Source code for Sample

import sys, os
import scipy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import h5py as hdf
import warnings
from MJOLNIR import _tools
import datetime
import math
from MJOLNIR import TasUBlibDEG as TasUBlib
from MJOLNIR._tools import Marray
import MJOLNIR.Data.DataFile

def cosd(x):
    return np.cos(np.deg2rad(x))

def sind(x):
    return np.sin(np.deg2rad(x))

def camelCase(string,split='_'):
    """Convert string to camel case from <split> seperated"""

    if not split in string:
        return string
    splitString = string.split(split)
    first = splitString[0]
    others = [x.title() for x in splitString[1:]]
    combi = [first]+others
    return ''.join([str(x) for x in combi])

[docs]class Sample(object): """Sample object to store all information of the sample from the experiment"""
[docs] @_tools.KwargChecker() def __init__(self,a=2.0*np.pi,b=2.0*np.pi,c=2.0*np.pi,alpha=90,beta=90,gamma=90,sample=None,name='Unknown',projectionVector1=None, projectionVector2 = None,recalculateUB=False): if isinstance(sample, = str(np.array(sample.get('name'))[0].decode()) self.planeNormal = np.array(sample.get('plane_normal')) self.polarAngle = np.array(sample.get('polar_angle')) self.rotationAngle = np.array(sample.get('rotation_angle')) self.unitCell = np.array(sample.get('unit_cell')) self.plane_vector1 = np.array(sample.get('plane_vector_1')) self.plane_vector2 = np.array(sample.get('plane_vector_2')) crossProduct = np.cross(self.plane_vector1[:3],self.plane_vector2[:3]) if recalculateUB is True: # Recalculate the ub from the given peaks (ignoring sgu and sgl!) self.plane_vector1 = np.delete(self.plane_vector1,3) self.plane_vector1[5:7] = 0.0 self.plane_vector2 = np.delete(self.plane_vector2,3) self.plane_vector2[5:7] = 0.0 self.orientationMatrix = TasUBlib.calcTasUBFromTwoReflections(self.cell, self.plane_vector1, self.plane_vector2) elif recalculateUB == 0 and type(recalculateUB) == bool: self.orientationMatrix = np.array(sample.get('orientation_matrix'))*2*np.pi else: self.orientationMatrix = np.array(sample.get('orientation_matrix')) if not np.all(np.isclose(crossProduct,[0,0,0])): self.planeNormal = crossProduct self.A3Off = np.array([0.0])# if not np.isclose(np.linalg.norm(self.plane_vector1[:3].astype(float)),0.0) or not np.isclose(np.linalg.norm(self.plane_vector2[:3].astype(float)),0.0): # If vectors are not zero self.projectionVector1,self.projectionVector2 = calcProjectionVectors(self.plane_vector1.astype(float),self.plane_vector2.astype(float)) else: self.projectionVector1,self.projectionVector2 = [np.array([1.0,0.0,0.0]),np.array([0.0,1.0,0.0])] self.initialize() self.calculateProjections() attributes = ['azimuthal_angle','x','y','sgu','sgu_zero','sgl','sgl_zero'] values = [camelCase(x) for x in attributes] for att, val in zip(attributes,values): setattr(self,val,np.array(sample.get(att))) elif np.all([a is not None,b is not None, c is not None]): self.unitCell = np.array([a,b,c,alpha,beta,gamma]) self.polarAngle = np.array(None) self.rotationAngle = np.array(0) if projectionVector1 is None or projectionVector2 is None: projectionVector1,projectionVector2 = [np.array([1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,-37.553,0.0,0.0,5.0,5.0]),np.array([0.0,1.0,0.0,90.0,-37.553,0.0,0.0,5.0,5.0])] r1 = projectionVector1 r2 = projectionVector2 self.plane_vector1 = r1 self.plane_vector2 = r2 self.planeNormal = np.cross(self.plane_vector1[:3],self.plane_vector2[:3]) cell = TasUBlib.calcCell(self.unitCell) self.orientationMatrix = TasUBlib.calcTasUBFromTwoReflections(cell, r1, r2)#(np.pi*2) #self.orientationMatrix = TasUBlib.calcTasUBFromTwoReflections(self.cell,self.plane_vector1,self.plane_vector2) self.projectionVector1,self.projectionVector2 = calcProjectionVectors(self.plane_vector1.astype(float),self.plane_vector2.astype(float))#,self.planeNormal.astype(float)) self.initialize() self.calculateProjections() else: print(sample) print(a,b,c,alpha,beta,gamma) raise AttributeError('Sample not understood')
@property def unitCell(self): return self._unitCelll @unitCell.getter def unitCell(self): return np.array([self.a,self.b,self.c,self.alpha,self.beta,self.gamma])#self._unitCell @unitCell.setter def unitCell(self,unitCell): self._unitCell = unitCell self.a = unitCell[0] self.b = unitCell[1] self.c = unitCell[2] self.alpha = unitCell[3] self.beta = unitCell[4] self.gamma = unitCell[5] self.updateCell() @property def a(self): return self._a @a.getter def a(self): return self._a @a.setter def a(self,a): if a>0: self._a = a else: raise AttributeError('Negative or null given for lattice parameter a') @property def b(self): return self._b @b.getter def b(self): return self._b @b.setter def b(self,b): if b>0: self._b = b else: raise AttributeError('Negative or null given for lattice parameter b') @property def c(self): return self._c @c.getter def c(self): return self._c @c.setter def c(self,c): if c>0: self._c = c else: raise AttributeError('Negative or null given for lattice parameter c') @property def alpha(self): return self._alpha @alpha.getter def alpha(self): return self._alpha @alpha.setter def alpha(self,alpha): if alpha>0 and alpha<180: self._alpha = alpha else: raise AttributeError('Negative,null or above 180 degrees given for lattice parameter alpha') @property def beta(self): return self._beta @beta.getter def beta(self): return self._beta @beta.setter def beta(self,beta): if beta>0 and beta<180: self._beta = beta else: raise AttributeError('Negative,null or above 180 degrees given for lattice parameter beta') @property def gamma(self): return self._gamma @gamma.getter def gamma(self): return self._gamma @gamma.setter def gamma(self,gamma): if gamma>0 and gamma<180: self._gamma = gamma else: raise AttributeError('Negative,null or above 180 degrees given for lattice parameter gamma') def __eq__(self,other): if not isinstance(other,type(self)): return False return np.all(np.isclose(self.unitCell,other.unitCell))#,\ #np.all(self.orientationMatrix==other.orientationMatrix)])
[docs] def initialize(self): """Initialize the Sample object. Automatically called during __init__method.""" # From self.updateCell() self.B = TasUBlib.calculateBMatrix(self.cell)
#self.reciprocalMatrix = np.array([self.reciprocalVectorA,self.reciprocalVectorB,self.reciprocalVectorC]).T
[docs] def calculateProjections(self): """Calculate projections and generate projection angles.""" checks = np.array(['unitCell','orientationMatrix','projectionVector1','projectionVector2']) # boolcheck = np.logical_not(np.array([hasattr(self,x) for x in checks])) if np.any(boolcheck): raise AttributeError('Sample object is missing: {}.'.format(', '.join(str(x) for x in checks[boolcheck]))) if self.projectionVector1[np.argmax(np.abs(self.projectionVector1))]<0: self.projectionVector1*=-1 if self.projectionVector2[np.argmax(np.abs(self.projectionVector2))]<0: self.projectionVector2*=-1 V1 = self.projectionVector1.copy() #V1/=np.linalg.norm(V1) V2 = self.projectionVector2.copy() #V2/=np.linalg.norm(V2) pV1Q =,V1) pV2Q =,V2) self.projectionAngle = _tools.vectorAngle(pV1Q,pV2Q) if np.isclose(0.0,self.projectionAngle): raise AttributeError("The provided orientations are equal.") UB= self.orientationMatrix self.UB = UB self.orientationMatrixINV = np.linalg.inv(UB) p23 = np.array([[1,0,0],[0,1,0]]) # To extract Qx, Qy only PM = np.array([V1,V2]).T # Projection matrix self.PM = PM self.convert =,np.einsum('ij,jk->ik',UB,PM)) # Convert from projX,projY to Qx, Qy self.convertHKL =,UB) # Convert from HKL to Qx, Qy # Calculate 'misalignment' of the projection vector 1 try: self.theta = -TasUBlib.calcTasMisalignment(UB,self.planeNormal,V1) except AttributeError: self.theta = 0 self.RotMat = _tools.Rot(self.theta) # Create 2x2 rotation matrix self.convertinv = np.linalg.inv(self.convert) # Convert from Qx, Qy to projX, projY self.convertHKLINV = _tools.invert(self.convertHKL) # Convert from Qx, Qy to HKL # Calcualte RotationMatrix for UB as block diagonal matrix. Only Qx,Qy part rotates as' # calculated in RotMat self.RotMat3D = np.eye(3) self.RotMat3D[:2,:2] = self.RotMat #self.orientationMatrixINV = np.linalg.inv(,UB)) self.orientationMatrixINV = np.linalg.inv(self.UB)
[docs] def tr(self,p0,p1): """Convert from projX, projY coordinate to Qx,QY coordinate.""" p0, p1 = np.asarray(p0), np.asarray(p1) P = np.array([p0,p1]) Pos = np.einsum('ij,j...->i...',self.convertinv,P) return Pos[0],Pos[1]
[docs] def inv_tr(self, x,y): """Convert from Qx,QY coordinate to projX, projY coordinate.""" x, y = np.asarray(x), np.asarray(y) P = np.array([x,y]) Pos = np.einsum('ij,j...->i...',self.convert,P) return Pos[0],Pos[1]
[docs] def format_coord(self,x,y): """Format coordinates from QxQy in rotated frame into HKL.""" x, y = np.asarray(x), np.asarray(y) rlu = self.calculateQxQyToHKL(x,y),np.array([x,y,0])) return "h = {0:.3f}, k = {1:.3f}, l = {2:.3f}".format(rlu[0],rlu[1],rlu[2])
[docs] def calculateQxQyToHKL(self,x,y): """convert from Qx,Qy to HKL.""" pos = np.array([x,y,np.zeros_like(x)]) return np.einsum('ij,j...->i...',self.orientationMatrixINV,pos)
[docs] def calculateHKLToQxQy(self,H,K,L): """convert HKL to Qx,Qy.""" pos = np.array([H,K,L]) return np.einsum('ij,j...->i...',self.orientationMatrix,pos)[:2]
[docs] def calculateHKLtoProjection(self,H,K,L): """convert from projections to HKL.""" HKL = np.array([H,K,L]) #points = np.einsum('i...,ij...->i...',HKL,self.PM) points = np.einsum('ij,j...->i...',_tools.invert(self.PM),HKL) return points
def __str__(self): returnStr = 'Sample ' + + '\n' #if not self.temperature is None: returnStr+= 'Temperatur: '+str(self.temperature)+'\n' #if not self.magneticField is None: returnStr+= 'Magnetic Field: '+str(self.magneticField)+'\n' #if not self.electricField is None: returnStr+= 'Electric Field: '+str(self.electricField)+'\n' returnStr+= 'Unit cell: \n' + str(self.unitCell) + '\n' returnStr+= 'Orientation matrix: \n' + str(self.orientationMatrix) +'\n' return returnStr
[docs] @_tools.KwargChecker() def CurratAxe(self,Ei,Ef,Bragg,spurionType='Monochromator',HKL=False,Projection=False): """Function to calculate Currat-Axe position in QxQy coordinate system. Args: - Ei (float/list): Incoming energy in meV. - Ef (float/list): Outgoing energy in meV. - Bragg (list): Bragg peak in HKL or list of. Kwargs: - spurionType (str): Either "Monochromator" or "Analyser" for origin of "wrong" energy (default "Monochromator"). - HKL (bool): Whether or not to recalculate to HKL instead of Qx, Qy, Qz (default False). - Projection (Bool): Whether or not to recalculate to Projection vectors instead of Qx, Qy, Qz (default False). Returns: - Position (list): List of size (len(Bragg),len(Ei),len(Ef),3), where last axis is Qx, Qy, Qz """ A3Off = self.theta Ei = np.asarray(Ei).flatten() # Shape (m) Ef = np.asarray(Ef).flatten() # Shape (n) Bragg = np.asarray(Bragg).reshape(-1,3) # shape (l,3) QlLocal = [] if spurionType.lower() == 'monochromator': for B in Bragg: Ql = [] Angles = np.array([TasUBlib.calcTasQAngles(self.orientationMatrix,self.planeNormal,1.0,0.0,np.array([B[0],B[1],B[2],e,e]))[:2] for e in Ef]) for ei in Ei: Ql.append(np.array([TasUBlib.calcTasQH(self.orientationMatrixINV,angle,ei,e,0) for angle,e in zip(Angles,Ef)])[:,1]) QlLocal.append(Ql) elif spurionType.lower() == 'analyser': for B in Bragg: Ql = [] for ei in Ei: Angles2 = np.array(TasUBlib.calcTasQAngles(self.orientationMatrix,self.planeNormal,1.0,0.0,np.array([B[0],B[1],B[2],ei,ei]))[:2]) Ql.append(np.array([TasUBlib.calcTasQH(self.orientationMatrixINV,Angles2,ei,e,0.0) for e in Ef])[:,1]) # Extract Qx,Qy QlLocal.append(Ql) else: raise AttributeError('Provided spurionType not understood. Expected "Monochromator" or "Analyser" but received "{}".'.format(spurionType)) returnVal = np.array(QlLocal) # Shape (l,m,n,3) if HKL == True or Projection == True: # need to calculate HKL for Projection calculation returnValShape = np.array(returnVal.shape) returnVal = self.calculateQxQyToHKL(returnVal[:,:,:,0].flatten(),returnVal[:,:,:,1].flatten()) if Projection == True: toProjection = self.calculateHKLtoProjection(returnVal[0],returnVal[1],returnVal[2]) returnVal = np.array(self.inv_tr(toProjection[0],toProjection[1])) returnValShape[-1]=2 # reshape Qx,Qy,Qz dimension to P1,P2 (3 -> 2) returnVal.shape = returnValShape # Shape (l,m,n,3) or (l,m,n,2) return returnVal
[docs] def updateCell(self,unitCell=None): """Update cell parameters with current unit cell values. Kwargs: - unitCell (list): List of a,b,c,alpha,beta,gamma. If None, use self.unitCell (default None) """ if unitCell is None: unitCell = self.unitCell else: self.unitCell = unitCell self.realVectorA = np.array([self.a,0,0]) self.realVectorB = self.b*np.array([cosd(self.gamma),sind(self.gamma),0.0])[self.b,0,0]),rotationMatrix(0,0,self.gamma)) self.realVectorC = self.c*np.array([cosd(self.beta),(cosd(self.alpha)-cosd(self.beta)*cosd(self.gamma))/sind(self.gamma), np.sqrt(1-cosd(self.beta)**2-((cosd(self.alpha)-cosd(self.beta)*cosd(self.gamma))/sind(self.gamma))**2)])[self.c,0,0]),rotationMatrix(0,self.beta,0)) self.volume = np.abs(,np.cross(self.realVectorB,self.realVectorC))) self.reciprocalVectorA = 2*np.pi*np.cross(self.realVectorB,self.realVectorC)/self.volume self.reciprocalVectorB = 2*np.pi*np.cross(self.realVectorC,self.realVectorA)/self.volume self.reciprocalVectorC = 2*np.pi*np.cross(self.realVectorA,self.realVectorB)/self.volume bv1,bv2,bv3 = self.reciprocalVectorA,self.reciprocalVectorB,self.reciprocalVectorC a1,a2,a3,alpha1,alpha2,alpha3= self.unitCell b1,b2,b3 = [np.linalg.norm(x) for x in [bv1,bv2,bv3]] beta1 = np.rad2deg(_tools.vectorAngle(bv2,bv3)) beta2 = np.rad2deg(_tools.vectorAngle(bv3,bv1)) beta3 = np.rad2deg(_tools.vectorAngle(bv1,bv2)) self.cell = [a1,a2,a3,b1,b2,b3,alpha1,alpha2,alpha3,beta1,beta2,beta3]
[docs] def updateSampleParameters(self,unitCell): """Update the sample parameters and change UB matrix as well. Args: - unitCell (list): List of cell parameters. If None use self.unitCell """ UB = self.UB B = self.B U =,np.linalg.inv(B)) self.updateCell(unitCell) newB = TasUBlib.calculateBMatrix(self.cell) newUB =,newB) self.UB = newUB self.orientationMatrix = newUB self.calculateProjections()
def calcProjectionVectors(R1,R2,norm=None): r1 = R1[:3] r2 = R2[:3] if not norm is None: NV = norm else: NV = np.cross(r1,r2) NV/= np.linalg.norm(NV) Zeros = np.isclose(NV,0.0) if np.sum(Zeros)==3: raise AttributeError('The two plane vectors are equivalent, {}, {}!'.format(r1,r2)) if np.sum(Zeros) == 2 or np.sum(Zeros)==1: # Easy case where the two vectors are to be along the x, y, or z directions if Zeros[0] == True: V1 = np.array([1.0,0.0,0.0]) V2 = np.cross(NV,V1) elif Zeros[1]: V1 = np.array([0.0,1.0,0.0]) V2 = np.cross(NV,V1) else: V1 = np.array([0.0,0.0,1.0]) V2 = np.cross(NV,V1) else: # The tricky case of all vectors having non-zero components. V1 = r1 V2 = r2 V1 = _tools.LengthOrder(V1) V2 = _tools.LengthOrder(V2) #for V in [V1,V2]: # Flip sign if needed # maxArg = np.argmax(np.abs(V)) # V*=np.sign(V[maxArg]) return V1,V2 def calculateSample(cell,HKL1,HKL2,A3R1,A3R2,Ei,Ef): """ Generate a sample from two reflections, their A3 positions, and incoming and outgoing energies - HKL1 ([HKL]): First alignment point - HKL2 ([HKL]): Second alignment point - A3R1 (float): A3 value of reference peak 1 (deg) - A3R2 (float): A3 value of reference peak 2 (deg) - Ei (float): Incoming energy used (meV) - Ef (float): Outgoing energy used (meV) """ if np.isclose(A3R1,A3R2): raise AttributeError('A3 positions of the two peaks are identical.') if np.all(np.isclose(HKL1,HKL2)): raise AttributeError('Provided HKL positions are identical.') B = TasUBlib.calculateBMatrix(TasUBlib.calcCell(cell)) A4R1 = TasUBlib.calTwoTheta(B, [*HKL1,Ei,Ef], -1) A4R2 = TasUBlib.calTwoTheta(B, [*HKL2,Ei,Ef], -1) r1 = np.array([*HKL1,A3R1, A4R1, 0.0,0.0, Ei,Ei]) # H K L A3 A4 SGU SGL Ei Ef r2 = np.array([*HKL2,A3R2, A4R2, 0.0,0.0, Ei,Ei]) # H K L A3 A4 SGU SGL Ei Ef return Sample(*cell,projectionVector1=r1,projectionVector2=r2)