Source code for Wedge

import sys
import math,numpy as np
from MJOLNIR.Geometry import GeometryConcept,Analyser,Detector
from MJOLNIR import _tools
import warnings
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

[docs]class Wedge(GeometryConcept.GeometryConcept): """Wedge object to keep track of analysers and detectors. To be used as a storage object and facilitate easy movement of multiple detectors and analysers as once."""
[docs] @_tools.KwargChecker(include=['']) def __init__(self,position=(0.0,0.0,0.0),detectors=[],analysers=[],concept='ManyToMany',**kwargs): """ Args: - position (float 3): Position of wedge (default (0,0,0)) Kwargs: - detectors (list or single detector): Either a list or a single detector (default empty) - analysers (list or single analyser): Either a list or a single analyser (default empty) - concept (string "ManyToMany" or "OneToOne"): Setting to controle if there is a "one to one" correspondence between analysers and detectors or a "many to many" relationship. .. note:: A wedge does not have a direction. The direction of analysers and detectors are to be set individually. """ super(Wedge,self).__init__(position) self._analysers = [] self._detectors = [] self.append(analysers) self.append(detectors) self._settings = {} for key in kwargs: self.settings[key]=kwargs[key] self.settings['concept']=concept
@property def analysers(self): return self._analysers @analysers.getter def analysers(self): return self._analysers @analysers.setter def analysers(self,Analysers): if len(self.analysers)!=0: warnings.warn('The list of analysers is not empty! Appending new analyser(s)') if isinstance(Analysers, list): for ana in Analysers: if not issubclass(type(ana),Analyser.Analyser): raise AttributeError('Object is not an analyser or a simple list of these') self._analysers.append(ana) else: if not issubclass(type(Analysers),Analyser.Analyser): raise AttributeError('Object is not an analyser or a simple list of these') self._analysers.append(Analysers) @property def detectors(self): return self._detectors @detectors.getter def detectors(self): return self._detectors @detectors.setter def detectors(self,Detectors): if len(self.detectors)!=0: warnings.warn('The list of detectors is not empty! Appending new detector(s)') if isinstance(Detectors, list): for det in Detectors: if not issubclass(type(det),Detector.Detector): raise AttributeError('Object is not a detector or a simple list of these') self._detectors.append(det) else: if not issubclass(type(Detectors),Detector.Detector): raise AttributeError('Object is not a detector or a simple list of these') self._detectors.append(Detectors) @property def settings(self): return self._settings @settings.getter def settings(self): return self._settings @settings.setter def settings(self,*args,**kwargs): raise NotImplementedError('Settings cannot be overwritten.')
[docs] def append(self,Object): """Append Object(s) to corresponding list. Args: - object (Detector(s)/Analyser(s)): Single detector/analyser of list of detectors/analysers """ if isinstance(Object,list): for obj in Object: if issubclass(type(obj),Analyser.Analyser): self._analysers.append(obj) elif issubclass(type(obj),Detector.Detector): self._detectors.append(obj) else: raise AttributeError('Object not analyser or detector or a simple list of these') else: if issubclass(type(Object),Analyser.Analyser): self._analysers.append(Object) elif issubclass(type(Object),Detector.Detector): self._detectors.append(Object) else: raise AttributeError('Object not analyser or detector or a simple list of these')
[docs] @_tools.KwargChecker() def plot(self,ax,offset=(0,0,0)): """Recursive plotting routine.""" for obj in self.analysers+self.detectors: obj.plot(ax,offset=np.array(self.position,dtype=float)+np.array(offset,dtype=float))
def __str__(self): string = '' string+="{} with settings:\nPosition = {}\n".format(self.__class__,self.position) string+='Containing analysers:\n' for ana in self.analysers: string+='\t'+str(ana)+'\n' string+='Containing detectors:\n' for det in self.detectors: string+='\t'+str(det)+'\n' return string
[docs] def calculateDetectorAnalyserPositions(self): """Find neutron position on analyser and detector. Assuming that the analyser is in the z=0 plane.""" if(len(self.detectors)==0 or len(self.analysers)==0): raise ValueError('Wedge does not contain detectors and/or analysers.') detectorPixelPositions = [] analyserPixelPositions = [] if self.settings['concept']=='OneToOne': if len(self.detectors)!=len(self.analysers): raise RuntimeError('Concept set to OneToOne but number of detectors does not mach analysers ({}!?{}'.format(len(self.detectors),len(self.analysers))) detectorCounter = 0 for det in self.detectors: PixelPos = det.getPixelPositions()+self.position if len(PixelPos)!=1: raise ValueError("OneToOne concept chosen by detector split into multiple parts!") detectorPixelPositions.append(PixelPos) LDA = PixelPos[0]-self.analysers[detectorCounter].position # Detector - analyser vector LAS = self.analysers[detectorCounter].position+self.position vertical = np.array([0,0,1]) perpVect = np.cross(vertical,LAS) deltaXD =,perpVect) LD = np.linalg.norm(LDA,axis=1) LA = np.linalg.norm(LAS) deltaXDprime = deltaXD/(LD/LA+1.0) analyserPixelPositions.append(np.outer(deltaXDprime,perpVect)+self.analysers[detectorCounter].position+self.position) detectorCounter+=1 elif self.settings['concept']=='ManyToMany': for det in self.detectors: PixelPos = [x +self.position for x in det.getPixelPositions()] if len(PixelPos)!=len(self.analysers): raise ValueError("ManyToMany concept chosen by detector split into number of parts not matching number of analysers!") detectorPixelPositions.append(np.concatenate(PixelPos)) vertical = np.array([0,0,1]) LAS = [self.analysers[i].position+self.position for i in range(len(PixelPos))] perpVect = [np.cross(vertical,LAS[i])/(np.linalg.norm(np.cross(vertical,LAS[i]))) for i in range(len(PixelPos))] deltaXD = [[i],perpVect[i]) for i in range(len(PixelPos))] LDA = [np.array(PixelPos[i])-np.array(deltaXD[i]).reshape(-1,1)*np.array(perpVect[i]).reshape(1,3)-self.analysers[i].position for i in range(len(PixelPos))] LD = [np.linalg.norm(LDA[i],axis=1) for i in range(len(PixelPos))] LA = [np.linalg.norm(LAS[i]) for i in range(len(PixelPos))] deltaXDprime = [deltaXD[i]/(LD[i]/LA[i]+1.0) for i in range(len(PixelPos))] analyserPixelPositions.append(np.concatenate([np.outer(deltaXDprime[i],perpVect[i])+self.analysers[i].position+self.position for i in range(len(PixelPos))])) else: raise ValueError("Wedge does not contain a Concept setting that is understood. Should be either 'OneToOne' or 'ManyToMany'") return detectorPixelPositions,analyserPixelPositions