinTolerance)) ax.yBins.append(_tools.binEdges(y,tolerance=yBinTolerance)) X = x.flatten() Y = y.flatten() ax.intensity.append(np.histogram2d(X,Y,bins=(ax.xBins[i],ax.yBins[i]),weights=I[e_inside])[0].astype(I.dtype)) ax.monitorCount.append(np.histogram2d(X,Y,bins=(ax.xBins[i],ax.yBins[i]),weights=Monitor[e_inside])[0].astype(Monitor.dtype)) ax.Normalization.append(np.histogram2d(X,Y,bins=(ax.xBins[i],ax.yBins[i]),weights=Norm[e_inside])[0].astype(Norm.dtype)) ax.NormCount.append(np.histogram2d(X,Y,bins=(ax.xBins[i],ax.yBins[i]),weights=np.ones_like(I[e_inside]))[0].astype(I.dtype)) if backgroundSubtraction: ax.background.append(np.histogram2d(X,Y,bins=(ax.xBins[i],ax.yBins[i]),weights=BGIntensities[e_inside])[0].astype(Norm.dtype)) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") if not scaleFunction is None: if not backgroundSubtraction is None: nInt = np.divide( ax.intensity[-1]*ax.NormCount[-1], ax.monitorCount[-1]*ax.Normalization[-1] ) else: nInt = np.divide( (ax.intensity[-1]-ax.background[-1])*ax.NormCount[-1], ax.monitorCount[-1]*ax.Normalization[-1] ) nInt = scaleFunction(nInt) ax.Int.append(nInt) else: if backgroundSubtraction: ax.Int.append(np.divide((ax.intensity[-1]-ax.background[-1])*ax.NormCount[-1],ax.monitorCount[-1]*ax.Normalization[-1])) else: ax.Int.append(np.divide(ax.intensity[-1]*ax.NormCount[-1],ax.monitorCount[-1]*ax.Normalization[-1])) if binning == 'polar': ax.Qx = [np.outer(np.cos(ax.xBins[i]-ax.offset[i]),ax.yBins[i]) for i in range(len(ax.intensity))] ax.Qy = [np.outer(np.sin(ax.xBins[i]-ax.offset[i]),ax.yBins[i]) for i in range(len(ax.intensity))] elif binning == 'xy': ax.Qx =[np.outer(ax.xBins[i],np.ones_like(ax.yBins[i])) for i in range(len(ax.intensity))] ax.Qy =[np.outer(np.ones_like(ax.xBins[i]),ax.yBins[i]) for i in range(len(ax.intensity))] if 'colorbar' in kwargs: colorbar = kwargs['colorbar'] kwargs = _tools.without_keys(dictionary=kwargs,keys='colorbar') else: colorbar = False pmeshs = [] if log: ax.Int = [np.log10(1e-20+np.array(intens)) for intens in ax.Int] else: ax.Int = [np.array(intens) for intens in ax.Int] if 'vmax' in kwargs: vmax = kwargs['vmax'] kwargs = _tools.without_keys(dictionary=kwargs,keys='vmax') else: vmax = np.max([np.nanmax(intens) for intens in ax.Int]) if 'vmin' in kwargs: vmin = kwargs['vmin'] kwargs = _tools.without_keys(dictionary=kwargs,keys='vmin') else: vmin = np.min([np.nanmin(intens) for intens in ax.Int]) for i in range(len(EBins)-1): if _3D: QX = 0.25*np.array(np.array(ax.Qx[i])[1:,1:]+np.array(ax.Qx[i])[:-1,1:]+np.array(ax.Qx[i])[1:,:-1]+np.array(ax.Qx[i])[:-1,:-1])/xScale QY = 0.25*np.array(np.array(ax.Qy[i])[1:,1:]+np.array(ax.Qy[i])[:-1,1:]+np.array(ax.Qy[i])[1:,:-1]+np.array(ax.Qy[i])[:-1,:-1])/yScale #QY = np.array(np.array(Qy[i])[1:,1:]) I = np.array(ax.Int[i]) levels = np.linspace(vmin,vmax,50) # pmeshs.append(ax.contourf3D(QX,QY,I,zdir = 'z',offset=np.mean(EBins[i:i+2]),levels=levels,cmap=cmap,**kwargs)) pmeshs.append(ax.contourf3D(QX,QY,I,zdir = 'z',offset=np.mean(EBins[i:i+2]),levels=levels,cmap=cmap)) else: ax.grid(False) # pmeshs.append(ax.pcolormesh(ax.Qx[i],ax.Qy[i],ax.Int[i],zorder=zorder,cmap=cmap,**kwargs)) pmeshs.append(ax.pcolormesh(ax.Qx[i],ax.Qy[i],ax.Int[i],zorder=zorder,cmap=cmap)) if not _3D: ax.set_aspect('equal') ax.grid(True, zorder=0) def set_clim(pmeshs,vmin,vmax): for pmesh in pmeshs: pmesh.set_clim(vmin,vmax) if 'pmeshs' in ax.__dict__: ax.pmeshs = np.concatenate([ax.pmeshs,np.asarray(pmeshs)],axis=0) else: ax.pmeshs = pmeshs ax.set_clim = lambda vMin,vMax: set_clim(ax.pmeshs,vMin,vMax) if colorbar: ax.colorbar = ax.get_figure().colorbar(ax.pmeshs[0],pad=0.1) ax.colorbar.set_label(log*'log('+'$I$'+log*')'+ '[arb.u.]', rotation=270) ax.set_clim(vmin,vmax) if _3D: minEBins = np.min(EBins) maxEBins = np.max(EBins) if not np.isclose(minEBins,maxEBins): ax.set_zlim(minEBins,maxEBins) else: ax.set_zlim(minEBins-0.1,maxEBins+0.1) else: ## Setup interactive 1D Cutting only when 3D is false ax.line = None ax.cidmove = None ax.drawState = States.INACTIVE ax.ds = self ax.rects = [] ax.drs = [] ax.EMin = EMin ax.EMax = EMax ax.outputFunction = outputFunction ax.backgroundSubtraction = backgroundSubtraction if not cut1DFunctionRectangle is None: ax.cut1DFunctionRectangle = lambda dr: cut1DFunctionRectangle(ax,dr=dr) else: ax.cut1DFunctionRectangle = cut1DFunctionRectangle if not cut1DFunctionCircle is None: ax.cut1DFunctionCircle = lambda dr: cut1DFunctionCircle(ax,dr=dr) else: ax.cut1DFunctionCircle = cut1DFunctionCircle ax.type = 'QPlane' ax = _interactiveSettings.setupModes(ax) #ax.sample = self.sample[0] if len(ax.Qx)!=0: xmin = np.min([np.min(qx) for qx in ax.Qx]) xmax = np.max([np.max(qx) for qx in ax.Qx]) ax.set_xlim(xmin,xmax)#np.min(Qx),np.max(Qx)) if len(ax.Qy)!=0: ymin = np.min([np.min(qy) for qy in ax.Qy]) ymax = np.max([np.max(qy) for qy in ax.Qy]) ax.set_ylim(ymin,ymax)#np.min(Qy),np.max(Qy)) def to_pandas(ax): Qx,Qy = [x[0] for x in ax.bins] QxCenter = 0.25*(Qx[:-1,:-1]+Qx[:-1,1:]+Qx[1:,1:]+Qx[1:,:-1]) QyCenter = 0.25*(Qy[:-1,:-1]+Qy[:-1,1:]+Qy[1:,1:]+Qy[1:,:-1]) H,K,L = ax.sample.calculateQxQyToHKL(QxCenter,QyCenter) E = np.full(H.shape,np.mean([ax.EMin,ax.EMax])) intensity,monitorCount,Normalization,NormCount = [x[0] for x in] with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") Int = np.divide(intensity*NormCount,Normalization*monitorCount) Int[np.isnan(Int)] = -1 Int_err = np.divide(np.sqrt(intensity)*NormCount,Normalization*monitorCount) Int_err[np.isnan(Int_err)] = -1 dataToPandas = {pdNaming['qx']:QxCenter.flatten(),pdNaming['qy']:QyCenter.flatten(),pdNaming['h']:H.flatten(),pdNaming['k']:K.flatten(),pdNaming['l']:L.flatten(),pdNaming['e']:E.flatten(), pdNaming['intensity']:intensity.flatten(), pdNaming['mon']:monitorCount.flatten(), pdNaming['norm']:Normalization.flatten(),pdNaming['binCount']:NormCount.flatten(),pdNaming['int']:Int.flatten(),pdNaming['intError']:Int_err.flatten()} df = pd.DataFrame(dataToPandas) return df if not _3D: ax.bins = [ax.Qx,ax.Qy] = [ax.intensity,ax.monitorCount,ax.Normalization,ax.NormCount] def to_csv(fileName,ax): df = to_pandas(ax) xshape = len(df.groupby('Qx')) shape = xshape,int(df.shape[0]/xshape) with open(fileName,'w') as f: f.write("# CSV generated from MJOLNIR {}. Shape of data is {}\n".format(MJOLNIR.__version__,shape)) df.to_csv(fileName,mode='a') ax.to_csv = lambda fileName: to_csv(fileName,ax) # return [ax.intensity,ax.monitorCount,ax.Normalization,ax.NormCount],[ax.Qx,ax.Qy],ax return to_pandas(ax), ax else: return None,ax
[docs] @_tools.KwargChecker() def plotA3A4(self,dataFiles=None,ax=None,planes=[],log=False,returnPatches=False,binningDecimals=3,singleFigure=False,plotTessellation=False,Ei_err = 0.05,temperature_err=0.2,magneticField_err=0.2,electricField_err=0.2): """Plot data files together with pixels created around each point in A3-A4 space. Data is binned in the specified planes through their A3 and A4 values. This can result in distorted binning when binning across large energy regions. Data is plotted using the pixels calculated for average plane value, i.e. binning 7,8,9,10, and 11 patches for plane 9 are used for plotting. Kwargs: - dataFiles (DataFiles): single file or list of files to be binned together (Default self.convertedFiles) - ax (matplotlib axis): Axis into which the planes are to be plotted (Default None, i.e. new) - planes (list (of lists)): Planes to be plotted and binned (default []) - log (bool): Whether or not to plot intensities as logarithm (default False) - returnPatches (bool): If true the method returns the patches otherwise plotted in the given axis (default False) - binningDecimals (int): Number of decimal places Q positions are rounded before binning (default 3) - singleFigure (bool): If true, all planes are plotted in same figure (default False) - plotTessellation (bool): Plot Tessellation of points (default False) - Ei_err (float): Tolerance of E_i for which the values are equal (default = 0.05) - temperature_err (float): Tolerance of temperature for which the values are equal (default = 0.2) - magneticField_err (float): Tolerance of magnetic field for which the values are equal (default = 0.2) - electricField_err (float): Tolerance of electric field for which the values are equal (default = 0.2) Returns: - ax (matplotlib axis or list of): axis (list of) containing figures for plotted planes. Raises: - NotImplimentedError Examples: The following example will combine the two files and plot all of the available planes in different figures. >>> DS = DataSet.DataSet(convertedFiles=[--.nxs,---.nxs]) >>> plt.figure() >>> ax = plt.gca() >>> >>> DataSet.plotA3A4(DS.convertedFiles,ax=ax) If only a subset of planes or different planes are to be combined the following will achieve this: >>> DataSet.plotA3A4(DS.convertedFiles,ax=ax,planes=[0,1,2,3,[4,5,6],[8,9]]) Here planes 0 through 3 are plotted separately while 4,5, and 6 as well as 8 and 9 are binned. .. note:: Binning planes from different analysers might result in nonsensible binnings. """ if dataFiles is None: dataFiles = self.convertedFiles return plotA3A4(dataFiles,ax=ax,planes=planes,log=log, returnPatches=returnPatches,binningDecimals=binningDecimals, singleFigure=singleFigure,plotTessellation=plotTessellation,Ei_err=Ei_err,temperature_err=temperature_err,\ magneticField_err=magneticField_err,electricField_err=electricField_err)
# # def plotQPatches(self,dataFiles=None,ax=None,planes=[],binningDecimals=3,log=False,returnPatches=False,A4Extend=0.2,A3Extend=0.5,singleFigure=False,plotTessellation=False,Ei_err = 0.05,temperature_err=0.2,magneticField_err=0.2,electricField_err=0.2): # """Plot data files together with pixels created around each point in Q space. # # .. warning:: # This method plots all measurement points unless they are literaly on top of each other and is thus really slow! Binning 8 planes for two files takes approximately # 3.5 minutes. Alternatively use binning, i.e. plotQPlane. # # Kwargs: # # - dataFiles (DataFiles): single file or list of files to be binned together (Default self.convertedFiles) # # - ax (matplotlib axis): Axis into which the planes are to be plotted (Default None, i.e. new) # # - planes (list (of lists)): Planes to be plotted and binned (default []) # # - binningDecimals (int): Number of decimal places Q positions are rounded before binning (default 3) # # - log (bool): Whether or not to plot intensities as logarithm (default False) # # - returnPatches (bool): If true the method returns the patches otherwise plotted in the given axis (default False) # # - A4Extend (float): Angle value with which the boundary is extended away from points in A4 direction (default 0.2) # # - A3Extend (float): Angle value with which the boundary is extended away from points in A3 direction (default 0.5) # # - singleFigure (bool): If true, all planes are plotted in same figure (default False) # # - plotTessellation (bool): Plot Tessellation of points (default False) # # - Ei_err (float): Tolerance of E_i for which the values are equal (default = 0.05) # # - temperature_err (float): Tolerance of temperature for which the values are equal (default = 0.2) # # - magneticField_err (float): Tolerance of magnetic field for which the values are equal (default = 0.2) # # - electricField_err (float): Tolerance of electric field for which the values are equal (default = 0.2) # # Returns: # # - ax (matplotlib axis or list of): axis (list of) containing figures for plotted planes. # # Raises: # # - AttributeError # # The following example will combine the two files and plot all of the available planes in different figures. # # >>> DS = DataSet.DataSet(convertedFiles=[--.nxs,---.nxs]) # >>> plt.figure() # >>> ax = plt.gca() # >>> # >>> DataSet.plotQPatches(DS.convertedFiles,ax=ax) # # If only a subset of planes or different planes are to be combined the following will achieve this: # # >>> DataSet.plotQPatches(DS.convertedFiles,ax=ax,planes=[0,1,2,3,[4,5,6],[8,9]]) # # Here planes 0 through 3 are plotted separately while 4,5, and 6 as well as 8 and 9 are binned. # # .. note:: # Binning planes from different analysers might result in nonsensible binnings. # # """ # if dataFiles is None: # dataFiles = self.convertedFiles # # return plotQPatches(dataFiles,ax=ax,planes=planes,binningDecimals=binningDecimals,log=log,returnPatches=returnPatches,A4Extend=A4Extend,A3Extend=A3Extend,singleFigure=singleFigure,\ # plotTessellation=plotTessellation,Ei_err=Ei_err,temperature_err=temperature_err,\ # magneticField_err=magneticField_err,electricField_err=electricField_err)
[docs] @_tools.KwargChecker() def cutQELine(self,QPoints,EnergyBins,width=0.1,minPixel=0.01,rlu=True,dataFiles=None,constantBins=False, backgroundSubtraction = False): """ Method to perform Q-energy cuts from a variable number of points. The function takes both qx/qy or hkl positions. In the case of using only two Q points, the method is equivalent to cutQE. Args: - QPoints (list of points): Q positions between which cuts are performed. Can be specified with both qx, qy or hkl positions dependent on the choice of format. - EnergyBins (list of floats): Energy bins for which the cuts are performed Kwargs: - width (float): Width of the cut in 1/AA (default 0.1). - minPixel (float): Minimal size of binning along the cutting directions. Points will be binned if they arecloser than minPixel (default=0.01) - rlu (bool): If True, provided QPoints are interpreted as (h,k,l) otherwise as (qx,qy), (default True). - dataFiles (list): List of dataFiles to cut. If none, the ones in the object will be used (default None). - constantBins (bool): If True only bins of size minPixel is used (default False) - backgroundSubtraction (bool): If true, utilize the Background object on the data set to perform background subtraction (default False) .. warning:: The way the binning works is by extending the end points with 0.5*minPixel, but the method sorts away points not between the two Q points given and thus the start and end bins are only half filled. This might result in discrepancies between a single cut and the same cut split into different steps. Further, splitting lines into sub-cuts forces a new binning to be done and the bin positions can then differ from the case where only one cut is performed. Returns: m = Q points, n = energy bins - Data list (pandas DataFrame): See below Bin list (m * n * 3 arrays): n instances of bin edge positions in plane of size (m+1,3), orthogonal positions of bin edges in plane of size (2,2), and energy edges of size (2). .. note:: If an HKL point outside of the scattering plane is given, the program will just take the projection onto the scattering plane. """ if not isinstance(QPoints,np.ndarray): QPoints = np.array(QPoints) if(len(QPoints)<2): raise AttributeError('Number of Q points given is less than 2.') if rlu==True: # Recalculate q points into qx and qy points # sample =self.sample[0] # positions = self.convertToQxQy(QPoints) pass elif rlu==False: # RLU is false # positions = QPoints if QPoints.shape[1]!=2: raise AttributeError('Provide Q list is not 2 dimensional, should have shape (n,2) in QxQy mode but got shape {}.'.format(QPoints.shape)) else: raise AttributeError('Given Q mode not understood. Got {} but must be either "RLU", "HKL" or "QxQy"') if EnergyBins.shape == (): EnergyBins = np.array([EnergyBins]) if len(EnergyBins.shape)==1 and not isinstance(EnergyBins[0],(list,np.ndarray)): EnergyBins = np.array([EnergyBins for _ in range(len(QPoints)-1)]).reshape(len(QPoints)-1,-1) if not isinstance(width,(list,np.ndarray)): width = np.array([width for _ in range(len(QPoints)-1)]).reshape(len(QPoints)-1) if not isinstance(minPixel,(list,np.ndarray)): minPixel = np.array([minPixel for _ in range(len(QPoints)-1)]).reshape(len(QPoints)-1) DataList = [] BinList = [] for cutIndex,[pStart,pStop,w,mP,EB] in enumerate(zip(QPoints,QPoints[1:],width,minPixel,EnergyBins)): _DataList,_Bins,_minmax = self.cutQE(q1=pStart,q2=pStop,width=w,minPixel=mP,EnergyBins=EB,rlu=rlu, backgroundSubtraction = backgroundSubtraction,dataFiles=dataFiles, extend=False,constantBins=constantBins) _DataList['qCut']=cutIndex DataList.append(_DataList) BinList.append(_Bins) DataList = pd.concat(DataList) return DataList,np.array(BinList,dtype=object)
[docs] @_tools.KwargChecker(include=np.concatenate([_tools.MPLKwargs,['vmin','vmax','log','ticks','seperatorWidth','plotSeperator','seperatorColor','cmap','colorbar']])) def plotCutQELine(self,QPoints,EnergyBins,width=0.1,minPixel=0.01,rlu=True,ax=None,dataFiles=None,constantBins=True, outputFunction=print,backgroundSubtraction=False,**kwargs): """Plotting wrapper for the cutQELine method. Plots the scattering intensity as a function of Q and E for cuts between specified Q-points. Args: - QPoints (list): List of Q points in either RLU (3D) or QxQy (2D). - EnergyBins (list): List of bin edges in the energy direction. Kwargs: - width (float): Width perpendicular to Q-direction for cuts (default 0.1) - minPixel (float): Minimum size of pixel for cut (default 0.01) - rlu (bool): If True, provided points are interpreted as (h,k,l) otherwise (qx,qy), (default RLU) - ax (matplotlib axis): Axis into whiht the data is plotted. If None a new will be created (default None). - dataFiles (DataFile(s)): DataFile or list of, from which data is to be taken. If None all datafiles in self is taken (default None). - vmin (float): Lower limit for colorbar (default min(Intensity)). - vmax (float): Upper limit for colorbar (default max(Intensity)). - ticks (int): Number of ticks in plot, minimum equal to number of Q points (default None - adaptive). - plotSeperator (bool): If true, vertical lines are plotted at Q points (default True). - seperatorWidth (float): Width of seperator line (default 2). - seperatorColor (str or list): Color of the seperator line (default k) - log (bool): If true the plotted intensity is the logarithm of the intensity (default False) - constantBins (bool): If True only bins of size minPixel is used (default True) - outputFunction (function): Function called on output string (default print) - backgroundSubtraction (bool): If true, utilize the Background object on the data set to perform background subtraction (default False) Return: m = Q points, n = energy bins - ax: matplotlib axis in which the data is plotted - Data list (pandas DataFrame): DataFrame containing qx,qy,H,K,L,Intensity,Normalization,Monitor,BinCount,Int,binDistance for all 2D cuts. - Bin list (m * n * 3 arrays): n instances of bin edge positions in plane of size (m+1,3), orthogonal positions of bin edges in plane of size (2,2), and energy edges of size (2). .. note:: The ax.set_clim function is created to change the colour scale. It takes inputs vmin,vmax. This function does however not work in 3D.... """ if not isinstance(QPoints,np.ndarray): QPoints = np.array(QPoints) if(len(QPoints)<2): raise AttributeError('Number of Q points given is less than 2.') if rlu==True: # Recalculate q points into qx and qy points if QPoints.shape[1]!=3: raise AttributeError('Provide Q list is not 3 dimensional, should have shape (n,3) in HKL mode but got shape {}.'.format(QPoints.shape)) elif rlu==False: # RLU is false # positions = QPoints if QPoints.shape[1]!=2: raise AttributeError('Provide Q list is not 2 dimensional, should have shape (n,2) in QxQy mode but got shape {}.'.format(QPoints.shape)) else: raise AttributeError('Given Q mode not understood. Got {} but must be either "RLU", "HKL" or "QxQy"') if EnergyBins.shape == (): EnergyBins = np.array([EnergyBins]) if len(EnergyBins.shape)==1 and not isinstance(EnergyBins[0],(list,np.ndarray)): EnergyBins = np.array([EnergyBins for _ in range(len(QPoints)-1)]).reshape(len(QPoints)-1,-1) if not isinstance(width,(list,np.ndarray)): width = np.array([width for _ in range(len(QPoints)-1)]).reshape(len(QPoints)-1) if not isinstance(minPixel,(list,np.ndarray)): minPixel = np.array([minPixel for _ in range(len(QPoints)-1)]).reshape(len(QPoints)-1) DataList = [] BinList = [] OffSets = [] OffSetWidth = [] DataList = [] BinList = [] OffSets = [] OffSetWidth = [] for cutIndex,[pStart,pStop,w,mP,EB] in enumerate(zip(QPoints,QPoints[1:],width,minPixel,EnergyBins)): _DataList,_Bins,_minmax = self.cutQE(q1=pStart,q2=pStop,width=w,minPixel=mP,EnergyBins=EB,rlu=rlu, backgroundSubtraction=backgroundSubtraction,dataFiles=dataFiles,extend=False,constantBins=constantBins) _DataList['qCut']=cutIndex if rlu: pStartQxQy =self.sample[0].calculateHKLToQxQy(*pStart) pStopQxQy =self.sample[0].calculateHKLToQxQy(*pStop) else: pStartQxQy = pStart pStopQxQy = pStop _DataList[pdNaming['plotPosition']] = np.linalg.norm(_DataList[[pdNaming['qx'],pdNaming['qy']]]-pStartQxQy,axis=1) DataList.append(_DataList) BinList.append(_Bins) ## Calculate next offset needed for following cut if not cutIndex == 0: # Not First Cut OffSets.append(nextOffset+OffSets[-1]) OffSetWidth.append(nextOffsetWidth) else: OffSets.append(0.0) OffSetWidth.append(0.0) nextOffsetWidth = 0.5*np.diff(_DataList[pdNaming['plotPosition']].iloc[-2:])[0] nextOffset = _DataList[pdNaming['plotPosition']].iloc[-1]+nextOffsetWidth # Add last offset for vertical lines if ax is None: fig,ax = plt.subplots() _3D = False else: ax = ax if not hasattr(ax,'name'): _3D = False else: if == '3d': _3D = True else: _3D = False if _3D == False: ax.pmeshs = [] ax.QPoints = QPoints ax.OffSets = np.asarray(OffSets) ax.OffSetWidth = np.asarray(OffSetWidth) ax.sample = self.sample[0] if 'plotSeperator' in kwargs: plotSeperator = kwargs['plotSeperator'] del kwargs['plotSeperator'] else: plotSeperator = False if 'seperatorColor' in kwargs: seperatorColor = kwargs['seperatorColor'] del kwargs['seperatorColor'] else: seperatorColor = 'k' if 'colorbar' in kwargs: colorbar = kwargs['colorbar'] del kwargs['colorbar'] else: colorbar = False if 'vmin' in kwargs: vmin = kwargs['vmin'] del kwargs['vmin'] else: vmin = None if 'vmax' in kwargs: vmax = kwargs['vmax'] del kwargs['vmax'] else: vmax = None if 'log' in kwargs: log = kwargs['log'] del kwargs['log'] else: log = False if 'ticks' in kwargs: ticks = kwargs['ticks'] del kwargs['ticks'] else: ticks = None if 'seperatorWidth' in kwargs: seperatorWidth = kwargs['seperatorWidth'] del kwargs['seperatorWidth'] else: seperatorWidth = None def calculateIndex(ax,x): x = np.asarray(x) idx = np.sum(ax.OffSets.reshape(-1,1)<x.reshape(1,-1),axis=0)-1 idx[idx==-1] = 0 return idx def calculateDataIndex(ax,x,y): x = np.asarray(x) y = np.asarray(y) index = ax.calculateIndex(x) df = ax.Data[int(index)] pos = ax.calculatePosition(x,rlu=False) dataIndex = np.argmin(np.linalg.norm(np.asarray(df[[pdNaming['qx'],pdNaming['qy'],pdNaming['e']]]-np.array([*pos,[y]]).T),axis=1)) return dataIndex def calculatePositionInv(ax,HKLQI): if ax.rlu: HKLQI[:,:2] = ax.sample.calculateHKLToQxQy(*HKLQI[:,:3].T).T pos = (ax.QPoints[HKLQI[:,-1].astype(int)]-HKLQI[:,:2]).T return np.linalg.norm(pos,axis=0)+ax.OffSets[HKLQI[:,-1].astype(int)] def calculatePosition(ax,x,rlu=None): if rlu is None: rlu = ax.rlu x = np.asarray(x) idx = ax.calculateIndex(x) relativePos = x-ax.OffSets[idx] dirVec = ax.QPoints[idx+1]-ax.QPoints[idx] dirVec*=1/np.linalg.norm(dirVec,axis=1).reshape(-1,1) pos = relativePos.reshape(-1,1)*dirVec + ax.QPoints[idx] if rlu: return ax.sample.calculateQxQyToHKL(*pos.T) else: return pos.T ax.calculatePositionInv = lambda HKLQI:calculatePositionInv(ax,HKLQI) ax.calculatePosition = lambda x,rlu=None:calculatePosition(ax,x,rlu) ax.calculateIndex = lambda x:calculateIndex(ax,x) ax.calculateDataIndex = lambda x,y:calculateDataIndex(ax,x,y) ax.fmtPrecisionString = '{:.3f}' def major_formatter(ax,tickPosition,tickNumber): positions = ax.calculatePosition(tickPosition).flatten() return '\n'.join([ax.fmtPrecisionString.format(pos) for pos in positions]) def format_coord(x,y,ax):# pragma: no cover pos = ax.calculatePosition(x).flatten() if ax.rlu: labels = [pdNaming['h'],pdNaming['k'],pdNaming['l'],'E'] else: labels = [pdNaming['qx'],pdNaming['qy'],'E'] index = ax.calculateIndex(x)[0] # index of dataset dataIndex = ax.calculateDataIndex(x,y) Int = ax.Data[index][pdNaming['int']].iloc[dataIndex] returnString = ", ".join([label+" = "+ax.fmtPrecisionString.format(x) for x,label in zip([*pos,y],labels)])+', I = {:.3e}'.format(Int) return returnString ax.outputFunction = outputFunction ax.ds = self ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(FuncFormatter(lambda x,i: major_formatter(ax,x,i))) ax.format_coord = lambda x,y: format_coord(x,y,ax) ax.dE = np.diff(BinList[0][1][0,:]).mean() ax.Data = DataList ax.rlu = rlu if rlu: variables = [pdNaming['h'],pdNaming['k'],pdNaming['l']] ax.QPoints = np.asarray([ax.sample.calculateHKLToQxQy(*QPoint) for QPoint in QPoints]) ax.QPointsHKL = QPoints else: variables = [pdNaming['qx'],pdNaming['qy']] ax.QPoints = QPoints ax.QPointsHKL = np.asarray([ax.sample.calculateQxQyToHKL(*QPoint) for QPoint in QPoints]) variables = variables+['qCut'] for bl,df in zip(BinList,DataList): shape = (np.array(bl[0].shape)-np.array([1,1]))[::-1] I =[pdNaming['int']]).reshape(shape)) I.mask = np.isnan(I) HKL = np.asarray(df[variables]) E = np.asarray(df[pdNaming['e']]).reshape(shape) pos = ax.calculatePositionInv(HKL) pos.shape = shape X,Y = np.meshgrid(pos[0],E[:,0]) if log: ax.pmeshs.append(ax.pcolormesh(X,Y,np.log10(I+1e-20),shading='nearest',**kwargs)) else: ax.pmeshs.append(ax.pcolormesh(X,Y,I,shading='nearest',**kwargs)) def set_clim(ax,vmin,vmax): for pmesh in ax.pmeshs: pmesh.set_clim(vmin,vmax) ax.set_clim = lambda vmin,vmax:set_clim(ax, vmin, vmax) if vmin is None: vmin = np.min([p.get_array().min() for p in ax.pmeshs]) if vmax is None: vmax = np.max([p.get_array().max() for p in ax.pmeshs]) if plotSeperator: [ax.vlines(offset-offsetWidth,*ax.get_ylim(),color=seperatorColor,linewidth=seperatorWidth) for offset,offsetWidth in zip(ax.OffSets[1:],ax.OffSetWidth[1:])] if colorbar: ax.get_figure().colorbar(ax.pmeshs[0]) if rlu: labels = ['H [RLU]','K [RLU]','L [RLU]'] else: labels = ['Qx [1/AA], Qy [1/AA]'] ax.set_xlabel('['+', '.join(labels)+']') ax.set_ylabel('E [mev]') if not ticks is None: xlimits = np.round(ax.get_xlim(),3) offsets = np.asarray(list(ax.OffSets)+[xlimits[1]]) offsetWidths = ax.OffSetWidth if ticks == 0: ax.xaxis.set_ticks([]) # Minimum len(offsets) if ticks<len(offsets): import warnings warnings.warn('Using {} ticks in stead of the wanted {}'.format(len(offsets),ticks)) ticks = np.max([ticks,len(offsets)]) # Find number of ticks / reciprocal AA on average (remove len(offsets) as ticks will be shown exactly at the seperators) ticksPerAA = (ticks-len(offsets))/offsets[-1] # Wanted follows exactly that scale ticksWanted = (offsets[1:]-offsets[:-1])*ticksPerAA # Floor optimalTicks = np.floor(ticksWanted).astype(int) ticksRemaining = ticks-optimalTicks.sum()-len(offsets) optimalTicks[np.argsort(ticksWanted-optimalTicks)[:ticksRemaining]]+=1 positions = [] for off,nextoff,t,offsetWidth in zip(offsets[:-1],offsets[1:],optimalTicks,offsetWidths): points = np.linspace(off,nextoff,t+1,endpoint=False) points[0]-=offsetWidth positions.append(points) positions.append([offsets[-1]]) positions = np.concatenate(positions) ax.xaxis.set_ticks(positions) ax.type = 'QELine' ax = _interactiveSettings.setupModes(ax) ax.backgroundSubtraction=backgroundSubtraction ax.get_figure().tight_layout() def onclick(event,ax):# pragma: no cover if ax.in_axes(event): try: C = ax.get_figure().canvas.cursor().shape() # Only works for pyQt5 backend except: pass else: if C != 0: # Cursor corresponds to arrow return x = event.xdata y = event.ydata printString = ax.format_coord(x,y).replace(' [resolution]','') index = ax.calculateIndex(x)[0] # index of dataset dataIndex = ax.calculateDataIndex(x,y) cts = int(ax.Data[index][pdNaming['intensity']].iloc[dataIndex]) Mon = int(ax.Data[index][pdNaming['mon']].iloc[dataIndex]) Norm = float(ax.Data[index][pdNaming['norm']].iloc[dataIndex]) NC = int(ax.Data[index][pdNaming['binCount']].iloc[dataIndex]) printString+=', Cts = {:d}, Norm = {:.3f}, Mon = {:d}, NormCount = {:d}'.format(cts,Norm,int(Mon),NC) ax.outputFunction(printString) # def onkeypress(event,ax): # if event.key in ['r']: # ax.resolutionMode = not ax.resolutionMode ax.onClick = lambda event:onclick(event,ax) ax._button_press_event = ax.figure.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event',ax.onClick) # ax._key_press_event = ax.figure.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event',lambda event: onkeypress(event, ax) ) return ax,DataList, BinList else: raise NotImplementedError('3D Plotting not currently supported') def set_clim_local(self,vmin,vmax): color=list(ax.cmap(ax.norm(self.value,vmin,vmax))) self.set_facecolor(color) self.set_edgecolor(color) def norm(x,vmin,vmax): return np.divide(x-vmin,vmax) ax.norm = norm if not 'cmap' in kwargs: #from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap ax.cmap = else: ax.cmap = kwargs['cmap'] kwargs = _tools.without_keys(dictionary=kwargs,keys='cmap') sfp = [] for bins,[_,datlist] in zip(BinListTotal,DataList.groupby('qCut')): energies = len(bins) energyEdges = np.array([bins[idx][2] for idx in range(energies)]) ELength = np.array([len(x[0][:,0]) for x in bins]) ELengthCummu = np.concatenate([[0],np.cumsum(ELength)],axis=0) H = np.concatenate([bins[idx][0][:,0] for idx in range(energies)],axis=0) K = np.concatenate([bins[idx][0][:,1] for idx in range(energies)],axis=0) L = np.concatenate([bins[idx][0][:,2] for idx in range(energies)],axis=0) P0,P1 = self.sample[0].calculateHKLToQxQy(H,K,L) P0,P1 = np.einsum('mj,j...->m...',self.sample[0].RotMat,[P0,P1]) IntCommu = np.concatenate([[0],np.cumsum(ELength-1)],axis=0) E = np.concatenate([bins[idx][0][:,3] for idx in range(energies)],axis=0) EBins = np.array([bins[idx][2] for idx in range(energies)]) for E in range(energies): X = P0[ELengthCummu[E]:ELengthCummu[E+1]].reshape(-1,1).repeat(2,axis=1) Y = P1[ELengthCummu[E]:ELengthCummu[E+1]].reshape(-1,1).repeat(2,axis=1) Z = np.ones_like(X)*EBins[E].reshape(1,2) if IntCommu[E+1]-IntCommu[E]==0: # If segment is empty continue #normColor = np.divide(INT[IntCommu[i]:IntCommu[i+1]]-vmin,vmax-vmin).reshape(-1,1).repeat(2,axis=1) normColor = datlist[pdNaming['int']][IntCommu[E]:IntCommu[E+1]].values#.reshape(-1,1).repeat(2,axis=1) #if len(normColor)!=X.shape[0]: # continue color=list(ax.cmap(ax.norm(normColor,vmin,vmax))) sf = ax.plot_surface(X,Y,Z,rstride=1,cstride=1,shade=False) sf.value = normColor sf.set_facecolor(color) sf.set_edgecolor(color) = ax # TODO: make colorlimits changeable after creation of axis = str(E) #sf.set_clim = lambda vmin,vmax: set_clim_local(self=sf,vmin=vmin,vmax=vmax,ax=ax) sfp.append(sf) #if rlu: # ax.set_xlabel(_tools.generateLabel(self.sample[0].projectionVector1)+ ' [RLU]') # ax.set_ylabel(_tools.generateLabel(self.sample[0].projectionVector2)+ ' [RLU]') #else: ax.set_xlabel(r'Qx [$\AA^{-1}$]') ax.set_ylabel(r'Qy [$\AA^{-1}$]') ax.set_zlabel('E [meV]') setattr(sf.__class__,'set_clim',set_clim_local) pmeshs = np.array(sfp).flatten() if 'pmeshs' in ax.__dict__: ax.pmeshs = np.concatenate([ax.pmeshs,pmeshs],axis=0) else: ax.pmeshs = pmeshs ax.vmin = vmin ax.vmax = vmax def set_clim(vmin,vmax,ax): ax.vmin = vmin ax.vmax = vmax for pm in ax.pmeshs: pm.set_clim(vmin,vmax) ax.get_clim = lambda: (ax.vmin,ax.vmax) ax.set_clim = lambda vmin,vmax:set_clim(vmin,vmax,ax) ax.set_clim(*ax.get_clim()) return ax,DataList,BinListTotal
[docs] @_tools.KwargChecker() def extractData(self, A4 = None, A4Id = None, Ef = None, EfId = None, raw = False, A4Tolerance = 0.1, EfTolerance = 0.1): """Extract data given A4 value and Ef (or the corresponding indices). Kwargs: - A4 (float): Wanted A4 value in degrees (default None) - A4Id (int): Id of wedge which is a number between 0 and 103 (default None) - Ef (float): Wanted Ef value in meV (default None) - EfId (int): Wanted Id of analyser energy, number between 0-7 (default None) - raw (bool): If true method returns Intensity,Normalization,Monitor, else returns Intensity/(Norm*Monitor) (default False) - A4Tolerance (float): Tolerance between found and wanted A4 value in degrees (default 0.1) - EfTolerance (float): Tolerance between found and wanted Ef value in meV (default 0.1) .. note:: If A4 or Ef is provided, then these will be used instead of A4Id or EfId. """ if raw: # Shape is (1 or 3, no Files, steps, 104, binning) Data = np.array([self.I.extractData(),self.Norm.extractData(),self.Monitor.extractData()]) else: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") Data = np.divide(self.I.extractData(),self.Norm.extractData()*self.Monitor.extractData()) if A4 is None and A4Id is None and Ef is None and EfId is None: return Data returnData = [] for file in self.convertedFiles: binning = file.binning if not binning == 1: raise AttributeError('Provided file has a binning different from 1. This is not supported for data extraction as one is not allowed to use the prismatic concept for alignment...') # Find A4 id if not given if not A4 is None: NominalA4 = file.instrumentCalibrationA4.reshape(104,8*binning) A4Id,A4Analyser = np.unravel_index(np.argmin(np.abs(NominalA4-file.A4Off-A4)),NominalA4.shape) # Extract only wedge number A4Found = (NominalA4[A4Id,A4Analyser]-file.A4Off)[0] if np.abs(A4Found-A4)>A4Tolerance: raise AttributeError('Difference between wanted ({}) and found A4 value ({}) is {} for file {}.. Maybe the sign of A4 should be changed.'.format(A4,A4Found,A4-A4Found, # Find A4 id if not given if not Ef is None: if not A4Id is None: NominalEf = file.instrumentCalibrationEf[:,1].reshape(104,8*binning)[A4Id].reshape(1,-1) else: NominalEf = file.instrumentCalibrationEf[:,1].reshape(104,8*binning) EfDetector,EfId = np.unravel_index(np.argmin(np.abs(NominalEf-Ef)),NominalEf.shape) # Extract only wedge number EfFound = NominalEf[EfDetector,EfId] if np.abs(EfFound-Ef)>EfTolerance: raise AttributeError('Difference between wanted ({}) and found Ef value ({}) is {} for file {}.. Maybe the sign of A4 should be changed.'.format(Ef,EfFound,Ef-EfFound, if raw: # Shape is (1 or 3, no Files, steps, 104, binning) Data = np.array([file.I,file.Norm,file.Monitor]) else: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") Data = np.divide(file.I,file.Norm*file.Monitor) if not A4Id is None: rData = Data[:,A4Id].reshape(-1,1,8*binning) else: rData = Data if not EfId is None: rData = rData[:,:,EfId] returnData.append(np.squeeze(rData)) return returnData
[docs] @_tools.KwargChecker() def cut1DE(self,E1,E2,q,rlu=True,width=0.02, minPixel = 0.1, dataFiles = None,constantBins=False,ufit=False,backgroundSubtraction=False): """Perform 1D cut through constant Q point returning binned intensity, monitor, normalization and normcount. The width of the cut is given by the width attribute. Args: - E1 (float): Start energy. - E2 (float): End energy. - q (3D or 2D vector): Q point Kwargs: - rlu (bool): If True, provided Q point is interpreted as (h,k,l) otherwise as (qx,qy), (Default true) - width (float): Full width of cut in q-plane (default 0.02). - minPixel (float): Minimal size of binning along the cutting direction. Points will be binned if they are closer than minPixel (default 0.1). - dataFiles (list): Data files to be used. If none provided use the ones in self (default None) - constantBins (bool): If True only bins of size minPixel is used (default False) - ufit (bool): If True a uFit Dataset object is returned in stead of pandas data frame - backgroundSubtraction (bool): If true, utilize the Background object on the data set to perform background subtraction (default False) Returns: - Data list (pandas DataFrame): See below. - Bin list (1 array): Bin edge positions in energy """ if dataFiles is None: if len(self.convertedFiles)==0: raise AttributeError('No data file to be binned provided in either input or DataSet object.') else: I = self.I.extractData() qx = self.qx.extractData() qy = self.qy.extractData() energy = Norm = self.Norm.extractData() Monitor = self.Monitor.extractData() else: DS = DataSet(convertedFiles = dataFiles) I,qx,qy,energy,Norm,Monitor = DS.I.extractData(),DS.qx.extractData(),DS.qy.extractData(),,DS.Norm.extractData(),DS.Monitor.extractData() positions = [qx,qy,energy] if rlu==True: # Recalculate q points into qx and qy points Q = self.convertToQxQy(q).flatten() variables = [pdNaming['h'],pdNaming['k'],pdNaming['l']] else: # Do nothing Q = np.array(q).flatten() variables = [pdNaming['qx'],pdNaming['qy']] variables.append(pdNaming['e']) if not backgroundSubtraction: [intensity,MonitorCount,Normalization,normcounts],bins = cut1DE(positions = positions, I=I, Norm=Norm,Monitor=Monitor, E1=E1,E2=E2,q=Q,width=width,minPixel=minPixel,constantBins=constantBins) else: [intensity,MonitorCount,Normalization,normcounts,background],bins = cut1DE(positions = positions, I=I, Norm=Norm,Monitor=Monitor, E1=E1,E2=E2,q=Q,width=width,minPixel=minPixel,constantBins=constantBins, background=self.backgroundIntensities.extractData()) data = pd.DataFrame() HKL = self.convertToHKL(Q.flatten()) data[pdNaming['qx']] = Q[0]*np.ones_like(intensity) data[pdNaming['qy']] = Q[1]*np.ones_like(intensity) data[pdNaming['h']] = HKL[0]*np.ones_like(intensity) data[pdNaming['k']] = HKL[1]*np.ones_like(intensity) data[pdNaming['l']] = HKL[2]*np.ones_like(intensity) data[pdNaming['e']] = 0.5*(bins[0][1:]+bins[0][:-1]) if backgroundSubtraction: rawIntensity = np.asarray(intensity,dtype=float) intensity = intensity.astype(float)-background data[pdNaming['intensity']] = intensity.astype(float) data[pdNaming['mon']] = MonitorCount.astype(float) data[pdNaming['norm']] = Normalization.astype(float) data[pdNaming['binCount']] = normcounts.astype(int) data[pdNaming['plotPosition']] = data[pdNaming['e']] if backgroundSubtraction: data[pdNaming['BackgroundIntensity']] = background.flatten() data[pdNaming['ForegroundIntensity']] = data[pdNaming['intensity']] data[pdNaming['Background']] = data[pdNaming['BackgroundIntensity']]*data[pdNaming['binCount']]/(data[pdNaming['norm']]*data[pdNaming['mon']])#BGIntensities data[pdNaming['Foreground']] = data[pdNaming['ForegroundIntensity']]*data[pdNaming['binCount']]/(data[pdNaming['norm']]*data[pdNaming['mon']]) data[pdNaming['int']] = data[pdNaming['Foreground']]-data[pdNaming['Background']] Int_err = data[pdNaming['ForegroundIntensity']] Bg_err = data[pdNaming['BackgroundIntensity']] data[pdNaming['ForegroundError']] = np.sqrt(Int_err)*data[pdNaming['binCount']]/(data[pdNaming['norm']]*data[pdNaming['mon']]) data[pdNaming['BackgroundError']] = np.sqrt(Bg_err)*data[pdNaming['binCount']]/(data[pdNaming['norm']]*data[pdNaming['mon']]) data[pdNaming['intError']] = np.sqrt(Int_err+Bg_err)*data[pdNaming['binCount']]/(data[pdNaming['norm']]*data[pdNaming['mon']]) else: data[pdNaming['int']] = data[pdNaming['intensity']]*data[pdNaming['binCount']]/(data[pdNaming['norm']]*data[pdNaming['mon']]) data[pdNaming['intError']] = np.sqrt(data[pdNaming['intensity']])*data[pdNaming['binCount']]/(data[pdNaming['norm']]*data[pdNaming['mon']]) if not ufit: return data,bins ufitData = self.generateUFitDataset(data,q1=q,q2=None,rlu=rlu,width=width,minPixel=minPixel,Emin=E1,Emax=E2,QDirection=False) return ufitData
[docs] @_tools.KwargChecker(function=plt.errorbar,include=np.concatenate([_tools.MPLKwargs,['ticks','tickRound','mfc','markeredgewidth','markersize']])) #Advanced KWargs checker for figures def plotCut1DE(self,E1,E2,q,rlu=True,width=0.02, minPixel = 0.1, showQ= True, counts=False, dataFiles = None,constantBins=False,ax=None,ufit=False,data=None, backgroundSubtraction=False,plotForeground=False,plotBackground=False, outputFunction=print,**kwargs): """Perform 1D cut through constant Q point returning binned intensity, monitor, normalization and normcount. The width of the cut is given by the width attribute. Args: - E1 (float): Start energy. - E2 (float): End energy. - q (3D or 2D vector): Q point Kwargs: - rlu (bool): If True, provided Q point is interpreted as (h,k,l) otherwise as (qx,qy), (Default true) - width (float): Full width of cut in q-plane (default 0.02). - minPixel (float): Minimal size of binning along the cutting direction. Points will be binned if they are closer than minPixel (default 0.1). - showQ (bool): If True show the current Q point on the x-axus (default True) - counts (bool): If True, plot raw counts, if False plot intensity, if 'sensitivity' plot mean sensitivity (Default False) - dataFiles (list): Data files to be used. If none provided use the ones in self (default None) - constantBins (bool): If True only bins of size minPixel is used (default False) - ufit (bool): If True a uFit Dataset object is returned in stead of pandas data frame - ax (matplotlib.axes): If None, new axis is created in which to plot (default None) - data ([data Pandas Dataframe, bins]): Data and bins from previously created cut (default None) - backgroundSubtraction (bool): If true, utilize the Background object on the data set to perform background subtraction (default False) - plotForeground (bool): If true, and background subtraction is true, plot the unsubtracted foreground data (default False) - plotBackground (bool): If true, and background subtraction is true, plot the corresponding background data (default False) - kwargs: Pass on to the ax.errorbar method used to plot Returns: - Data list (pandas DataFrame): See below - Bin list (1 array): Bin edge positions in energy """ if rlu: variables = [pdNaming['h'],pdNaming['k'],pdNaming['l']] else: variables = [pdNaming['qx'],pdNaming['qy']] variables = variables+[pdNaming['e']] if data is None: Data, bins = self.cut1DE(q=q,width=width,minPixel=minPixel,E1=E1,E2=E2,rlu=rlu,dataFiles=dataFiles, constantBins=constantBins, backgroundSubtraction=backgroundSubtraction) else: Data,bins = data if not 'fmt' in kwargs: kwargs['fmt'] = '.' if ax is None: ax = generate1DAxisE(q,rlu=rlu,showQ=showQ,outputFunction=outputFunction) ax.Data = Data ax.Data = Data ax.set_ylabel('$I$ [arb.u.]') if not 'label' in kwargs: kwargs['label'] = '_Data' # Perform the actual plotting if counts is True: ax.errorbar(Data[pdNaming['plotPosition']],Data[pdNaming['intensity']],yerr=np.sqrt(Data[pdNaming['intensity']]),**kwargs) if plotForeground: ax.errorbar(Data[pdNaming['plotPosition']],Data[pdNaming['ForegroundIntensity']],yerr=np.sqrt(Data[pdNaming['ForegroundIntensity']]),fmt=kwargs['fmt'],label='Foreground') if plotBackground: ax.errorbar(Data[pdNaming['plotPosition']],Data[pdNaming['BackgroundIntensity']],yerr=np.sqrt(Data[pdNaming['BackgroundIntensity']]),fmt=kwargs['fmt'],label='Background') elif counts is False: ax.errorbar(Data[pdNaming['plotPosition']],Data[pdNaming['int']],yerr=Data[pdNaming['intError']],**kwargs) if plotForeground: ax.errorbar(Data[pdNaming['plotPosition']],Data[pdNaming['Foreground']],yerr=Data[pdNaming['ForegroundError']],fmt=kwargs['fmt'],label='Foreground') if plotBackground: ax.errorbar(Data[pdNaming['plotPosition']],Data[pdNaming['Background']],yerr=Data[pdNaming['BackgroundError']],fmt=kwargs['fmt'],label='Background') elif counts.lower() == 'sensitivity': ax.errorbar(Data[pdNaming['plotPosition']],Data[pdNaming['norm']]/Data[pdNaming['binCount']],**kwargs) else: AttributeError('Provided counts attribute not understood. Received "{}"'.format(counts)) if not ufit: return ax,Data,bins # Create meta data for uFit dataset meta = dict() meta['instrument'] = self[0].instrument meta['experiment'] = ', '.join(d.experimentIdentifier for d in self) meta['title'] = self[0].title # TODO: Should be a collection of titles for all files? meta['datafilename'] = ', '.join( for d in self) dist,Int = np.array(Data[[pdNaming['e'],pdNaming['int']]]).T err = Data[pdNaming['intError']] data = np.array([dist,Int,err]).T xcol = 'E [meV]' ycol = pdNaming['intensity'] name = pdNaming['intensity'] ufitData = Dataset(meta=meta,data=data,xcol=xcol,ycol=ycol,name=name) return ax,ufitData
[docs] def cutELine(self, Q1, Q2, Emin=None, Emax=None, energyWidth = 0.05, minPixel = 0.02, width = 0.02, rlu=True, dataFiles=None, constantBins=False, backgroundSubtraction=False): """Perform cut along energy in steps between two Q Point Args: - Q1 (3D or 2D vector): Starting point for energy cut. - Q2 (3D or 2D vector): End of energy cut Kwargs: - Emin (float): Start energy (default is self.Energy.min() for data in cut). - Emax (float): End energy (default is self.Energy.max() for data in cut). - energyWidth (float): Height of energy bins (default 0.05 meV) - minPixel (float): Minimal size of binning along the cutting direction. Points will be binned if they are closer than minPixel (default 0.1). - width (float): Full width of cut in q-plane (default 0.02). - rlu (bool): If True, provided Q point is interpreted as (h,k,l) otherwise as (qx,qy), (Default true) - dataFiles (list): Data files to be used. If none provided use the ones in self (default None) - constantBins (bool): If True only bins of size minPixel is used (default False) - backgroundSubtraction (bool): If true, utilize the Background object on the data set to perform background subtraction (default False) Returns: - Data (pandas DataFrame): DataFrame containing qx,qy,H,K,L,Intensity,Normalization,Monitor,BinCount,Int,binDistance for 1D cut. - Bin (1 array): Bin edge positions in energy """ if dataFiles is None: if len(self.convertedFiles)==0: raise AttributeError('No data file to be binned provided in either input or DataSet object.') else: I = self.I.extractData() qx = self.qx.extractData() qy = self.qy.extractData() energy = Norm = self.Norm.extractData() Monitor = self.Monitor.extractData() samples = self.sample maskIndices = self.maskIndices DS = self else: DS = DataSet(convertedFiles = dataFiles) I,qx,qy,energy,Norm,Monitor,samples,maskIndices = DS.I.extractData(),DS.qx.extractData(),DS.qy.extractData(),,DS.Norm.extractData(),DS.Monitor.extractData(),DS.sample,DS.maskIndices Q1 = np.asarray(Q1,dtype=float) Q2 = np.asarray(Q2,dtype=float) dirvec = Q2-Q1 # Copy the original mask to be reapplied later originalMask = DS.mask # Cut out relevant part of data set Q1re = Q1.copy().reshape(-1,1,1) if rlu: normal = DS.sample[0].planeNormal normal*=1.0/np.linalg.norm(normal) perp = np.cross(dirvec,normal)/np.linalg.norm(dirvec) mask = [np.array([np.logical_or(np.abs(np.einsum('i...,i->...',(A-Q1re),dirvec)-0.5)>0.5,np.abs(np.einsum('i...,i->...',A-Q1re,perp))>width) for A in zip(d.h,d.k,d.l)]) for d in DS] else: perp = dirvec[[1,0]] mask = [np.array([np.logical_or(np.abs(np.einsum('i...,i->...',(A-Q1re),dirvec)-0.5)>0.5,np.abs(np.einsum('i...,i->...',A-Q1re,perp))>width) for A in zip(d.qx,d.qy)]) for d in DS] # Combine the old mask and new with points close to cut DS.mask = [np.logical_or(mNew,mOld) for mNew,mOld in zip(mask,self.mask)] # Number of points along the Q cutting direction to reach minPixel points = np.linalg.norm(dirvec)/minPixel # Find minimum and maximum for newly masked data if Emin is None: Emin = if Emax is None: Emax = # Points for which constant Q cut in energy is to be performed QPoints = np.array([Q1+dirvec*x for x in np.linspace(0.0,1.0,int(np.floor(points)))]) if rlu==True: # Recalculate H,K,L to qx rotationMatrices = [[0].RotMat.T,s.RotMat) for s in samples]#[_tools.Rot(theta,deg=False) for theta in thetaDifference] Q = [[QX,QY] for QX,QY in zip(np.split(qx,maskIndices),np.split(qy,maskIndices))] qx,qy = np.concatenate([np.einsum('ij,j...->i...',rot,q) for rot,q in zip(rotationMatrices,Q)],axis=1) positions = np.array([qx,qy,energy]) Qs = np.array([DS.convertToQxQy(q) for q in QPoints]) else: positions = np.array([qx,qy,energy]) Qs = QPoints Data = [] Bins = [] if backgroundSubtraction: background = self.backgroundIntensities.extractData() else: background = None # Perform actual binning for i,Q in enumerate(Qs): Q = Q.flatten() returnData,bins = \ cut1DE(positions = positions, I=I, Norm=Norm,Monitor=Monitor,E1=Emin,E2=Emax, q=Q,width=width,minPixel=energyWidth,constantBins=constantBins, background=background) data = pd.DataFrame() HKL = self.convertToHKL(Q.flatten()) intensity = returnData[0] data[pdNaming['qx']] = Q[0]*np.ones_like(intensity) data[pdNaming['qy']] = Q[1]*np.ones_like(intensity) data[pdNaming['h']] = HKL[0]*np.ones_like(intensity) data[pdNaming['k']] = HKL[1]*np.ones_like(intensity) data[pdNaming['l']] = HKL[2]*np.ones_like(intensity) data[pdNaming['e']] = 0.5*(bins[0][1:]+bins[0][:-1]) data[pdNaming['intensity']] = intensity.astype(int) data[pdNaming['mon']] = returnData[1].astype(int) data[pdNaming['norm']] = returnData[2].astype(int) data[pdNaming['binCount']] = returnData[3].astype(int) data['QCut'] = i*np.ones_like(intensity).astype(int) if backgroundSubtraction: data[pdNaming['BackgroundIntensity']] = returnData[-1].flatten() data[pdNaming['ForegroundIntensity']] = data[pdNaming['intensity']] data[pdNaming['Background']] = data[pdNaming['BackgroundIntensity']]*data[pdNaming['binCount']]/(data[pdNaming['norm']]*data[pdNaming['mon']])#BGIntensities data[pdNaming['Foreground']] = data[pdNaming['ForegroundIntensity']]*data[pdNaming['binCount']]/(data[pdNaming['norm']]*data[pdNaming['mon']]) data[pdNaming['int']] = data[pdNaming['Foreground']]-data[pdNaming['Background']] Int_err = data[pdNaming['ForegroundIntensity']] Bg_err = data[pdNaming['BackgroundIntensity']] data[pdNaming['ForegroundError']] = np.sqrt(Int_err)*data[pdNaming['binCount']]/(data[pdNaming['norm']]*data[pdNaming['mon']]) data[pdNaming['BackgroundError']] = np.sqrt(Bg_err)*data[pdNaming['binCount']]/(data[pdNaming['norm']]*data[pdNaming['mon']]) data[pdNaming['intError']] = np.sqrt(Int_err+Bg_err)*data[pdNaming['binCount']]/(data[pdNaming['norm']]*data[pdNaming['mon']]) else: data[pdNaming['int']] = data[pdNaming['intensity']]*data[pdNaming['binCount']]/(data[pdNaming['norm']]*data[pdNaming['mon']]) data[pdNaming['intError']] = np.sqrt(data[pdNaming['intensity']])*data[pdNaming['binCount']]/(data[pdNaming['norm']]*data[pdNaming['mon']]) Data.append(data) Bins.append(bins) Data = pd.concat(Data) DS.mask = originalMask return Data,Bins
