.. :DataSet: Data Set ======== .. currentmodule:: Data.DataSet The DataSet object is the interface between the data files and the data treatment and visualziation. It is both responsible for the conversion of raw '.h5'-files into '.nxs'-files as well as plotting these. Extracting values from this object results in a list of values where the first dimension is determined from the number of data files provided. .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: DataSet.DataSet DataSet.DataSet.convertDataFile DataSet.DataSet.cut1D DataSet.DataSet.plotCut1D DataSet.DataSet.cutQE DataSet.DataSet.plotCutQE DataSet.DataSet.cutPowder DataSet.DataSet.plotCutPowder DataSet.DataSet.plotQPlane DataSet.DataSet.cutQELine DataSet.DataSet.plotCutQELine .. automodule:: Data :members: DataSet Object and Methods -------------------------- Object to take care of all data conversion and treatment taking it from raw hdf5 files obtained at the instrument into re-binned data sets converted to S(q,omega). .. automodule:: DataSet :members: .. _DataSet: .. autoclass:: DataSet :members: