Source code for GeometryConcept

import sys
import math
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import pickle as pickle
from MJOLNIR import _tools

[docs]class GeometryConcept(object): """Abstract geometry concept. Used as base class for Wedge and Instrument."""
[docs] @_tools.KwargChecker() def __init__(self,position=(0,0,0)): self.position = position """ Kwargs: - Position (3vector): Position of object (default [0,0,0]) Raises: - AttributeError - NotImplementedError >>> GenericConcept = GeometryConcept(position=(0.0,1.0,0.0)) >>> print(GenericConcept.position) (0.0,1.0,0.0) """
@property def position(self): return self._position @position.getter def position(self): return self._position @position.setter def position(self,position): position = np.array(position,dtype=float) if position.ndim !=1 or len(position)!=3: raise AttributeError('Position is to be a 3 vector, got {}.'.format(position)) self._position = position def __repr__(self): return "%s(%r)" % (self.__class__, self.__dict__) def __str__(self): returnString=('{} located at {}'.format(str(self.__class__).split('.')[-1][:-2],self.position)) return returnString
[docs] def plot(self,ax): """ Args: - ax (matplotlib axis): 3D matplotlib axis into which plotting is performed .. warning:: Method not incorporated, but acts as virtual method. """ raise NotImplementedError
def __eq__(self, other): return np.logical_and(set(self.__dict__.keys()) == set(other.__dict__.keys()),self.__class__ == other.__class__) def save(self, filename): try: # Opening the given file with an error catch fileObject = open(filename, 'wb') except IOError as e: # pragma: no cover print("Error in opening file:\n{}".format(e)) else: pickle.dump(self, fileObject, -1) fileObject.close()
[docs] def load(self,filename): """Method to load an object from a pickled file.""" try: # Opening the given file with an error catch fileObject = open(filename, 'rb') except IOError as e: # pragma: no cover print("Error in opening file:\n{}".format(e)) else: tmp_dict = pickle.load(fileObject) fileObject.close() # TODO: Make checks that the object loaded is of correct format? self=tmp_dict
[docs]class GeometryObject(GeometryConcept): """Physical geometry object on which other physical MJOLNIR components are build. All of the components needed to create an instrument should inherit from this class in order enforce a uniform interface."""
[docs] @_tools.KwargChecker() def __init__(self, position=(0.0,0.0,0.0), direction=(0,0,1)): """ Kwargs: - Position (3vector): Position of object (default [0,0,0]) - Direction (3vector): Direction along which the object points (default [0,0,1]) Raises: - AttributeError >>> GenericObject = GeometryObject(position=(0.0,1.0,0.0),direction=(1.0,0,0)) >>> print(GenericObject.position) (0.0,1.0,0.0) """ super(GeometryObject,self).__init__(position) self.direction = direction
@property def direction(self): return self._direction @direction.getter def direction(self): return self._direction @direction.setter def direction(self,direction): direction = np.array(direction,dtype=float) if direction.ndim !=1 or len(direction)!=3: raise AttributeError('Direction is to be a 3 vector') if np.abs(np.linalg.norm(direction))<1e-10: raise AttributeError('Length of direction is not allowed to be zero') direction/=np.linalg.norm(direction) self._direction = direction def __str__(self): return "Position = {}\tDirection = {}".format(self._position,self._direction)