[docs] def plotCutELine(self, Q1, Q2, ax=None, Emin=None, Emax=None, energyWidth = 0.05, minPixel = 0.02, width = 0.02, rlu=True, counts=False, dataFiles=None, constantBins=False, Vmin=None, Vmax = None, backgroundSubtraction=False, **kwargs): """Perform cut along energy in steps between two Q Point Args: - Q1 (3D or 2D vector): Starting point for energy cut. - Q2 (3D or 2D vector): End of energy cut Kwargs: - ax (matplotlib axis): Axis into which the plot is to go (default None, new created) - Emin (float): Start energy (default is self.Energy.min() for data in cut). - Emax (float): End energy (default is self.Energy.max() for data in cut). - energyWidth (float): Height of energy bins (default 0.05 meV) - minPixel (float): Minimal size of binning along the cutting direction. Points will be binned if they are closer than minPixel (default 0.1). - width (float): Full width of cut in q-plane (default 0.02). - rlu (bool): If True, provided Q point is interpreted as (h,k,l) otherwise as (qx,qy), (Default true) - counts (bool): If True, plot raw counts, if False plot intensity, if 'sensitivity' plot mean sensitivity (Default False) - dataFiles (list): Data files to be used. If none provided use the ones in self (default None) - constantBins (bool): If True only bins of size minPixel is used (default False) - Vmin (float): Lower limit for colorbar (default min(Intensity)). - Vmax (float): Upper limit for colorbar (default max(Intensity)). - backgroundSubtraction (bool): If true, utilize the Background object on the data set to perform background subtraction (default False) Returns: - Data list (pandas DataFrame): DataFrame containing qx,qy,H,K,L,Intensity,Normalization,Monitor,BinCount,Int,binDistance for 1D cut. - Bin list (1 array): Bin edge positions in energy """ Data,Bins = self.cutELine(Q1=Q1, Q2=Q2,Emin=Emin, Emax=Emax, energyWidth=energyWidth, minPixel =minPixel, width = width, rlu=rlu, dataFiles=dataFiles, constantBins=constantBins, backgroundSubtraction=backgroundSubtraction) if Vmin is None: Vmin = Data[pdNaming['int']].min() if Vmax is None: Vmax = Data[pdNaming['int']].max() dirvec = np.asarray(Q2)-np.asarray(Q1) if np.sign(dirvec[np.argmax(np.abs(dirvec))])==-1: dirvec = -dirvec if rlu: QPointColumns = [pdNaming['h'],pdNaming['k'],pdNaming['l']] visualizationBinPosition = np.array([-1,1])*0.5*np.linalg.norm(self.convertToQxQy(dirvec))/(len(Bins)-1) else: QPointColumns = [pdNaming['qx'],pdNaming['qy']] visualizationBinPosition = np.array([-1,1])*0.5*np.linalg.norm(dirvec)/(len(Bins)-1) meshs = [] if ax is None: if rlu: ortho = np.cross(self.sample[0].planeNormal,dirvec) ax = RLUAxes.createQEAxes(self,projectionVector1 = dirvec, projectionVector2 = ortho) else: fig, ax = plt.subplots() else: fig, ax = plt.subplots() columns = QPointColumns+[pdNaming['int'],'QCut'] for (_,_data),_bins in zip(Data[columns].groupby('QCut'),Bins): Q = np.array(_data[QPointColumns].iloc[0]) if rlu: position =,dirvec)/np.linalg.norm(dirvec) else: position = visualizationBinPosition+np.linalg.norm(Q) x,y = np.meshgrid(position,_bins[0]) ax.grid(False) if counts is True: DATA = _data[pdNaming['intensity']].values.reshape(-1,1)#/_data[pdNaming['binCount']].values.reshape(-1,1) elif counts is False: DATA = _data[pdNaming['int']].values.reshape(-1,1) elif counts.lower() == 'sensitivity': DATA = _data[pdNaming['norm']].values.reshape(-1,1)/_data[pdNaming['binCount']].values.reshape(-1,1) else: AttributeError('Provided counts attribute not understood. Received "{}"'.format(counts)) pmesh = ax.pcolormesh(x,y,DATA) meshs.append(pmesh) ax.meshs = meshs def set_clim(vmin,vmax,meshs): for p in meshs: p.set_clim(vmin,vmax) ax.set_clim = lambda Vmin,Vmax: set_clim(Vmin,Vmax,ax.meshs) ax.set_clim(Vmin,Vmax) return ax, Data, Bins
[docs] @_tools.KwargChecker(function=createQAxis,include=['Data','bins']) def View3D(self,dQx,dQy,dE,rlu=True, log=False,grid=False,axis=2,counts=False,adjustable=True,customSlicer=False, instrumentAngles=False,outputFunction=print,backgroundSubtraction=False,cmap=None, CurratAxeBraggList=None,plotCurratAxe=False, cut1DFunctionRectangle=None, cut1DFunctionCircle=None, cut1DFunctionRectanglePerp=None, cut1DFunctionRectangleHorizontal=None,cut1DFunctionRectangleVertical=None,**kwargs): """View data in the Viewer3D object. Args: - dQx (float): step size in qx - dQy (float): step size in qy - dE (float): step size in E Kwargs: - rlu (Bool): If true a rlu axis is used for plotting otherwise qx,qy (Default True). - log (Bool): If true logarithm of intensity is plotted - grid (Bool): If true, grid is plotted. If float or integer, value is used as zorder of grid (Default False) - axis (int): Axis shown initially (default 2) - counts (bool): If set true, data shown is number of neutrons/pixel - adjustable (bool): If set true, 2 sliders will be present allowing to fine tune the c-axis (Default True) - customSlicer (bool): If true, utilize the interactive viewer based on PyQtGraph (Default False) - instrumenAngles (bool): If true show also A3 and A4 calculations for HKL axis when hovering (Default False) - backgroundSubtraction (bool): If true, utilize the Background object on the data set to perform backgorund subtraction (default False) - outputFunction (func): Function to print the format_coord when the user clicks the axis (default print) - CurratAxeBraggList (list): List of Bragg reflections used to calulcate Currat-Axe spurions (default None) - plotCurratAxe (bool): Flag to determine whether or not to plot the Currat-Axe spurions - cut1DFunctionRectangle (function): Function to be called when generating interactive rectangle cut (default None) - cut1DFunctionCircle (function): Function to be called when generating interactive circle cut (default None) - kwargs: The remaining kwargs are given to the createQAxis method, intended for tick mark positioning (see createQAxis) If one plots not using RLU, everything is plotted in real units (1/AA), and the Qx and QY is not rotated. That is, the x axis in energy is not along the projection vector. The cuts of constant Qx and Qy does not represent any symmetry directions in the sample. However, if one utilizes the RLU flag, first Qx and Qy are rotated with first HKL vector along the x-axis. This thus means that cuts of constant Qx (or more correctly along the principal HKL vector) represents a symmetry direction. However, as the data is binned in equal sized voxels, constant Qy does not necessarily correspond to HKL vector 2 (it will in systems with 90 degrees between the two vectors). """ if 'Data' in kwargs and 'bins' in kwargs: Data = kwargs['Data'] bins = kwargs['bins'] kwargs = _tools.without_keys(kwargs,['Data','bins']) else: Data = bins = None if rlu: rluax = self.createQAxis(withoutOnClick=True,**kwargs) = False rluax.line = None rluax.cidmove = None rluax.drawState = States.INACTIVE rluax.ds = self rluax.rects = [] rluax.drs = [] rluax.EMin = 0 rluax.EMax = 10 rluax.type = 'QPlane' rluax.rlu = rlu rluax.outputFunction = outputFunction rluax.cut1DFunctionRectangle = None rluax.cut1DFunctionCircle = None rluax = _interactiveSettings.setupModes(rluax) figure = rluax.get_figure() figure.delaxes(rluax) qxEax = self.createQEAxes(axis=1,figure=figure) figure.delaxes(qxEax) = False qxEax.line = None qxEax.cidmove = None qxEax.drawState = States.INACTIVE qxEax.ds = self qxEax.rects = [] qxEax.drs = [] qxEax.minPixel = dQy qxEax.width = dQx qxEax.dE = dE qxEax.outputFunction = outputFunction qxEax.drawState = States.INACTIVE qxEax.type = 'QELineView3D' qxEax.rlu = rlu qxEax.ds = self qxEax.cut1DFunctionRectanglePerpendicular = cut1DFunctionRectanglePerp qxEax.cut1DFunctionRectangleHorizontal = cut1DFunctionRectangleHorizontal qxEax.cut1DFunctionRectangleVertical = cut1DFunctionRectangleVertical qxEax = _interactiveSettings.setupModes(qxEax) qyEax = self.createQEAxes(axis=0,figure=figure) figure.delaxes(qyEax) = False qyEax.line = None qyEax.cidmove = None qyEax.drawState = States.INACTIVE qyEax.ds = self qyEax.rects = [] qyEax.drs = [] qyEax.outputFunction = outputFunction qyEax.drawState = States.INACTIVE qyEax.type = 'QELineView3D' qyEax.rlu = rlu qyEax.ds = self qyEax.minPixel = dQx qyEax.width = dQy qyEax.dE = dE qyEax.cut1DFunctionRectanglePerpendicular = cut1DFunctionRectanglePerp qyEax.cut1DFunctionRectangleHorizontal = cut1DFunctionRectangleHorizontal qyEax.cut1DFunctionRectangleVertical = cut1DFunctionRectangleVertical qyEax = _interactiveSettings.setupModes(qyEax) if instrumentAngles: from MJOLNIR import TasUBlibDEG as TasUBlib def converterToA3A4(Qx,Qy, Ei,Ef,A3Off=0.0,A4Sign=np.sign(self[0].A4)): Qx = np.asarray(Qx) Qy = np.asarray(Qy) QC = np.array([Qx,Qy]) q = np.linalg.norm(QC) U1V = np.array([Qx.flatten(),Qy.flatten(),0.0],dtype=float) U1V/=np.linalg.norm(U1V) U2V = np.array([0.0,0.0,1.0],dtype=float) TV = TasUBlib.buildTVMatrix(U1V, U2V) R = np.linalg.inv(TV) ss = 1.0 cossgl = np.sqrt(R[0,0]*R[0,0]+R[1,0]*R[1,0]) om = TasUBlib.arctan2d(R[1,0]/cossgl, R[0,0]/cossgl) ki = np.sqrt(Ei)*_tools.factorsqrtEK kf = np.sqrt(Ef)*_tools.factorsqrtEK cos2t =(ki**2 + kf**2 - q**2) / (2. * np.abs(ki) * np.abs(kf)) A4 = ss*TasUBlib.arccosd(cos2t) theta = TasUBlib.calcTheta(ki, kf, A4) A3 = -om + np.sign(A4Sign)*ss*theta + A3Off return A3,np.sign(A4Sign)*A4 rluax._oldformat_coord = rluax.format_coord def newFormat_coord(self,x,y,offset=None): if offset is None: offset = self.sample.theta a3,a4 = converterToA3A4(x,y,4.95,4.95) return self._oldformat_coord(x,y)+' A3: {:4.2f} Deg A4: {:4.2f} Deg'.format(a3+offset,a4) rluax.format_coord = lambda x,y: newFormat_coord(rluax,x,y,offset=self.sample[0].theta) axes = [qxEax,qyEax,rluax] else: axes = None if Data is None: Data,bins = self.binData3D(dx=dQx,dy=dQy,dz=dE,rlu=rlu,backgroundSubtraction=backgroundSubtraction) if counts: if counts is True: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") Data = Data[0]/Data[3] elif counts.lower() == 'sensitivity': with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") Data = Data[2]/Data[3] if customSlicer == True: if QtWidgets.QApplication.instance() is None: _cache.append(QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv)) win = QtGui.QMainWindow() win.resize(800,800) win.setWindowTitle('Interactive View3D') win.setAttribute(QtCore.Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) win.destroyed.connect(lambda: _cache.remove(win)) _cache.append(win) Viewer = Viewer3DPyQtGraph.Interactive3DViewer(Data,bins,self.sample[0],log=log) win.setCentralWidget(Viewer) def to_csv(fileName,viewer): raise NotImplementedError('You can only save to csv using the regular view3D obtion') Viewer.to_csv = lambda fileName: to_csv(fileName,Viewer) else: Ei = np.array(list(set(self.Ei.extractData().flatten()))) # Use a set to remove duplicates Ef = self[0].instrumentCalibrationEf[:,1] Ef = Ef[np.logical_not(np.isclose(Ef,0.0))] EfLimits = [f(Ef) for f in [np.min,np.max]] Viewer = Viewer3D.Viewer3D(Data=Data,bins=bins,axis=axis,ax=axes,grid=grid,log=log, adjustable=adjustable,outputFunction=outputFunction,cmap=cmap, CurratAxeBraggList=CurratAxeBraggList,Ei=Ei,EfLimits=EfLimits, dataset=self,cut1DFunctionRectangle=cut1DFunctionRectangle, cut1DFunctionCircle=cut1DFunctionCircle, cut1DFunctionRectanglePerp=cut1DFunctionRectanglePerp, cut1DFunctionRectangleHorizontal=cut1DFunctionRectangleHorizontal, cut1DFunctionRectangleVertical=cut1DFunctionRectangleVertical, backgroundSubtraction=backgroundSubtraction) def to_csv(fileName,self): shape = self.Counts.shape with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") Int = np.divide(self.Counts*self.NormCounts,self.Monitor*self.Normalization) Int_err = np.divide(np.sqrt(self.Counts)*self.NormCounts,self.Monitor*self.Normalization) Qx,Qy,E = [x for x in self.bins] E = E[0,0] E = 0.5*(E[1:]+E[:-1]) Qx = Qx[:,:,0] Qx = 0.25*(Qx[1:,1:]+Qx[:-1,1:]+Qx[1:,:-1]+Qx[:-1,:-1]) Qy = Qy[:,:,0] Qy = 0.25*(Qy[1:,1:]+Qy[:-1,1:]+Qy[1:,:-1]+Qy[:-1,:-1]) H,K,L = self.axRLU.sample.calculateQxQyToHKL(Qx,Qy) Qx = np.repeat(Qx[:,:,np.newaxis],E.shape[-1],axis=-1) Qy = np.repeat(Qy[:,:,np.newaxis],E.shape[-1],axis=-1) H = np.repeat(H[:,:,np.newaxis],E.shape[-1],axis=-1) K = np.repeat(K[:,:,np.newaxis],E.shape[-1],axis=-1) L = np.repeat(L[:,:,np.newaxis],E.shape[-1],axis=-1) E = np.repeat(E[np.newaxis],H.shape[0],axis=0) dataToPandas = {pdNaming['qx']:Qx.flatten(),pdNaming['qy']:Qy.flatten(),pdNaming['h']:H.flatten(),pdNaming['k']:K.flatten(),pdNaming['l']:L.flatten(),pdNaming['e']:E.flatten(), pdNaming['intensity']:self.Counts.flatten(), pdNaming['mon']:self.Monitor.flatten(), pdNaming['norm']:self.Normalization.flatten(),pdNaming['binCount']:self.NormCounts.flatten(),pdNaming['int']:Int.flatten(),pdNaming['intError']:Int_err.flatten()} self.d = pd.DataFrame(dataToPandas).fillna(-1) with open(fileName,'w') as f: f.write("# CSV generated from MJOLNIR {}. {} Shape of data is {}\n".format(MJOLNIR.__version__,viewer.backgroundSubtraction*'Subtracted data.',shape)) self.d.to_csv(fileName,mode='a') Viewer.to_csv = lambda fileName: to_csv(fileName,Viewer) return Viewer
[docs] def cutRaw1D(self,detectorSelection=None,analyzerSelection=None): """cut 1D data to be used for 1D raw plot using specified DASEL. kwargs: detectorSelection (int): Detector to be used (default from file) analyzerSelection (int): Analyzer segment to be used (default from file) returns: """ if len(self)>1: if not np.all([self[-1].scanParameters == d.scanParameters for d in self[:-1]]): raise AttributeError('Provided data files do not have the same scan variables!') # If no detector or analyzer is provided use dasel from file if analyzerSelection is None: analyzerSelection = [d.analyzerSelection for d in self] elif not hasattr(analyzerSelection,'__len__'): analyzerSelection = [analyzerSelection] elif len(analyzerSelection) != len(self): raise AttributeError('Provided analyzerSelection list does not match length of dataset. Expected {}, but got {}'.format(len(self),len(analyzerSelection))) if detectorSelection is None: detectorSelection = [d.detectorSelection for d in self] elif not hasattr(detectorSelection,'__len__'): detectorSelection = [detectorSelection] elif len(detectorSelection) != len(self): raise AttributeError('Provided detectorSelection list does not match length of dataset. Expected {}, but got {}'.format(len(self),len(detectorSelection))) dataFiles = [MJOLNIR.Data.DataFile.DataFile(d.original_fileLocation) if d.type=='nxs' else d for d in self] for d in dataFiles: d.loadBinning(1) X = [d.scanValues for d in dataFiles] idxs = [df.calcualteDataIndexFromDasel(detector,analyzer) for df,detector,analyzer in zip(dataFiles,detectorSelection,analyzerSelection)] I = [np.sum(d.I[:,idx[0],idx[1]],axis=1) for d,idx in zip(dataFiles,idxs)] # Names to be changed for readability nameChange = {'polar_angle':'A4', 'rotation_angle':'A3'} parameter = dataFiles[0].scanParameters # If parameter is in nameChange, change it. Otherwise keep it parameter = [nameChange.get(p, p) for p in parameter] unit = dataFiles[0].scanUnits return X,I,parameter,unit
[docs] def plotRaw1D(self,detectorSelection=None,analyzerSelection=None, legend=True, grid=-10,outputFunction=print): """plot 1D figures of data in the specified DASEL. kwargs: detectorSelection (int): Detector to be used (default from file) analyzerSelection (int): Analyzer segment to be used (default from file) legend (bool list): Insert legend with provided names or file names (default True) grid (bool, Int): If true plot at grid on figure. If integer set zorder of grid (default -10) returns: Ax (list): List of axes in which data are plotted. """ def intrextrapolate(oldPosition,oldValues,newValues):# pragma: no cover """interpolates between old and new through linear regression and returns best estimate at old positions arg: - oldPosition (list): List of position to estimate the new value at (in coordinates of oldValues) - oldValues (list): List of old values - newValues (list): List of new values kwargs: - outputFunction (function): Function called on output string (default print) return: newPosition (list): estimate of newValue at oldPosition """ oldOffset = oldValues[0] oldSize = np.diff([oldValues[0],oldValues[-1]]) newOffset = newValues[0] newSize = np.diff([newValues[0],newValues[-1]]) X = (oldPosition-oldOffset)/oldSize # Linear interpolation newPosition = X*newSize+newOffset # Convert to new values return newPosition def format_coord(x,y,X,labels):# pragma: no cover """format coordinates according to x and y. When X is multidimensional an approximation for its value at x is estimated""" fmtOrder = np.ceil(-np.log(np.mean(np.abs(np.diff(X,axis=1)),axis=1))) fmtOrder = [o if o>0 else 0 for o in (fmtOrder).astype(int)] xFormatString = ['{:.'+str(fO)+'f}' for fO in fmtOrder] # Format to use enough decimals to show all changes # Calculate estimates for values of X[i] at x newX = [intrextrapolate(x,X[0],XX)[0] for XX in X[1:]] xs = [fstring.format(XX) for fstring,XX in zip(xFormatString,np.concatenate([[x],newX],axis=0))] return ', '.join([label+' = '+str(X) for X,label in zip(np.concatenate([xs,[y]],axis=0),labels)]) def onclick(event,ax,outputFunction):# pragma: no cover if ax.in_axes(event): try: C = ax.get_figure().canvas.cursor().shape() # Only works for pyQt5 backend except: pass else: if C != 0: # Cursor corresponds to arrow return x = event.xdata y = event.ydata if hasattr(ax,'__format_coord__'): outputFunction(ax.__format_coord__(x,y)) else: outputFunction(ax.format_coord(x,y)) _,ax = plt.subplots() if legend: if legend is True: legend = [ for d in self] else: if len(legend) != len(self): raise AttributeError('Provided list of legends does not match length of dataset. Expected {}, but got {}'.format(len(self),len(legend))) ax.X,ax.I,ax.parameter,ax.unit = self.cutRaw1D(detectorSelection=detectorSelection,analyzerSelection=analyzerSelection) ax.xlabels = ['{} [{}]'.format(p,u) for p,u in zip(ax.parameter,ax.unit)] ax.__labels__ = np.concatenate([ax.xlabels,['Int [count]']],axis=0) plots = [] for X,I in zip(ax.X,ax.I): plots.append(ax.scatter(X[0],I)) ax.set_ylabel('Int [counts]') ax.__format_coord__ = lambda x,y: format_coord(x,y,X=np.concatenate(ax.X,axis=0),labels=ax.__labels__) ax.format_coord = lambda x,y: ax.__format_coord__(x,y) ax.onClick = lambda event: onclick(event,ax,outputFunction=outputFunction) ax._button_press_event = ax.figure.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event',ax.onClick) # ax.format_xdata = lambda x: format_xdata(x,ax)#ax.X,ax.xlabels) ax.set_xlabel(ax.xlabels[0]) if legend: for plot,lab in zip(plots,legend): plot.set_label(lab) ax.legend() ax.grid(grid) return ax
[docs] def convertToQxQy(self,HKL): """Convert array or vector of HKL point(s) to corresponding Qx and QY Args: - HKL (array): array or vector of HKL point(s) Returns - Q (array): Converted HKL points in Qx QY of un-rotated coordinate system. """ return convertToQxQy(self.sample[0],HKL)
[docs] def convertToHKL(self,QxQy): """Convert array or vector of QxQy point(s) to corresponding HKL Args: - QxQy (array): array or vector of QxQy point(s) Returns - HKL (array): Converted QxQy points in HKL """ return convertToHKL(self.sample[0],QxQy)
[docs] def updateCalibration(self,calibFiles,overwrite=False): """Update calibrations for all data files in data set. Does not save the changes. Args: - calibrationFile (string or list): calibration file, as generated from MJOLNIR.Geometry.Instrument or list of these. Kwargs: - overwrite (bool): If true, previous binnings will be overwritten if new files contain same binning (default False) .. note:: Changes performed by this method is not saved to disk. """ for d in self: d.updateCalibration(calibFiles,overwrite=overwrite)
[docs] def generateUFitDataset(self, pdData,q1,q2,rlu,width,minPixel,Emin,Emax,QDirection=True): """Generate uFitDataset from cut. Args: - pdData (pandas dataframe): Data generated from 1D cut - q1 (array): Start point for cut - q2 (array): End point for cut - rlu (bool): If in reciprocal lattice unites or not - width (float): Width size (used for rounding of labels) - minPixel (float): Minimum pixel size (used for rounding of labels) - Emin (float): Minimum energy - Emax (float): Maximum energy Kwargs: - QDirection (bool): If true ufitdata is created along Q, otherwise energy (default True) """ if rlu: variables = [pdNaming['h'],pdNaming['k'],pdNaming['l']] else: variables = [pdNaming['qx'],pdNaming['qy']] variables = variables if QDirection: QRounding = int(-np.round(np.log10(minPixel))) ERounding = int(np.round(6/(np.linalg.norm(Emin-Emax)))) ERounding = np.max([ERounding,1]) QRounding = np.max([QRounding,1]) dirVec = np.array(q2)-np.array(q1) if rlu: dirVec = _tools.LengthOrder(dirVec) else: dirVec = _tools.Norm2D(dirVec) pdData[pdNaming['plotPosition']] = np.linalg.norm(pdData[variables]-np.array(pdData[variables].iloc[1]),axis=1)/np.linalg.norm(dirVec) startPos = pdData[variables].iloc[0] if rlu: xdirection = _tools.generateLabel(np.round(dirVec,QRounding))[1:-1].split(', ') else: xdirection = _tools.generateLabel(np.round(dirVec,QRounding),labels=[pdNaming['qx'],pdNaming['qy']])[1:-1].split(', ') xConstantOffset = np.round(startPos,QRounding) xlabel = [] for l,val in zip(xdirection,xConstantOffset): if np.isclose(val,0): xlabel.append(l) elif l=='0': xlabel.append('{}'.format(val)) else: xlabel.append(l+'{:+}'.format(val)) else: ERounding = int(-np.round(np.log10(minPixel))) QRounding = int(-np.round(np.log10(width))) ERounding = np.max([ERounding,1]) QRounding = np.max([QRounding,1]) pdData[pdNaming['plotPosition']] = pdData[pdNaming['e']] xlabel = [str(x) for x in np.array(q1,dtype=float).round(QRounding)] x = np.array(pdData[pdNaming['plotPosition']]) # Calcualte mean energy from bins (last return value) Energy = (Emin+Emax)*0.5 # Create meta data for uFit dataset meta = dict() meta['instrument'] = self[0].instrument meta['experiment'] = ', '.join(d.experimentIdentifier for d in self) meta['title'] = self[0].title # TODO: Should be a collection of titles for all files? meta['datafilename'] = ', '.join( for d in self) Int = np.array(pdData[pdNaming['int']]) err = np.sqrt(pdData[pdNaming['intensity']])*pdData[pdNaming['binCount']]/(pdData[pdNaming['mon']]*pdData[pdNaming['norm']]) data = np.array([x,Int,err]).T xcol = '\n'.join(xlabel)+'\n'+'{:.3}'.format(np.round(Energy,ERounding)) if rlu: xcol+='\n[RLU,meV]' else: xcol+='\n'+r'[$\AA^{-1}$,meV]' ycol = pdNaming['intensity'] name = pdNaming['intensity'] ufitData = Dataset(meta=meta,data=data,xcol=xcol,ycol=ycol,name=name) return ufitData
[docs] def updateSampleParameters(self,unitCell): """Update unit cell parameters and corresponding UB matrix Args: - unitCell (list): List of cell parameters (a,b,c,alpha,beta,gamma) """ for d in self: d.sample.updateSampleParameters(unitCell=unitCell)
def __sub__(self,other): if np.any([hasattr(ds,'_backgroundModel') for ds in [self,other]]): warnings.warn('Provided data sets contain a background model. This will not be propagated!') filesSelf = [d for d in self] filesOther = [d for d in other] #if not np.all([x.type == 'nxs' for x in np.concatenate([filesSelf,filesOther])]): # raise AttributeError('Data files have to be converted!') monoSelf = [x.MonitorPreset for x in self] monoOther = [x.MonitorPreset for x in other] data = [] for s,o in zip(filesSelf,filesOther): sMono = s.MonitorPreset oMono = o.MonitorPreset temp = MJOLNIR.Data.DataFile.DataFile(s) if sMono>oMono: temp.I = s.I-o.I*(oMono/sMono) elif sMono<oMono: temp.I = s.I*(sMono/oMono)-o.I else: temp.I = s.I-o.I data.append(temp) newFile = DataSet(data) return newFile
[docs] def undoAbsoluteNormalize(self): """Undo normalization previously performed""" if self.absoluteNormalized!=0: normFactor = self.absoluteNormalized for d in self: d.Norm *= normFactor if hasattr(d,'absoluteNormalizationFactor'): d.absoluteNormalizationFactor*= 1.0/normFactor else: d.absoluteNormalizationFactor= 1 d.absoluteNormalized = False self.absoluteNormalized = False
[docs] def absoluteNormalize(self,sampleMass=None,sampleMolarMass=None,sampleChemicalFormula=None,formulaUnitsPerUnitCell=1.0, sampleGFactor=2.0, correctVanadium=False,vanadiumMass=15.25, vanadiumMonitor=100000,vanadiumSigmaIncoherent=5.08,vanadiumChemicalFormula='V',vanadiumGFactor=2.0, vanadiumUnitsPerUnitCell=1.0,vanadiumMolarMass=None): """Normaliza dataset to absolute units () by Kwargs: - sampleMass (float): Mass of sample in gram - sampleChemicalFormula (string): Chemical formula of sample - formulaUnitsPerUnitCell (float): Number of formula units per unit cell (default 1.0) - sampleDebyeWaller (float): Debye Waller factor (default 1.0) - sampleGFactor (float): Magnetic G factor for sample (defalt 2.0) - sampleFormFactor (float): Formfactor of sample (default 1.0) - correctVanadium (bool): If normalization files have not been updated set this to True (default False) - vanadiumMass (float): Mass of vanadium used in normalization in gram (default 15.25) - vanadiumMonitor (int): Monitor count used in normalization scan (default 100000) - vanadiumSigmaIncoherent (float): Incoherent scattering strength of Vanadium (default 5.08) """ if len(self.convertedFiles) == 0: raise AttributeError("Data set needs to be converted before absolute normalization can be applied.") normFactor = \ _tools.calculateAbsoluteNormalization(sampleChemicalFormula=sampleChemicalFormula,sampleMolarMass=sampleMolarMass,sampleMass=sampleMass, formulaUnitsPerUnitCell=formulaUnitsPerUnitCell,sampleGFactor=sampleGFactor, correctVanadium=correctVanadium,vanadiumMass=vanadiumMass,vanadiumChemicalFormula=vanadiumChemicalFormula, vanadiumMonitor=vanadiumMonitor,vanadiumSigmaIncoherent=vanadiumSigmaIncoherent,vanadiumMolarMass=vanadiumMolarMass, vanadiumGFactor=vanadiumGFactor,vanadiumUnitsPerUnitCell=vanadiumUnitsPerUnitCell) if self.absoluteNormalized != 0: warnings.warn("\nAlready Normalized\nDataSet seems to already have beeen normalized absolutely. Reverting previous normalization...") normFactor /= self.absoluteNormalized for d in self: d.Norm *= normFactor if hasattr(d,'absoluteNormalizationFactor'): d.absoluteNormalizationFactor*= normFactor else: d.absoluteNormalizationFactor= normFactor d.absoluteNormalized = True if self.absoluteNormalized != 0: self.absoluteNormalized *= normFactor else: self.absoluteNormalized = normFactor
[docs] def autoSort(self,sortFunction = None): """Sort datafiles according to lowest energy, then abs(2Theta), then scan direction in A3, then A3 start position. Kwargs: - sortFunction (function): Takes enumerate and data file (Default as described above) Sorting function takes in (index, dataFile) and should return a tuple of sorting values in descending priority. Default sorting function is: >>> def sortFunction(IdxDf): >>> df = IdxDf[1] >>> return (np.round(df.Ei[0],1), np.abs(np.round(df.twotheta[0],1)), -np.sign(np.diff(df.A3[:2]))[0], np.round(df.A3[0],2)) """ if sortFunction is None: def sortFunction(IdxDf): df = IdxDf[1] return (np.round(df.Ei[0],1), np.abs(np.round(df.twotheta[0],1)), -np.sign(np.diff(df.A3[:2]))[0], np.round(df.A3[0],2)) idx,dfs = np.array(sorted(enumerate(self.dataFiles), key=sortFunction)).T # sorted into [[idx0,idx1,...],[df0,df1,...]] after trasposing self._dataFiles = list(dfs) idx = idx.astype( if not len(self.convertedFiles) == 0: self._convertedFiles = list(np.array(self.convertedFiles)[idx]) self._getData()
[docs] def calculateCurratAxeMask(self,BraggPeaks,dqx=None,dqy=None,dH=None,dK=None,dL=None,spurionType='both',maskInside=True): """Generate an elliptical mask centered on the Currat-Axe spurion. Args: - BraggPeaks (list): List of Bragg peaks to be used for mask. Shape is given by [[H1,K1,L1], [H2,K2,L2], ... [HN,KN,LN]] Kwargs: - dqx (float): Radius used for masking along qx (default None) - dqy (float): Radius used for masking along qy (default None) - dH (float): Radius used for masking along H (default None) - dK (float): Radius used for masking along K (default None) - dL (float): Radius used for masking along L (default None) - spurionType (str): Either monochromator, analyser or both (default 'both') - maskInside (bool): If true, points inside is masked otherwise outside (default True) Returns: - mask (list): List of boolean numpy arrays with shapes equal to df.I.shape Note: If either dqx or dqy is None, utilizes the dH, dK, dL instead. """ mask = [] for df in self: mask.append(df.calculateCurratAxeMask(BraggPeaks=BraggPeaks,dqx=dqx,dqy=dqy,dH=dH,dK=dK,dL=dL,spurionType=spurionType,maskInside=maskInside)) return mask
def removeMasking(self): if not self._maskingObject is None: self.mask = [np.zeros_like(df.I,dtype=bool) for df in self] self._maskingObject = None def findEi(self,deltaE): Eis = np.array([df.Ei[0] for df in self]) Efs = [np.array([df.instrumentCalibrationEf[:,1].min(),df.instrumentCalibrationEf[:,1].max()]) for df in self] EiRange = [deltaE+Ef for Ef in Efs] inside = [np.all([Ei>EiR[0],Ei<EiR[1]]) for Ei,EiR in zip(Eis,EiRange)] correctEi = np.unique(np.round(Eis[inside],2)) return correctEi
[docs] def calculateResolutionMatrix(self,position,Ei,Ef,rlu=True): """Calculate the resolution ellipsoid matrix at a specific point in reciprocal space Args: - position (list): Position in either HKL or Qx,Qy - Ei (float): Incoming energy in meV - Ef (float): Outgoing energy in meV Kwargs: - rlu (bool): If true, position is calculated in reciprocal lattice units, otherwise in QxQy (default True) Method is based on thew updated calculation from "Analytiucal approach to the 4D-resolution functiuon of three axes neutron spectrometers with focussing monochromators ananalysers" - C. Eckold, O. Sobolev doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2014.03.019 """ from MJOLNIR.Geometry.Instrument import calculateResoultionMatrix return calculateResoultionMatrix(sample=self[0].sample,position=position,Ei=Ei,Ef=Ef,rlu=rlu,binning=self[0].binning,A3Off=self[0].sample.theta)
[docs] def calculateResolutionMatrixAndVectors(self,position,projectionVector1,projectionVector2,Ei,Ef,rlu=True,rluAxis=False): """Calculate the resolution ellipsoid matrix at a specific point in reciprocal space and project to plane Args: - position (list): Position in either HKL or Qx,Qy - projectionVector1 (HKLE or QxQyQzE): Projection vector in 4D of unit length - Ei (float): Incoming energy in meV - Ef (float): Outgoing energy in meV Kwargs: - rlu (bool): If true, position is calculated in reciprocal lattice units, otherwise in QxQy (default True) - rluAxis (bool): If plotting on rluAxis counter rotate eigen vectors with RotMat (default False) Projection matrix is given by two projections vectors with unit length. """ from MJOLNIR.Geometry.Instrument import calculateResoultionMatrix M = self.calculateResolutionMatrix(position,Ei,Ef,rlu=rlu) P = np.zeros((3,5)) P[0,:-1] = projectionVector1 P[1,:-1] = projectionVector2 P[-1,-1] = -1 Q = np.diag([0,0,0,0.0,-1.0]) Q[:4,:4] = M# # Calculate projection onto orthogonal directions C = np.linalg.inv(,,P.T))) eigenValues,eigenVectors = np.linalg.eig(C[:2,:2]) sigma = np.power(eigenValues,-0.5) if rluAxis: eigenVectors[:,0] =[:,0],self[0].sample.RotMat.T) eigenVectors[:,1] =[:,1],self[0].sample.RotMat.T) return M,eigenVectors,sigma
[docs] def checkSecondOrderElastic(self,EPeaks,atol=0.2,printing=True): """Check if peaks at certain energies corresponds with second order elastic scattering in data set Args: - EPeaks (list): List of peaks to check Kwargs: - atol (float): Tolerance of Ei calculation (default 0.2 meV) - printing (bool): Boolean flag to control printing (default True) Returns: - Eis (list): List of Ei's corresponding to second order elastic for all peaks. If no Ei is found nan is returned """ badEis = [] for EPeak in EPeaks: inside = [np.all([<EPeak,>EPeak]) for df in self] EiInside = np.asarray(self.Ei)[inside] Ef = EiInside-EPeak difference = Ef*4-EiInside elasticLines = np.isclose(difference,0,atol=atol) if np.any(elasticLines): if printing: print('Peak at {:.2f} meV might very well be second order elastic from Ei = {:.2f} meV'.format(EPeak,np.mean(EiInside[elasticLines]))) badEis.append(np.mean(EiInside[elasticLines])) return badEis
[docs] @_tools.KwargChecker() def symmetrize(self,function): """Symmetrize data by providing a custom function Args: function (function): Function to symmetrize The signature of the function must be func(H,K,L) and must return (H,K,L). An example is >>> def symmetrize(H,K,L): >>> return np.abs(H),np.abs(K),np.abs(L) """ for df in self: df.qx,df.qy = df.sample.calculateHKLToQxQy(*function(df.h, df.k, df.l)) df.h,df.k,df.l = df.sample.calculateQxQyToHKL(df.qx,df.qy) self._getData()
[docs]def load(filename): """Function to load an object from a pickled file. .. note:: It is not possible to un-pickle an object created in python 3 in python 2 or vice versa. """ try: # Opening the given file with an error catch fileObject = open(filename, 'rb') except IOError as e: # pragma: no cover print("Error in opening file:\n{}".format(e)) else: tmp_dict = pickle.load(fileObject) fileObject.close() return tmp_dict
[docs]@_tools.KwargChecker() def cut1D(positions,I,Norm,Monitor,q1,q2,width,minPixel,Emin,Emax,plotCoverage=False,extend=False,constantBins=False): """Perform 1D cut through constant energy plane from q1 to q2 returning binned intensity, monitor, normalization and normcount. The full width of the line is width while height is given by Emin and Emax. the minimum step sizes is given by minPixel. .. note:: Can only perform cuts for a constant energy plane of definable width. Args: - positions (3 arrays): position in Qx, Qy, and E in flattend arrays. - I (array): Flatten intensity array - Norm (array): Flatten normalization array - Monitor (array): Flatten monitor array - q1 (2D array): Start position of cut in format (qx,qy). - q2 (2D array): End position of cut in format (qx,qy). - width (float): Full width of cut in q-plane. - minPixel (float): Minimal size of binning along the cutting direction. Points will be binned if they are closer than minPixel. - Emin (float): Minimal energy to include in cut. - Emax (float): Maximal energy to include in cut Kwargs: - plotCoverage (bool): If True, generates plot of all points in the cutting plane and adds bounding box of cut in new figure, if axis, plots on top (default False). - extend (bool): Whether or not the cut from q1 to q2 is to be extended throughout the data (default true) - constantBins (bool): If True only bins of size minPixel is used (default False) Returns: - Data list (4 arrays): Intensity, monitor count, normalization and normalization counts binned in the 1D cut. - Bin list (3 arrays): Bin edge positions in plane of size (n+1,3), orthogonal positions of bin edges in plane of size (2,2), and energy edges of size (2). """ dirvec = np.array(q2,dtype=float)-np.array(q1,dtype=float) dirLength = np.linalg.norm(dirvec) dirvec/=dirLength orthovec=np.array([dirvec[1],-dirvec[0]]) ProjectMatrix = np.array([dirvec,orthovec]) insideEnergy = np.logical_and(positions[2]<=Emax,positions[2]>=Emin) if(np.sum(insideEnergy)==0): #raise AttributeError('No points are within the provided energy limits.') return [np.array(np.array([])),np.array([]),np.array([]),np.array([])],[np.array([]),np.array([]),[Emin,Emax]] positions2D = np.array([positions[0][insideEnergy], positions[1][insideEnergy]]) propos =,positions2D-q1.reshape(2,1)) if extend==False: # Only take points between the given q points if constantBins==False: insideQ = np.logical_and(propos[0]>-0.05,propos[0]<dirLength*1.05) else: insideQ = np.logical_and(propos[0]>0.0,propos[0]<dirLength) propos = propos[:,insideQ] orthobins = [-width/2.0,width/2.0] insideWidth = np.logical_and(propos[1]<orthobins[1],propos[1]>orthobins[0]) Min,Max = _tools.minMax(propos[0][insideWidth]) if constantBins==False: lenbins = np.array(_tools.binEdges(propos[0][insideWidth],minPixel,startPoint=Min,endPoint=Max)) else: lenbins = np.arange(Min,Max+0.5*minPixel,minPixel) orthopos = np.outer(orthobins,orthovec) binpositions = np.outer(lenbins,dirvec)+q1 if len(lenbins)==0: return [np.array(np.array([])),np.array([]),np.array([]),np.array([])],[np.array([]),orthopos,[Emin,Emax]] if extend is False: weights = [I[insideEnergy][insideQ].flatten(), Monitor[insideEnergy][insideQ].flatten(), Norm[insideEnergy][insideQ].flatten()] else: weights = [I[insideEnergy].flatten(), Monitor[insideEnergy].flatten(), Norm[insideEnergy].flatten()] intensity,MonitorCount,Normalization,normcounts = _tools.histogramdd(propos.T,bins=[lenbins,orthobins],weights=weights,returnCounts=True) # normcounts = np.histogramdd(propos.T,bins=[lenbins,orthobins],weights=np.ones((propos.shape[1])).flatten())[0] # if extend==False: # Test both inside energy range AND inside q-limits # intensity = np.histogramdd(propos.T,bins=[lenbins,orthobins],weights=I[insideEnergy][insideQ].flatten())[0] # MonitorCount= np.histogramdd(propos.T,bins=[lenbins,orthobins],weights=Monitor[insideEnergy][insideQ].flatten())[0] # Normalization= np.histogramdd(propos.T,bins=[lenbins,orthobins],weights=Norm[insideEnergy][insideQ].flatten())[0] # else: # intensity = np.histogramdd(propos.T,bins=[lenbins,orthobins],weights=I[insideEnergy].flatten())[0] # MonitorCount= np.histogramdd(propos.T,bins=[lenbins,orthobins],weights=Monitor[insideEnergy].flatten())[0] # Normalization= np.histogramdd(propos.T,bins=[lenbins,orthobins],weights=Norm[insideEnergy].flatten())[0] EmeanVec = np.ones((len(binpositions),1))*(Emin+Emax)*0.5 binpositionsTotal = np.concatenate((binpositions,EmeanVec),axis=1) if not plotCoverage is False: # pragma: no cover if not isinstance(plotCoverage,bool): # Assuming matplotlib axis ax = plotCoverage plotPoints = False else: fig,ax = plt.subplots() # Generate new figure plotPoints = True ax.scatter(positions2D[0],positions2D[1],s=0.5,zorder=100) ax.plot([binpositions[0][0]+orthopos[0][0],binpositions[-1][0]+orthopos[0][0]],[binpositions[0][1]+orthopos[0][1],binpositions[-1][1]+orthopos[0][1]],c='w',zorder=100) ax.plot([binpositions[0][0]+orthopos[1][0],binpositions[-1][0]+orthopos[1][0]],[binpositions[0][1]+orthopos[1][1],binpositions[-1][1]+orthopos[1][1]],c='w',zorder=100) for i in [0,-1]: ax.plot([binpositions[i][0]+orthopos[0][0],binpositions[i][0]+orthopos[1][0]],[binpositions[i][1]+orthopos[0][1],binpositions[i][1]+orthopos[1][1]],c='w',zorder=100) for binPos in binpositions:#i in range(len(binpositions)): ax.plot([binPos[0]+orthopos[0][0],binPos[0]+orthopos[1][0]],[binPos[1]+orthopos[0][1],binPos[1]+orthopos[1][1]],c='w',linewidth=0.5,zorder=100) if extend==False and plotPoints: ax.scatter(positions2D[0][insideQ][insideWidth],positions2D[1][insideQ][insideWidth],s=0.5,zorder=100) elif plotPoints: ax.scatter(positions2D[0][insideWidth],positions2D[1][insideWidth],s=0.5,zorder=100) if plotPoints: ax.set_aspect('equal', 'datalim') ax.set_xlabel(r'Qx [$\AA^{-1}$]') ax.set_ylabel(r'Qy [$\AA^{-1}$]') return [intensity,MonitorCount,Normalization,normcounts],[binpositionsTotal,orthopos,np.array([Emin,Emax])]
[docs]def cut1DE(positions,I,Norm,Monitor,E1,E2,q,width,minPixel,constantBins=False,background=None):#,plotCoverage=False): """Perform 1D cut through constant Q point returning binned intensity, monitor, normalization and normcount. The width of the cut is given by the width attribute. .. note:: Can only perform cuts for a constant energy plane of definable width. Args: - positions (3 arrays): position in Qx, Qy, and E in flattend arrays. - I (array): Flatten intensity array - Norm (array): Flatten normalization array - Monitor (array): Flatten monitor array - E1 (float): Start energy. - E2 (float): End energy. - q (2d vector): Q point in (qx,qy) - width (float): Full width of cut in q-plane. - minPixel (float): Minimal size of binning along the cutting direction. Points will be binned if they are closer than minPixel. - Emin (float): Minimal energy to include in cut. - Emax (float): Maximal energy to include in cut Kwargs: - constantBins (bool): If True only bins of size minPixel is used (default False) - background (list): If provided perform background subtraction as well Returns: - Data list (4 arrays): Intensity, monitor count, normalization and normalization counts binned in the 1D cut. - Bin list (1 array): Bin edge positions in energy """ if len(q.shape)==1: q.shape = (2,1) distToQ = np.linalg.norm(positions[:2]-q,axis=0) inside = distToQ<width insideEnergy = np.logical_and(positions[2]<=E2,positions[2]>=E1) if(np.sum(insideEnergy)==0): raise AttributeError('No points are within the provided energy limits.') elif(np.sum(inside)==0): raise AttributeError('No points are inside selected q range.') allInside = np.logical_and(inside,insideEnergy) Energies = positions[2][allInside] if constantBins==False: bins = np.array(_tools.binEdges(Energies,tolerance=minPixel)) else: Min,Max = _tools.minMax(Energies) bins = np.arange(Min,Max+0.5*minPixel,minPixel) if len(bins)==0: return [np.array(np.array([])),np.array([]),np.array([]),np.array([])],[[E1,E2]] normcounts = np.histogram(Energies,bins=bins,weights=np.ones_like(Energies).flatten())[0] intensity = np.histogram(Energies,bins=bins,weights=I[allInside].flatten())[0] MonitorCount= np.histogram(Energies,bins=bins,weights=np.array(Monitor[allInside].flatten(),dtype=float))[0] # Need to change to int64 to avoid overflow Normalization= np.histogram(Energies,bins=bins,weights=np.array(Norm[allInside].flatten(),dtype=float))[0] returnData = [intensity,MonitorCount,Normalization,normcounts] if not background is None: bg = background[allInside] nonNan = np.logical_not(np.isnan(bg)) returnData.append(np.histogram(Energies[nonNan],bins=bins,weights=bg[nonNan])[0]) return returnData,[bins]
[docs]@_tools.KwargChecker() def cutPowder(positions,I,Norm,Monitor,EBins,QBins, background=None): """Cut data powder map with intensity as function of the length of q and energy. Args: - positions (3 arrays): position in Qx, Qy, and E in flattend arrays. - I (array): Flatten intensity array - Norm (array): Flatten normalization array - Monitor (array): Flatten monitor array - EBins (list): Energy bin edges. - QBins (list): Q length bin edges. Kwargs: - background (list): List of background values (default None) Returns: - Data list (pandas DataFrame): DataFrame containing qx,qy,H,K,L,Intensity,Normalization,Monitor,BinCount,Int,binDistance for powder cut. """ Qlength,energies = positions Int = np.histogram2d(Qlength, energies, bins=(QBins,EBins),weights=I)[0] Mon = np.histogram2d(Qlength, energies, bins=(QBins,EBins),weights=Monitor)[0] Norm = np.histogram2d(Qlength, energies, bins=(QBins,EBins),weights=Norm)[0] NumCounts = np.histogram2d(Qlength, energies, bins=(QBins,EBins))[0] if not background is None: BGInt = np.histogram2d(Qlength, energies, bins=(QBins,EBins),weights=background)[0] with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") if not background is None: IntRaw = np.asarray(Int) Int = Int-BGInt I = np.divide(Int*NumCounts,Mon*Norm) if not background is None: I_err = np.divide(np.sqrt(Int+BGInt)*NumCounts,Mon*Norm) else: I_err = np.divide(np.sqrt(Int)*NumCounts,Mon*Norm) centerPointsE = 0.5*(EBins[1:]+EBins[:-1]) centerPointsQ = 0.5*(QBins[1:]+QBins[:-1]) centerPointsQ,centerPointsE = np.meshgrid(centerPointsQ,centerPointsE) _data = pd.DataFrame(centerPointsQ.T.flatten(),columns=['q'])# _data[pdNaming['e']] = centerPointsE.T.flatten() _data[pdNaming['intError']] = I_err.flatten() _data[pdNaming['int']] = I.flatten() _data[pdNaming['intensity']] = Int.flatten() _data[pdNaming['norm']] = Norm.flatten() _data[pdNaming['mon']] = Mon.flatten() _data[pdNaming['binCount']] = NumCounts.flatten() if not background is None: _data[pdNaming['Foreground']] = IntRaw.flatten() _data[pdNaming['Background']] = BGInt.flatten() return _data
[docs]@_tools.KwargChecker() def plotA3A4(files,ax=None,planes=[],binningDecimals=3,log=False,returnPatches=False,singleFigure=False,plotTessellation=False,Ei_err = 0.05,temperature_err=0.2,magneticField_err=0.2,electricField_err=0.2): # pragma: no cover """Plot data files together with pixels created around each point in A3-A4 space. Data is binned in the specified planes through their A3 and A4 values. This can result in distorted binning when binning across large energy regions. Data is plotted using the pixels calculated for average plane value, i.e. binning 7,8,9,10, and 11 patches for plane 9 are used for plotting. Args: - files (DataFiles): single file or list of files to be binned together Kwargs: - ax (matplotlib axis): Axis into which the planes are to be plotted (Default None, i.e. new) - planes (list (of lists)): Planes to be plotted and binned (default []) - binningDecimals (int): Number of decimal places A3-A4 positions are rounded before binning (default 3) - log (bool): Whether or not to plot intensities as logarithm (default False) - returnPatches (bool): If true the method returns the patches otherwise plotted in the given axis (default False) - singleFigure (bool): If true, all planes are plotted in same figure (default False) - plotTessellation (bool): Plot Tessellation of points (default False) - Ei_err (float): Tolerance of E_i for which the values are equal (default = 0.05) - temperature_err (float): Tolerance of temperature for which the values are equal (default = 0.2) - magneticField_err (float): Tolerance of magnetic field for which the values are equal (default = 0.2) - electricField_err (float): Tolerance of electric field for which the values are equal (default = 0.2) Returns: - ax (matplotlib axis or list of): axis (list of) containing figures for plotted planes. Raises: - AttributeError Examples: The following example will combine the two files and plot all of the available planes in different figures. >>> DS = DataSet.DataSet(convertedFiles=[--.nxs,---.nxs]) >>> plt.figure() >>> ax = plt.gca() >>> >>> DataSet.plotA3A4(DS.convertedFiles,ax=ax) If only a subset of planes or different planes are to be combined the following will achieve this: >>> DataSet.plotA3A4(DS.convertedFiles,ax=ax,planes=[0,1,2,3,[4,5,6],[8,9]]) Here planes 0 through 3 are plotted separately while 4,5, and 6 as well as 8 and 9 are binned. .. note:: Binning planes from different analysers might result in nonsensible binnings. """ if not isinstance(ax, (list,)) and ax is not None: ax = np.array([ax]) if not isinstance(planes, (list,)): planes = np.array([planes]) if not ax is None: if singleFigure and np.array([ax]).size != 1: raise AttributeError('Single figure chosen but multiple axes given ({}).'.format(np.array([ax]).size)) elif not singleFigure and len(ax) != len(planes) and not len(planes)==0: raise AttributeError('Number of axes ({}) provided does not match number of planes ({}).'.format(np.array([ax]).size,len(planes))) if not isinstance(files,(list,np.ndarray)): files = [files] numFiles = len(files) @_tools.my_timer_N() def testFiles(files,numFiles): if numFiles>1: comparison = np.array([np.all([np.isclose(files[0].Ei,files[i+1].Ei,atol=Ei_err) for i in range(numFiles-1)]),\ np.all([compareNones(files[0].temperature,files[i+1].temperature,temperature_err) for i in range(numFiles-1)]),\ np.all([compareNones(files[0].magneticField,files[i+1].magneticField,magneticField_err) for i in range(numFiles-1)]),\ np.all([compareNones(files[0].electricField,files[i+1].electricField,electricField_err) for i in range(numFiles-1)]),\ np.all([files[0].binning==files[i+1].binning for i in range(numFiles-1)])]) tests = np.array(['Ei','Temperature','Magnetic Field','Electric Field','Binning']) if not np.all(comparison): errors = np.array(1-comparison,dtype=bool) raise AttributeError('Attributes for the datafiles are not the same! Difference is in :\n'+','.join([x for x in tests[errors]])+'\nIf the files are to be binned anyway change the tolerence limits.') testFiles(files,numFiles) A4All = np.array([files[i].A4 for i in range(numFiles)]) A3All = np.array([files[i].A3 for i in range(numFiles)]) Ishape = files[0].I.shape IAll = np.array([files[i].I for i in range(numFiles)]) # into shape sum(A3),104,64 for CAMEA ## np.array([files[i].I[:,0,0,:,:].reshape((A3All[i].size,Ishape[3],Ishape[4])) for i in range(numFiles)]) NormAll = np.array([files[i].Norm for i in range(numFiles)]) ## np.array([files[i].Norm[:,0,0,:,:].reshape((A3All[i].size,Ishape[3],Ishape[4])) for i in range(numFiles)]) MonitorAll = np.array([files[i].Monitor for i in range(numFiles)]) ## np.array([files[i].Monitor[:,0,0,:,:].reshape((A3All[i].size,Ishape[3],Ishape[4])) for i in range(numFiles)]) if not ax is None: if not singleFigure and len(ax) != Ishape[2] and len(planes) == 0: # Plot all planes in provided axes raise AttributeError('Number of axes ({}) provided does not match number of planes ({}).'.format(np.array([ax]).size,Ishape[2])) I = np.concatenate(IAll,axis=0) Norm = np.concatenate(NormAll,axis=0) Mon = np.concatenate(MonitorAll,axis=0) A4InstrAll = -( np.array([files[i].instrumentCalibrationA4+A4All[i] for i in range(numFiles)])) # Find binning (All are equal through testing) binning = files[0].binning if binning==1: if A4InstrAll.shape[1]==155: #MULTIFLEXX A4InstrAll = np.reshape(A4InstrAll,(numFiles,-1,5,binning)) elif A4InstrAll.shape[1]==32: # FLATCONE A4InstrAll = np.reshape(A4InstrAll,(numFiles,-1,1,binning)) else: A4InstrAll = np.reshape(A4InstrAll,(numFiles,-1,8,binning)) else: A4InstrAll = np.reshape(A4InstrAll,(numFiles,-1,8,binning)) ####################################################################### Assume that all energies have same A4 A4InstrAll = A4InstrAll.reshape(numFiles,A4InstrAll[0].shape[0],-1)[:,:,0] # Generate measured points in A3-A4 space points = [] for i in range(numFiles): X,Y = [x.flatten() for x in np.meshgrid(A3All[i],A4InstrAll[i],indexing='ij')] points.append([X,Y]) PosAll = np.concatenate(points,axis=1) unique,uindex,count = np.unique(PosAll,axis=1,return_index=True,return_counts=True) if np.sum(count>1)>0: # If there is any duplicate points BoundPoly= [convexHullPoints(points[i][0].flatten(),points[i][1].flatten()) for i in range(numFiles)] mask = np.ones(PosAll.shape[1],dtype=bool) mask[uindex] = False doublePoints = PosAll[:,mask] kdtree = KDTree(unique.T) doubleIndex = kdtree.query(np.round(doublePoints,binningDecimals).T,distance_upper_bound=np.power(10,-binningDecimals*1.0)*1.1)[1] points = unique shape = I.shape[2] IReshape = I.reshape(-1,shape) NormReshape = Norm.reshape(-1,shape) MonReshape = Mon.reshape(-1,shape) doubleI = IReshape[mask,:] doubleNorm = NormReshape[mask,:] doubleMon = MonReshape[mask,:] Isorted = IReshape[uindex,:] Normsorted = NormReshape[uindex,:] Monsorted = MonReshape[uindex,:] Isorted[doubleIndex,:]+=doubleI Normsorted[doubleIndex,:]=np.nanmean([Normsorted[doubleIndex,:],doubleNorm],axis=0) Monsorted[doubleIndex,:]+=doubleMon else: BoundPoly = False # Sort measured points first in y and then x direction index = np.lexsort((unique[1], unique[0])) shape = I.shape[2] #(64 or 8 depending on instrument and binning) Isorted = np.concatenate(I,axis=0)[index,:] #.reshape(-1,shape) Normsorted = np.concatenate(Norm,axis=0)[index,:]#Norm.reshape(-1,shape)[index,:] Monsorted = np.concatenate(Mon,axis=0)[index,:]#Mon.reshape(-1,shape)[index,:] # return points,BoundPoly,Isorted,Normsorted,Monsorted #points,BoundPoly,Isorted,Normsorted,Monsorted = genPointsAndBoundary(A3All,A4InstrAll,numFiles,I,Norm,Mon) if numFiles==1: points = [np.array(points).reshape(2,-1)] numGroups = 1 else: numGroups = False polygons,GoodPolyPoints = voronoiTessellation(points=points ,plot = plotTessellation,Boundary = BoundPoly, numGroups=numGroups) # Sort centroids (i.e. polygons) like measurement points #@_tools.my_timer_N() #def calcCentroids(GoodPolyPoints): centroids = np.array([centeroidnp(x) for x in GoodPolyPoints]).T # return centroids #centroids = calcCentroids(GoodPolyPoints) #@_tools.my_timer_N() #def sortPoints(points,centroids): if isinstance(points,list): X = np.concatenate(points,axis=1).T else: X = points.T Y = centroids.T kdtree = KDTree(X) _,A = kdtree.query(Y) _,SortUindex,SortCount = np.unique(A,return_index=True,return_counts=True) if np.sum(SortCount>1)!=0: raise AttributeError('The number of points connecting the centroids from Tessellation and points are not equal...') centInd = SortUindex #@_tools.my_timer_N() #def calculateQ(GoodPolyPoints,centInd,files): sortedPolyPoints = GoodPolyPoints[centInd] factorsqrtEK = 0.694692 # Calcualte k vectors Ei = files[0].Ei ki = np.sqrt(Ei)*factorsqrtEK kf = np.sqrt(Ei-files[0].energy[0,:,:].mean(axis=0))*factorsqrtEK # Convert to Q-space ## Qx = ki-kf*cos(A4), Qy = -kf*sin(A4) QX = np.array([ki-np.outer(np.cos(np.deg2rad(p[:,1])),kf) for p in sortedPolyPoints]) QY = np.array([-np.outer(np.sin(np.deg2rad(p[:,1])),kf) for p in sortedPolyPoints]) Theta = np.array([p[:,0].reshape((-1,1))*np.pi/180.0 for p in sortedPolyPoints]) QRX = np.array([QX[i]*np.cos(Theta[i])-QY[i]*np.sin(Theta[i]) for i in range(QX.shape[0])]) QRY = np.array([QY[i]*np.cos(Theta[i])+QX[i]*np.sin(Theta[i]) for i in range(QX.shape[0])]) # Find common axis limits qxmin = np.min([np.min(val) for val in QRX]) qymin = np.min([np.min(val) for val in QRY]) qxmax = np.max([np.max(val) for val in QRX]) qymax = np.max([np.max(val) for val in QRY]) QXlim = np.max(np.abs([qxmin,qxmax])) QYlim = np.max(np.abs([qymin,qymax])) E = np.mean(files[0].energy,axis=(0,1)) # return QRX,QRY,E,QXlim,QYlim #QRX,QRY,E,QXlim,QYlim = calculateQ(GoodPolyPoints,centInd,files) if len(planes)==0: planes = range(len(E)) plots = len(planes) if not returnPatches: if ax is None: # Create needed axes if singleFigure: # pragma: no cover # create only one rows,cols = figureRowColumns(plots) fig,ax = plt.subplots(nrows=rows, ncols=cols) ax = np.array(ax).flatten() if singleFigure: # pragma: no cover if ax is None: ax = plt.figure().gca() else: if ax is None: # pragma: no cover ax = [plt.figure().gca() for _ in range(plots)] counter = 0 if returnPatches: ReturnPatches = [] Energies = [] for plane in planes: #@_tools.my_timer_N() #def binPlanes(plane,Isorted,Normsorted,Monsorted): subplanes = len(np.array([plane]).flatten()) # Check if plane inpu is single plane if subplanes==1: plotPlane = plane with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") IntensityBin = np.divide(Isorted[:,plane],Normsorted[:,plane]*Monsorted[:,plane])+1e-20 IntensityBin = else: plotPlane = int(np.mean(plane)) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") IntensityBin = np.divide(np.nansum(Isorted[:,plane],axis=1),np.nanmean(Normsorted[:,plane],axis=1)*np.nansum(Monsorted[:,plane],axis=1))+1e-20 IntensityBin = # return plotPlane,IntensityBin,subplanes #plotPlane,IntensityBin,subplanes = binPlanes(plane,Isorted,Normsorted,Monsorted) # Generate polygons in Qspace #@_tools.my_timer_N() #def genPatchesAndCollection(QRX,QRY,plotPlane): #patches = [Polygon(np.array([QRX[i][:,plotPlane],QRY[i][:,plotPlane]]).T) for i in range(len(QRX))] patches = [Polygon(np.array([qrx[:,plotPlane],qry[:,plotPlane]]).T) for qrx,qry in zip(QRX,QRY)] pcollection = PatchCollection(patches) # return pcollection #pcollection = genPatchesAndCollection(QRX,QRY,plotPlane) currentInt = IntensityBin #@_tools.my_timer_N() #def plotter(pcollection,currentInt,counter,ax,QXlim,QYlim,E,plotPlane,plane,subplanes): if log==True: pcollection.set_array(np.log10(currentInt+1e-20)) else: pcollection.set_array(currentInt) if returnPatches: pcollection.set_edgecolor('None') ReturnPatches.append(pcollection) Energies.append(np.mean(E[plane])) #continue else: pcollection.set_edgecolor('face') currIntMin = np.max([np.nanmin(currentInt),0.0]) pcollection.set_clim(currIntMin,np.nanmax(currentInt)) ax[counter].add_collection(pcollection) ax[counter].set_xlim(-QXlim,QXlim) ax[counter].set_ylim(-QYlim,QYlim) ax[counter].colorbar = ax[counter].get_figure().colorbar(ax[counter].collections[0], ax=ax[counter],format=ticker.FuncFormatter(fmt)) ax[counter].collections[0].set_clim(currIntMin,np.max(currentInt)) if subplanes==1: ax[counter].set_title('Energy {0:.3f} meV - plane {1}'.format(E[plotPlane],plane)) else: ax[counter].set_title('Energy {0:.3f} meV - planes '.format(np.mean(E[plane]))+\ ','.join([str(x) for x in plane])) counter +=1 #return ax,counter #ax,counter = plotter(pcollection,currentInt,counter,ax,QXlim,QYlim,E,plotPlane,plane,subplanes) if returnPatches: return ReturnPatches,Energies else: return ax
[docs]@_tools.KwargChecker() # Following function is not used def boundaryQ(file,plane,A4Extend=0.0,A3Extend=0.0): # pragma: no cover """Calculate the boundary of a given scan in Q space A4Extend: in degrees A3Extend: in degrees """ energy =[:,0,0,:,:] A3 = file.A3+file.A3Off A4 = file.A4-file.A4Off Ei = file.Ei InstrumentA4 = file.instrumentCalibrationA4.reshape(energy.shape[1],-1)[:,plane] factorsqrtEK = 0.694692 InstA4 = (InstrumentA4-A4)*np.pi/180.0 A4Min = np.min(InstA4,axis=0) A4Max = np.max(InstA4,axis=0) InstrumentEnergy = IC[:,4].reshape(energy.shape[1],-1)[:,plane] # TODO: IC is not defined before usage! Should be loaded from instrument? kf = np.sqrt(InstrumentEnergy)*factorsqrtEK kfmin = np.min(kf,axis=0) kfmax = np.max(kf,axis=0) if not isinstance(kfmin,list): # If only one plane, reshape kfmin/max kfmin=np.array([kfmin]) kfmax=np.array([kfmax]) A4Min = np.array([A4Min]) A4Max = np.array([A4Max]) kfmin.shape= (-1) kfmax.shape= (-1) A4Min.shape= (-1) A4Max.shape= (-1) A4Min-=A4Extend*np.pi/180.0 A4Max+=A4Extend*np.pi/180.0 A3 = np.linspace(np.min(A3)-A3Extend,np.max(A3)+A3Extend,len(A3)) ki = np.sqrt(Ei)*factorsqrtEK #### Qx = ki-kf*cos(A4), Qy = -kf*sin(A4) # inner line qxInner = ki-kfmin*np.cos(A4Min) qyInner = -kfmin*np.sin(A4Min) qxOuter = ki-kfmax*np.cos(A4Max) qyOuter = -kfmax*np.sin(A4Max) QInner = np.zeros((qxInner.shape[0],2,len(A3))) QOuter = np.zeros_like(QInner) for i in range(len(qxInner)): QInner[i,0] = qxInner[i]*np.cos(A3*np.pi/180.0)-qyInner[i]*np.sin(A3*np.pi/180.0) QInner[i,1] = qyInner[i]*np.cos(A3*np.pi/180.0)+qxInner[i]*np.sin(A3*np.pi/180.0) QOuter[i,0] = qxOuter[i]*np.cos(A3*np.pi/180.0)-qyOuter[i]*np.sin(A3*np.pi/180.0) QOuter[i,1] = qyOuter[i]*np.cos(A3*np.pi/180.0)+qxOuter[i]*np.sin(A3*np.pi/180.0) A4Values = np.array([np.linspace(A4Min[i],A4Max[i],50) for i in range(len(A4Min))]) kfValues = np.array([np.linspace(kfmin[i],kfmax[i],50) for i in range(len(kfmin))]) QStart = np.array([ki-kfValues*np.cos(A4Values),-kfValues*np.sin(A4Values)]) QxStartA3 = QStart[0]*np.cos(A3[0]*np.pi/180.0)-QStart[1]*np.sin(A3[0]*np.pi/180.0) QxStopA3 = QStart[0]*np.cos(A3[-1]*np.pi/180.0)-QStart[1]*np.sin(A3[-1]*np.pi/180.0) QyStartA3 = QStart[1]*np.cos(A3[0]*np.pi/180.0)+QStart[0]*np.sin(A3[0]*np.pi/180.0) QyStopA3 = QStart[1]*np.cos(A3[-1]*np.pi/180.0)+QStart[0]*np.sin(A3[-1]*np.pi/180.0) return np.array([np.concatenate([np.flip(QInner[:,0,:],axis=1)[:,:-1],QxStartA3[:,:-1],QOuter[:,0,:-1],np.flip(QxStopA3,axis=1)[:,:-1]],axis=-1),np.concatenate([np.flip(QInner[:,1,:],axis=1)[:,:-1],QyStartA3[:,:-1],QOuter[:,1,:-1],np.flip(QyStopA3,axis=1)[:,:-1]],-1)])
[docs]def convexHullPoints(A3,A4): """Calculate the convex hull of rectangularly spaced A3 and A4 values""" A3Unique = np.unique(A3) A4Unique = np.unique(A4) A3Step = np.diff(A3Unique)[[0,-1]]*0.5 A4Step = np.diff(A4Unique)[[0,-1]]*0.5 addLeft = np.array(np.meshgrid(A3Unique[0]-A3Step[0],A4Unique)).reshape((2,-1)) addRight= np.array(np.meshgrid(A3Unique[-1]+A3Step[1],A4Unique)).reshape((2,-1)) addBottom=np.array(np.meshgrid(A3Unique,A4Unique[0]-A4Step[0])).reshape((2,-1)) addTop = np.array(np.meshgrid(A3Unique,A4Unique[-1]+A4Step[1])).reshape((2,-1)) corners = np.array([[addLeft[0,0],addBottom[1,0]],[addLeft[0,0],addTop[1,-1]],[addRight[0,-1],addBottom[1,0]],[addRight[0,-1],addTop[1,-1]]]).T boundary = np.concatenate([addLeft,addRight,addBottom,addTop,corners],axis=1) hullPoints = ConvexHull(np.array([boundary[0],boundary[1]]).T) bound = hullPoints.points[hullPoints.vertices].T return PolygonS(bound.T)
def isListOfStrings(object): if isinstance(object, list): isListOfStr = True for item in object: if not isinstance(item, str): isListOfStr=False break if isListOfStr: return object else: raise AttributeError('Data files provided are not a list of strings or string!') elif isinstance(object,str): return [object] else: raise AttributeError('Data files provided are not a list of strings or string!') def isListOfDataFiles(inputFiles): returnList = [] if isinstance(inputFiles,(list,np.ndarray)): for file in inputFiles: if isinstance(file,MJOLNIR.Data.DataFile.DataFile): returnList.append(file) elif isinstance(file,str): # Check if file exists if not os.path.isfile(file): raise AttributeError('Following file does not exist:\n{}'.format(file)) returnList.append(MJOLNIR.Data.DataFile.DataFile(file)) elif isinstance(inputFiles,MJOLNIR.Data.DataFile.DataFile): returnList.append(inputFiles) elif isinstance(inputFiles,str): returnList.append(MJOLNIR.Data.DataFile.DataFile(inputFiles)) else: raise AttributeError('File provided is not of type string, list, or DataFile') if len(returnList)>1: sameSample = [returnList[0].sample==file.sample for file in returnList] if not np.all(sameSample): raise AttributeError('Files does not have the same sample! Compared to first entry: {}'.format(sameSample)) return returnList
[docs]def calculateGrid3D(X,Y,Z): """Generate 3D grid with centers given by X,Y, and Z. Args: X (3D array): 3D array of x values generated by np.meshgrid. Y (3D array): 3D array of y values generated by np.meshgrid. Z (3D array): 3D array of z values generated by np.meshgrid. Example: >>> x = np.linspace(-1.5,1.5,20) >>> y = np.linspace(0,1.5,10) >>> z = np.linspace(-1.0,5.5,66) >>> X,Y,Z = np.meshgrid(x,y,z,indexing='ij') >>> XX,YY,ZZ = calculateGrid3D(X,Y,Z) Now XX is a 21x11x67 array containing all x coordinates of the edges exactly midway between the points. Same goes for YY and ZZ with y and z coordinates respectively. """ xshape = np.array(X.shape) if np.any(xshape <= 1): raise AttributeError('Provided array has dimension(s) {} of size <= 1'.format(xshape)) XT = np.zeros((xshape[0]+1,xshape[1]+1,xshape[2]+1)) YT = np.zeros_like(XT) ZT = np.zeros_like(XT) dx0 = np.diff(X,axis=0) dx1 = np.diff(X,axis=1) dx2 = np.diff(X,axis=2) dy0 = np.diff(Y,axis=0) dy1 = np.diff(Y,axis=1) dy2 = np.diff(Y,axis=2) dz0 = np.diff(Z,axis=0) dz1 = np.diff(Z,axis=1) dz2 = np.diff(Z,axis=2) XX = X.copy() XX[:-1]-=0.5*dx0 XX[-1]-=0.5*dx0[-1] XX[:,:-1]-=0.5*dx1 XX[:,-1]-=0.5*dx1[:,-1] XX[:,:,:-1]-=0.5*dx2 XX[:,:,-1]-=0.5*dx2[:,:,-1] YY = Y.copy() YY[:-1]-=0.5*dy0 YY[-1]-=0.5*dy0[-1] YY[:,:-1]-=0.5*dy1 YY[:,-1]-=0.5*dy1[:,-1] YY[:,:,:-1]-=0.5*dy2 YY[:,:,-1]-=0.5*dy2[:,:,-1] ZZ = Z.copy() ZZ[:-1]-=0.5*dz0 ZZ[-1]-=0.5*dz0[-1] ZZ[:,:-1]-=0.5*dz1 ZZ[:,-1]-=0.5*dz1[:,-1] ZZ[:,:,:-1]-=0.5*dz2 ZZ[:,:,-1]-=0.5*dz2[:,:,-1] XT[:-1,:-1,:-1]=XX.copy() YT[:-1,:-1,:-1]=YY.copy() ZT[:-1,:-1,:-1]=ZZ.copy() XT[-1,:-1,:-1]=XT[-2,:-1,:-1]+dx0[-1] XT[:-1,-1,:-1]=XT[:-1,-2,:-1]+dx1[:,-1,:] XT[:-1,:-1,-1]=XT[:-1,:-1,-2]+dx2[:,:,-1] XT[:-1,-1,-1]=0.5*(XT[:-1,-1,-2]+dx2[:,-1,-1]+XT[:-1,-2,-1]+dx1[:,-1,-1]) XT[-1,:-1,-1]=0.5*(XT[-1,:-1,-2]+dx2[-1,:,-1]+XT[-2,:-1,-1]+dx0[-1,:,-1]) XT[-1,-1,:-1]=0.5*(XT[-1,-2,:-1]+dx1[-1,-1,:]+XT[-2,-1,:-1]+dx0[-1,-1,:]) XT[-1,-1,-1]=(XT[-1,-2,-1]+dx1[-1,-1,-1]+XT[-2,-1,-1]+dx0[-1,-1,-1]+XT[-1,-1,-2]+dx2[-1,-1,-1])/3 YT[-1,:-1,:-1]=YT[-2,:-1,:-1]+dy0[-1] YT[:-1,-1,:-1]=YT[:-1,-2,:-1]+dy1[:,-1,:] YT[:-1,:-1,-1]=YT[:-1,:-1,-2]+dy2[:,:,-1] YT[:-1,-1,-1]=0.5*(YT[:-1,-1,-2]+dy2[:,-1,-1]+YT[:-1,-2,-1]+dy1[:,-1,-1]) YT[-1,:-1,-1]=0.5*(YT[-1,:-1,-2]+dy2[-1,:,-1]+YT[-2,:-1,-1]+dy0[-1,:,-1]) YT[-1,-1,:-1]=0.5*(YT[-1,-2,:-1]+dy1[-1,-1,:]+YT[-2,-1,:-1]+dy0[-1,-1,:]) YT[-1,-1,-1]=(YT[-1,-2,-1]+dy1[-1,-1,-1]+YT[-2,-1,-1]+dy0[-1,-1,-1]+YT[-1,-1,-2]+dy2[-1,-1,-1])/3 ZT[-1,:-1,:-1]=ZT[-2,:-1,:-1]+dz0[-1] ZT[:-1,-1,:-1]=ZT[:-1,-2,:-1]+dz1[:,-1,:] ZT[:-1,:-1,-1]=ZT[:-1,:-1,-2]+dz2[:,:,-1] ZT[:-1,-1,-1]=0.5*(ZT[:-1,-1,-2]+dz2[:,-1,-1]+ZT[:-1,-2,-1]+dz1[:,-1,-1]) ZT[-1,:-1,-1]=0.5*(ZT[-1,:-1,-2]+dz2[-1,:,-1]+ZT[-2,:-1,-1]+dz0[-1,:,-1]) ZT[-1,-1,:-1]=0.5*(ZT[-1,-2,:-1]+dz1[-1,-1,:]+ZT[-2,-1,:-1]+dz0[-1,-1,:]) ZT[-1,-1,-1]=(ZT[-1,-2,-1]+dz1[-1,-1,-1]+ZT[-2,-1,-1]+dz0[-1,-1,-1]+ZT[-1,-1,-2]+dz2[-1,-1,-1])/3 return XT,YT,ZT
[docs]@_tools.KwargChecker() def binData3D(dx,dy,dz,pos,data,norm=None,mon=None,bins=None): """ 3D binning of data. Args: - dx (float): Step size in x (required). - dy (float): Step size in x (required). - dz (float): Step size in x (required). - pos (2D array): Position of data points as flattened lists (X,Y,Z) (required). - data (array): Flattened data array (required). Kwargs: - norm (array): Flattened normalization array. - mon (array): Flattened monitor array. - bins (list of arrays): Bins locating edges in the x, y, and z directions. returns: Re-binned intensity (and if provided Normalization, Monitor, and Normalization Count) and X, Y, and Z bins in 3 3D arrays. Example: >>> pos = [Qx,Qy,E] >>> Data,bins = DataSet.binData3D(0.05,0.05,0.2,pos,I,norm=Norm,mon=Monitor) """ if bins is None: bins = calculateBins(dx=dx,dy=dy,dz=dz,pos=pos) if len(pos[0].shape)>1: # Flatten positions pos = np.array([x.flatten() for x in pos]) HistBins = [bins[0][:,0,0],bins[1][0,:,0],bins[2][0,0,:]] weights = [data.flatten()] if not mon is None: weights.append(mon.flatten()) if not norm is None: weights.append(norm.flatten()) returndata = _tools.histogramdd(np.array(pos).T,bins=HistBins,weights=weights,returnCounts=True) return returndata,bins
def calculateBins(dx,dy,dz,pos): diffx = np.abs(np.max(pos[0])-np.min(pos[0])) diffy = np.abs(np.max(pos[1])-np.min(pos[1])) diffz = np.abs(np.max(pos[2])-np.min(pos[2])) xbins = np.round(diffx/dx).astype(int)+1 ybins = np.round(diffy/dy).astype(int)+1 zbins = np.round(diffz/dz).astype(int)+1 _X = np.linspace(np.min(pos[0]),np.max(pos[0]),xbins) _Y = np.linspace(np.min(pos[1]),np.max(pos[1]),ybins) _Z = np.linspace(np.min(pos[2]),np.max(pos[2]),zbins) X,Y,Z = np.meshgrid(_X,_Y,_Z,indexing='ij') XX,YY,ZZ = calculateGrid3D(X=X,Y=Y,Z=Z) bins=[XX,YY,ZZ] return bins def getNX_class(x,y,attribute): try: variableType = y.attrs['NX_class'] except: variableType = '' if variableType==attribute: return x def getInstrument(file): location = file.visititems(lambda x,y: getNX_class(x,y,attribute=b'NXinstrument')) return file.get(location) def fmt(x, pos): a, b = '{:.2e}'.format(x).split('e') b = int(b) return r'${} \times 10^{{{}}}$'.format(a, b) def figureRowColumns(subplots): if subplots<1: raise AttributeError('Negative or zero number of subplots requested.') if subplots==1: rows = 1 cols = 1 else: subplots = float(subplots) startGuess = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(subplots))) for i in np.arange(startGuess,subplots+1,dtype=int): if int(i*np.ceil(subplots/i))>=subplots:# and int(i*np.ceil(plots/i))-plots<startGuess:#np.mod(plots,i)==0: rows = int(np.ceil(subplots/i)) cols = i break return rows,cols def centeroidnp(arr): # Calculated centroid length = arr.shape[0] Totsum = np.sum(arr,axis=0) return Totsum/length def compareNones(first,second,margin): # Function to compare if hasattr(first,'dtype'): t1 = first.dtype else: t1 = type(first) if hasattr(second,'dtype'): t2 = second.dtype else: t2 = type(second) if t1 == type(None) and t2 == type(None): return True elif t1 == t2: return np.isclose(first,second,atol=margin) else: return False
[docs]def OxfordList(list): """Create a comma separated string from the strings provided with last comma trailed by 'and'.""" if len(list)==0: return None elif len(list)==1: return str(list[0]) elif len(list)==2: return ' and '.join([str(x) for x in list]) else: return ', '.join([str(x) for x in list[:-1]])+', and ' +str(list[-1])
[docs]def convertToQxQy(sample,QPoints): """Convert a given list og QPoints to QxQy from UB matrix of sample Args: - sample (MJOLNIR.Sample.Sample): Sample from which the UB matrix is to be used - QPoints (list): List of HKL points to be converted Returns: - Q (list): List of QxQy points in same shape as provided """ QPoints = np.asarray(QPoints) shape = QPoints.shape if len(shape)==1: # One point given as [h,k,l] if shape[0]!=3: raise AttributeError('Provided HKL point is not 3D. Received: {}'.format(QPoints)) qx,qy,qz = np.einsum('ij,j->i',sample.orientationMatrix,QPoints) else: if shape[-1]!=3: raise AttributeError('Provided HKL point is not 3D. Received: {}'.format(QPoints)) qx,qy,qz = np.einsum('ij,...j->i...',sample.orientationMatrix,QPoints) return np.array([qx,qy]).T
[docs]def convertToHKL(sample,QxQy): """Convert a given list og QPoints to QxQy from UB matrix of sample Args: - sample (MJOLNIR.Sample.Sample): Sample from which the UB matrix is to be used - QxQy (list): List of HKL points to be converted Returns: - HKL (list): List of QxQy points in same shape as provided """ QxQy = np.asarray(QxQy) shape = QxQy.shape if len(shape)==1: # One point given as [h,k,l] if shape[0]!=2: raise AttributeError('Provided QxQy point is not 3D. Received: {}'.format(QxQy)) QxQy = np.pad(QxQy, (0, 1), 'constant') H,K,L = np.einsum('ij,j->i',sample.orientationMatrixINV,QxQy) else: if shape[-1]!=2: raise AttributeError('Provided QxQy point is not 2D. Received: {}'.format(QxQy)) Shape = np.asarray(shape) Shape[-1]=1 z = np.zeros(Shape) QxQy = np.concatenate([QxQy,z],axis=-1) H,K,L = np.einsum('ij,...j->i...',sample.orientationMatrixINV,QxQy) return np.array([H,K,L]).T
def generate1DAxis(q1,q2,ds,rlu=True,showEnergy=True,dimensionality=1,outputFunction=print, ax=None): if ax is None: fig,ax = plt.subplots() q1 = np.array(q1,dtype=float) q2 = np.array(q2,dtype=float) if rlu: variables = [pdNaming['h'],pdNaming['k'],pdNaming['l']] ax.sample = ds.sample[0] else: variables = [pdNaming['qx'],pdNaming['qy']] variables = variables+[pdNaming['e']] # Start points defined form cut ax.startPoint = q1 ax.endPoint = q2 ax.rlu = rlu ax.ds = ds # Energy defined from cut but needs to be overwritten later = -1000.0 # plot direction is q2-q1, without normalization making all x points between 0 and 1 ax.plotDirection = np.array(q2-q1).reshape(-1,1) # Calculate the needed precision for x-axis plot def calculateXPrecision(ax): # Find diff for current view diffPlotPosition = np.diff(ax.get_xlim())[0] diffAlongPlot = ax.plotDirection*diffPlotPosition numTicks = len(ax.xaxis.get_ticklocs()) # take the smallest value which is chaning (i.e. is along the plot direction) change = np.max(np.abs(diffAlongPlot[ax.plotDirection.T.flatten()!=0])) /numTicks # find the largest integer closest to the wanted precision ax.set_precision(int(-np.floor(np.log10(change)))+1) # 1D or 2D ax._2D = dimensionality==2 if ax._2D: def calculateIndex(ax,x,y): idx = np.argmin(np.abs(ax.X-x)) idy = np.argmin(np.abs(ax.Y-y)) return idx,idy def set_clim(ax,VMin,VMax): for pm in ax.pmeshs: pm.set_clim(VMin,VMax) ax.set_clim = lambda VMin,VMax: set_clim(ax,VMin,VMax) else: def calculateIndex(binDistance,x): idx = np.argmin(np.abs(binDistance-x)) return idx def calculatePosition(ax,x): return (x*ax.plotDirection.T+ax.startPoint).flatten() def calculatePositionInv(ax,HKL): HKL = np.asarray(HKL).copy() HKL.shape = (-1,len(variables)-1) return,ax.plotDirection)/(,ax.plotDirection)) # Add methods to the axis ax.outputFunction = outputFunction ax.suppressPrint = False ax._x_precision = 2 ax.fmtPrecisionString = '{:.'+str(ax._x_precision)+'f}' # Dynamic add setter and getter to ax.precision def set_precision(ax,value): ax._x_precision = value ax.fmtPrecisionString = '{:.'+str(ax._x_precision)+'f}' ax.get_figure().tight_layout() ax.calculatePosition = lambda x: calculatePosition(ax,x) ax.calculatePositionInv = lambda HKL: calculatePositionInv(ax,HKL) if ax._2D: ax.calculateIndex = lambda x,y: calculateIndex(ax,x,y) else: ax.calculateIndex = lambda x: calculateIndex(ax.Data[pdNaming['plotPosition']],x) ax.calculateXPrecision = calculateXPrecision ax.set_precision = lambda value: set_precision(ax,value) ax.calculateXPrecision(ax) # Format the x label as well as the format_coord if ax.rlu is False: xlabel = r'[$Q_x [\AA^{-1}]$, $Q_y [\AA^{-1}]$' if showEnergy: xlabel = xlabel +', E [meV]]' else: xlabel = xlabel + ']' ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) def format_coord(x,y,ax):# pragma: no cover qx,qy = ax.calculatePosition(x) if ax._2D: return "qx = {0:.3e}, qy = {1:.3e}, I = {2:0.4e}".format(qx,qy,y) else: E = if showEnergy: return "qx = {0:.3e}, qy = {1:.3e}, E = {2:.3f}, I = {3:0.4e}".format(qx,qy,E,y) else: return "qx = {0:.3e}, qy = {1:.3e}, I = {2:0.4e}".format(qx,qy,y) else: xlabel = '[$Q_h$ [RLU], $Q_k$ [RLU], $Q_l$ [RLU]' if showEnergy: xlabel = xlabel +', E [meV]]' else: xlabel = xlabel +']' ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) def format_coord(x,y,ax):# pragma: no cover h,k,l = ax.calculatePosition(x) if ax._2D: returnString = "H = {0:.3e}, K = {1:.3e}, L = {2:.3e}, E = {3:.3f}".format(h,k,l,y) else: E = if showEnergy: returnString = "H = {0:.3e}, K = {1:.3e}, L = {2:.3e}, E = {3:.3f}, I = {4:0.4e}".format(h,k,l,E,y) else: returnString = "H = {0:.3e}, K = {1:.3e}, L = {2:.3e}, I = {3:0.4e}".format(h,k,l,y) return returnString # Create a custom major formatter to show the multi-D position on the x-axis def major_formatter(ax,tickPosition,tickNumber): positions = list(ax.calculatePosition(tickPosition)) if showEnergy: positions+=[] return '\n'.join([ax.fmtPrecisionString.format(pos) for pos in positions]) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(FuncFormatter(lambda x,i: major_formatter(ax,x,i))) # Create the onclick behaviour def onclick(event,ax,Data):# pragma: no cover if ax.in_axes(event): try: C = ax.get_figure().canvas.cursor().shape() # Only works for pyQt5 backend except: pass else: if C != 0: # Cursor corresponds to arrow return x = event.xdata y = event.ydata printString = ax.format_coord(x,y) if ax._2D == True: index = ax.calculateIndex(x,y) d = list(Data.groupby(pdNaming['e']))[index[1]][1] Int = d[pdNaming['int']][index[0]] cts = int(d[pdNaming['intensity']][index[0]]) Mon = int(d[pdNaming['mon']][index[0]]) Norm = float(d[pdNaming['norm']][index[0]]) NC = int(d[pdNaming['binCount']][index[0]]) printString+=',Int Point = {:.3e}, Cts = {:d}, Norm = {:.3f}, Mon = {:d}, NormCount = {:d}'.format(Int,cts,Norm,int(Mon),NC) else: index = ax.calculateIndex(x) Int = Data[pdNaming['int']][index] cts = int(Data[pdNaming['intensity']][index]) Mon = int(Data[pdNaming['mon']][index]) Norm = float(Data[pdNaming['norm']][index]) NC = int(Data[pdNaming['binCount']][index]) printString+=',Int Point = {:.3e}, Cts = {:d}, Norm = {:.3f}, Mon = {:d}, NormCount = {:d}'.format(Int,cts,Norm,int(Mon),NC) if not ax.suppressPrint: ax.outputFunction(printString) # Moce the x label slightly due to its size #ax.xaxis.set_label_coords(1.075, -0.025) #ax.set_xlim(-0.01,1.01) # connect methods ax.format_coord = lambda x,y: format_coord(x,y,ax) ax.onClick = lambda event:onclick(event,ax,ax.Data) ax._button_press_event = ax.figure.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event',ax.onClick) ax.callbacks.connect('xlim_changed',ax.calculateXPrecision) # Make the layouyt fit ax.get_figure().tight_layout() return ax def generate1DAxisE(q1,rlu=True,showQ=True,outputFunction=print): fig,ax = plt.subplots() ax = plt.gca() q1 = np.array(q1,dtype=float) ax.startPoint = q1 if rlu: variables = [pdNaming['h'],pdNaming['k'],pdNaming['l']] else: variables = [pdNaming['qx'],pdNaming['qy']] variables = variables+[pdNaming['e']] def calculateXPrecision(ax): # Find diff for current view diffAlongPlot = np.diff(ax.get_xlim())[0] numTicks = len(ax.xaxis.get_ticklocs()) # take the smallest value which is chaning (i.e. is along the plot direction) minChange = diffAlongPlot/numTicks # find the largest integer closest to the wanted precision ax.set_precision(int(-np.floor(np.log10(minChange)))+1) def calculateIndex(binDistance,x): idx = np.argmin(np.abs(binDistance-x)) return idx ax.outputFunction = outputFunction ax.supressPrint = False ax._x_precision = 2 ax.fmtPrecisionString = '{:.'+str(2)+'f}' # Dynamic add setter and getter to ax.precision def set_precision(ax,value): ax._x_precision = value ax.fmtPrecisionString = '{:.'+str(ax._x_precision)+'f}' ax.get_figure().tight_layout() ax.calculateIndex = lambda x: calculateIndex(ax.Data[pdNaming['plotPosition']],x) ax.calculateXPrecision = calculateXPrecision ax.set_precision = lambda value: set_precision(ax,value) ax.calculateXPrecision(ax) # Format the x label as well as the format_coord if rlu==False: if showQ: xlabel =r'[$Q_x [\AA^{-1}]$, $Q_y [\AA^{-1}]$, E [meV]]' else: xlabel = 'E [meV]' ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) def format_coord(x,y,ax):# pragma: no cover if showQ: return "qx = {0:.3e}, qy = {1:.3e}, E = {2:.3f}, I = {3:0.4e}".format(*ax.startPoint,x,y) else: return "E = {:.3e}, I = {:0.4e}".format(x,y) else: if showQ: xlabel = '[$Q_h$ [RLU], $Q_k$ [RLU], $Q_l$ [RLU], E [meV]]' else: xlabel = 'E [meV]' ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) def format_coord(x,y,ax):# pragma: no cover if showQ: return "H = {:.3e}, K = {:.3e}, L = {:-3e}, E = {:.3f}, I = {:0.4e}".format(*ax.startPoint,x,y) else: return "E = {:.3e}, I = {:0.4e}".format(x,y) # Create a custom major formatter to show the multi-D position on the x-axis def major_formatter(ax,tickPosition,tickNumber): if showQ: positions = list(ax.startPoint.flatten())+[tickPosition] else: positions = [tickPosition] return '\n'.join([ax.fmtPrecisionString.format(pos) for pos in positions]) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(FuncFormatter(lambda x,i: major_formatter(ax,x,i))) # Create the onclick behaviour def onclick(event,ax,Data):# pragma: no cover if ax.in_axes(event): try: C = ax.get_figure().canvas.cursor().shape() # Only works for pyQt5 backend except: pass else: if C != 0: # Cursor corresponds to arrow return x = event.xdata y = event.ydata printString = ax.format_coord(x,y) index = ax.calculateIndex(x) Int = Data[pdNaming['int']][index] cts = int(Data[pdNaming['intensity']][index]) Mon = int(Data[pdNaming['mon']][index]) Norm = float(Data[pdNaming['norm']][index]) NC = int(Data[pdNaming['binCount']][index]) printString+=',Int Point = {:.3e}, Cts = {:d}, Norm = {:.3f}, Mon = {:d}, NormCount = {:d}'.format(Int,cts,Norm,int(Mon),NC) if not ax.supressPrint: ax.outputFunction(printString) # connect methods ax.format_coord = lambda x,y: format_coord(x,y,ax) ax.onClick = lambda event:onclick(event,ax,ax.Data) ax._button_press_event = ax.figure.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event',ax.onClick) ax.callbacks.connect('xlim_changed',ax.calculateXPrecision) # Make the layouyt fit ax.get_figure().tight_layout() return ax for func in [f for f in DataSet.__dict__.values() if hasattr(f,'__doc__') and f.__doc__!='' and hasattr(f,'__call__')]: if not func.__doc__ is None: if 'see below' in func.__doc__.lower(): func.__doc__+=pdDoc